Santa does good on the Moscow Ring Road
When Santa at his post, to overcome the long section of one kilometer away of rubble takes 7-10 minutes, when it is not - four times as much.
In the morning on weekdays on the curb at the exit of rubble on the Ring Road is a black Hyndai Santa Fe. The owner of the car - 34-year-old Dmitri Tarasov - on duty at this point to help butovtsam leave the area, avoid congestion.
Before you get behind the wheel, check for local motorists Yandex-map on his office whether drivers who they know under the name of Santa. Thanks Dmitry they manage four times to reduce time spent in traffic.
Dmitry park your car on the side of the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road.
He thus makes it impossible for drivers moving around the ring to pass on this side of the road, thus blocking the movement of those who are trying to leave the Butovo.
In this way he has been doing for six months. "All last winter the trucks stood on the sidelines when they left in the spring, I took their place," - says Tarasov.
On the post of Santa arrives by 9 am, after will take 3-year-old son to kindergarten.
While Dmitry stands on the sidelines, he reads a message in a mobile application on Yandex-maps.
Among them are friendly, like "Thank you, Santa!" And angry: "Again Moscow blocked!". "I'm in the way those who violate traffic rules in order to save 10 seconds of your time. They are egoists who do not think that because of them the other people stood for hours in traffic, "- says Dmitry.
Periodically Dmitry out of the car, he always nod and smile visiting motorists of rubble. Every 15 minutes trying to remove the car from the curb tow. "I say broke, put a warning triangle and all" - explains Santa.
He is on duty for about an hour, and then sent to the area of Vnukovo, which works on a construction site foreman. So he
Dmitry Tarasov on duty on weekdays on the sidelines at the exit of rubble on the Ring Road to help the residents to leave the area, avoid congestion
Recently, some of the drivers on Yandex-maps Santo asked to leave your phone number. Then by Dmitry added 500 rubles, and then came the message: "Santa is a" thank you "for your floors to leave the Butovo. I hope that other drivers Butovo also said thank you. "
Later came another SMS: «Thank you from the Hyundai Elantra 901", and Santa has dropped by another 100 rubles. Starter Last Post turned 24-year-old Mikhail Butov Pullman. "I wake up like, just look at Yandex card, if I see that Santa is, in a hurry to leave. If it is not - there is no sense to rush, still stuck in traffic and late for work ", - said Mikhail. According to him, half an hour after being on the sidelines appears Dmitry cork slowly dissolves. When Santa at his post, to overcome the long section of one kilometer away of rubble takes 7-10 minutes, when it is not - four times as much.
Pullman noted that the initiative belongs to the Santa with respect, but to become his partner does not plan: "It's not a lack of free time, I'm just not ready for such a number of enemies».
However, according to Tarasov among car owners have found a man who from time to time replace it. But men do not agree with each other and do not even know. "This driver Mercedes. If you see that it is, we exchanged greetings and I continue going about their business, "- says Santa.
"Tarasov started a good deal. Hello to him from me, "- says Sergey Kahn, the leader of the Moscow branch of the Federation of Russian Motorists (AFD). But according to him, Santa risks a fine for parking on the roadside, and the bill for the evacuation of the machine. "Serviceability car still needs to prove it, but with a strong desire traffic police can do it" - warns Kanaev.
- all.
When Santa at his post, to overcome the long section of one kilometer away of rubble takes 7-10 minutes, when it is not - four times as much.
In the morning on weekdays on the curb at the exit of rubble on the Ring Road is a black Hyndai Santa Fe. The owner of the car - 34-year-old Dmitri Tarasov - on duty at this point to help butovtsam leave the area, avoid congestion.
Before you get behind the wheel, check for local motorists Yandex-map on his office whether drivers who they know under the name of Santa. Thanks Dmitry they manage four times to reduce time spent in traffic.
Dmitry park your car on the side of the inner side of the Moscow Ring Road.
He thus makes it impossible for drivers moving around the ring to pass on this side of the road, thus blocking the movement of those who are trying to leave the Butovo.
In this way he has been doing for six months. "All last winter the trucks stood on the sidelines when they left in the spring, I took their place," - says Tarasov.
On the post of Santa arrives by 9 am, after will take 3-year-old son to kindergarten.
While Dmitry stands on the sidelines, he reads a message in a mobile application on Yandex-maps.
Among them are friendly, like "Thank you, Santa!" And angry: "Again Moscow blocked!". "I'm in the way those who violate traffic rules in order to save 10 seconds of your time. They are egoists who do not think that because of them the other people stood for hours in traffic, "- says Dmitry.
Periodically Dmitry out of the car, he always nod and smile visiting motorists of rubble. Every 15 minutes trying to remove the car from the curb tow. "I say broke, put a warning triangle and all" - explains Santa.
He is on duty for about an hour, and then sent to the area of Vnukovo, which works on a construction site foreman. So he
Dmitry Tarasov on duty on weekdays on the sidelines at the exit of rubble on the Ring Road to help the residents to leave the area, avoid congestion

Recently, some of the drivers on Yandex-maps Santo asked to leave your phone number. Then by Dmitry added 500 rubles, and then came the message: "Santa is a" thank you "for your floors to leave the Butovo. I hope that other drivers Butovo also said thank you. "
Later came another SMS: «Thank you from the Hyundai Elantra 901", and Santa has dropped by another 100 rubles. Starter Last Post turned 24-year-old Mikhail Butov Pullman. "I wake up like, just look at Yandex card, if I see that Santa is, in a hurry to leave. If it is not - there is no sense to rush, still stuck in traffic and late for work ", - said Mikhail. According to him, half an hour after being on the sidelines appears Dmitry cork slowly dissolves. When Santa at his post, to overcome the long section of one kilometer away of rubble takes 7-10 minutes, when it is not - four times as much.
Pullman noted that the initiative belongs to the Santa with respect, but to become his partner does not plan: "It's not a lack of free time, I'm just not ready for such a number of enemies».
However, according to Tarasov among car owners have found a man who from time to time replace it. But men do not agree with each other and do not even know. "This driver Mercedes. If you see that it is, we exchanged greetings and I continue going about their business, "- says Santa.
"Tarasov started a good deal. Hello to him from me, "- says Sergey Kahn, the leader of the Moscow branch of the Federation of Russian Motorists (AFD). But according to him, Santa risks a fine for parking on the roadside, and the bill for the evacuation of the machine. "Serviceability car still needs to prove it, but with a strong desire traffic police can do it" - warns Kanaev.
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