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Twenty years lived without electricity, gas and running water

Belarusian hermit for 20 years lived without electricity, gas and running water, but on their land

They only vaguely heard about the economic crisis in the world and the country. People see once a month in winter - even rarer. In a small hut, strewn with fallen leaves, there is no light, water and gas. But the medieval way of life, it turns out, does not stop being happy. Tamara and Yuri Boyko, farmers hermit, two decades ago, decided to create a family business and burned. Lost apartment house in the village, in short, everything. Their only refuge was the own land in the Rossony district ...
taken from here: realt.onliner.by

Will text and 28 photos. Do not break yourself.

- Our history is typical of the perestroika era, we lost generation - says smiling scrawny little man with vsklochennymi straw-colored hair, who introduced Yuri farmer. - I am from Leningrad, but the city never liked. Working with recyclable materials for the winter season safely earned seven months a comfortable rural life with his wife and went to stay with relatives in the village Yukhnovich located nearby. At first, just come to rest, after the house was bought, wildlife acquired, in a stable ladybug appeared, then they have become 5. Then the official could keep only one cow. I drive my mouth, and the neighbor shouted: "Hand over, Yurko, cows in the farm. Nasta Taba much? ". Envied in general.

And then it slammed perestroika beginning to emerge farmers' movement. I, without thinking twice, wrote in Moscow, Gorbachev. A week from Vitebsk came two black "Volga", are poured round stall "comrades." Talk to me, consulted with each other and with the fly was given 50 hectares of land.

Yuri K. realized that in order to start a business will require major investment, and went for broke. In 1991, he sold the apartment in Leningrad, Yukhnovich house in the village and at the 16-year-old daughter and my wife went to cultivate their land.

- We were desperate - says the farmer's wife, Tamara Fedorovna. - To our ground even normal paved road was not. Cows and other animals self-propelled drove all day. They came in the evening completely exhausted, lay under a tree and fell asleep. Statement did not think it was necessary to animals "register". Built basic shelters, while they themselves slept on blankets near the fire, postelennuyu on spruce spruce branches. If there was a rain - were covered with oilcloth.

- Since a while I was a kilo of flour, rusty nails, a hammer, an ax and a wire - laughing farmer. - Try to turn bare ass! A month later dragged the old planks, bricks, a few logs of wood, built the shed for a month in which we live today. Then, of course, thought that this patch ...

At first, everything went perfectly. Although not too comfortable living conditions, the economy expanded, and by 1998 only the cows was 15, there was a car. Meanwhile, the neighboring farm gradually grew sickly - 90 cows that existed there in the first, there are only 29.

- A few years on my "farm laborers" living homeless 3, - says Yuri Roerich. - In the field helped with the cattle were driven, bath built. I work for food, shelter, plus the day they had half a liter "on the nose" affix. My wife put her hands cattleman size 2 times greater than our apartment house, 2 greenhouses, built a spacious cellar. But gradually in Belarus demand for our products began to fall in Russia, too, things have not really gone. At some point we realized that we began to work almost at a loss. As it happened - I'll never know. People had to disband, most cows to sell part of the land - to return ...

House, where hermits live Boyko, really far from the choir. Its area - smaller than a conventional garage, just enough that the two cot where farmers are sleeping, dining table and made "of what was" so covered with clay oven. Along the walls - the shelves. They - useful household items, books, cats and cats. The small windows knocked out a third glass, foil and holes patched rags.

- It goats guilty, - says Yuri K. - the horns scratching the walls, the food asked, knocking, that ...
The place where there is a house-outhouse, built more than two decades ago, picturesque. On the one hand - the river, the other - a pine forest, on the sides - a water meadow and marsh. Near the house - two huge tree beneath them - the remains of the basement lined with boulders: say, a hundred years ago there was a strong peasant farmstead. Across the river, by the way, Russia has, to the nearest village in Belarus - twelve kilometers.

- Earth that you see around - a swamp, meadow, field, this is my land - about 5 acres - proudly carries us through his possessions, Yuri Boyko. - This year, a half a hectare of potatoes planted, 3-5 acres of radish, beans, cabbage, beets and other vegetables. There were a couple of acres of strawberries for her granddaughter. In fact, we are of the crop for five years is enough, we will distribute a large part of the beast and feed.

In the yard, chasing a bird, running Boiko's granddaughter - she came to a woman with his grandfather to relax for the weekend. The daughter of farmers have long been moved to the village to live, he did not survive, "extreme", married, living in his house. She regularly visits the parents, it brings products and things that are indispensable in everyday life, she goes back with goodies collected from the garden and the forest ....

Yuri K. complains that the forest is not the same, says the cause is global warming. Before he could for the season and 1, 5 tons of porcini, aspen and brown cap boletus collect, and now, according to him, the forest "empty". As confirmation of his words the hermit shows the results of the campaign for mushrooms a couple of weeks ago - "only" bag of dried boletus and aspen mushrooms! Is the harvest? Right next to the house a farmer built a mushroom farm - threw an old birch bark peeled, scattered it around the stump. A couple of years this place has grown a whole meadow honey agaric.

- How many living creatures here, I honestly do not know - says Tamara Fedorovna, - ducks, geese and chickens do not believe two cows, goats head, probably twenty. And we do not have the time to conduct accounting, working from morning to night. Pension for half a year removed from the account - hands do not reach. Now here we descend, we get the money, the savings add, buy a bull.

Farmers hermit preparing for winter. Trees standing at their small house, generously poured its foliage. They raked leaves these to the walls, and by mid-November the house will be almost completely buried under them - the natural insulation. Yuriy Boiko will soon insert the broken window panes and hang a blanket over the door.

- In winter, of course, chilly, wood has to throw all day - says Tamara Fedorovna. - But nothing on the right. With us another 4 cats and two dogs will live!

As a family located a few meters of living space - the mind boggles.

Wild predators hermits Boyko not touch. Although at first the wolves were circling, howled every night, sometimes sheep and goats disappeared. The secret knowledge of how to communicate with wild animals, farmers passed now deceased grandfather, who lived on a farm nearby.

- It can be seen in the end we are with them to determine who in the territory of a host - Yuri K. laughs. - For fifteen years the wolves have not touched. With people problems, too, count, there was, all these years I lived without locks. The first trouble occurred just a couple of weeks ago - I stole a boat. Whites went into the forest to collect, there is no going back -Boat. I shout: "Grandma, the boat was gone!". And she goes, paddle in one hand holds, his shoulders shaking. Like, everything we now do not have the boat ... called the police. Searched-searched, it was found that the thieves to pull away it could not. The next day me my boat pulled local fishermen familiar - and I told them yes potatoes other vegetables slept.

- The country has a crisis, they say? - He asks. - I honestly do not know, I have one and a half months of the receiver does not work - batteries are exhausted. In general, I have all these crises do not worry, potato growing, geese, chickens are - we die of hunger.

The dashing 1990s not far from the land Boyko took the trail of smugglers. The day could go a few dozen cars laden with a wide variety of goods from Russia to Belarus and back. According to the farmer, and light vehicles went and trucks. Even KAMAZ times. On the one hand, he was a restless folk - for each eye so the eye is needed. On the other - all needed some help, and paying products in Russia were taken: one pair of sticks of dry sausage will, electronics anyone who is building materials. The flow of smuggling cars and cut off when a wooden bridge could not stand laden gas stoves KAMAZ and collapsed ... Most did not rebuilt, but to the nearest Russian village where my daughter lives Boyko, from that time can only be reached by boat ...

- If you are now offered a 3-room apartment in the center of Minsk, threw it all?

- No, of course - the issue of the farmer wonders. - I've been quietly live his own master, no one bothers. Why do I need this apartment? (laughs).

- I, too, this apartment gift is not necessary - supports her husband Tamara Fedorovna.

- And here is sick, how will you be treated?

- Do not get sick, we thank God for all these years, I have, in my opinion, never caught a cold - meets Tamara Fedorovna. - In the neighboring villages, and sore throats and the flu run and do not look to us, Lord, save me! And no ... Still grandfather once got sick! Five years ago, a cow milked in the morning, feeling unwell, barely came up to the house and lay down on the bed. So two weeks and lain. Then he stood up - and again for work.

- And what you do when you become very old?

- So we will work, - says Yuri K. confidence. - Mushrooms collect all sorts of herbs, berries. Hens in the farm leave, watch them practically something and do not have to. And if at all it will be bad - until we reach the river, catch some fish, sit .... Yes, early to think about it now - I'm only a 64!


























