General, Santa and sysadmin

1. Santa beard, thick and ridiculously dressed
2. When you ask for something from Santa, the chances of getting it tend to zero
3. Santa rarely responds to mail
4. When you ask Santa, where he takes all that he has, he says: "It's a miracle ...»
5. Santa does not care about the timing of your projects
6. Your parents are credited with supernatural powers to Santa, but do it all yourself.
7. No one knows to whom Santa responsible for their actions
8. Santa TOO many laughs.
9. Santa does not hesitate to break into your $ HOME
10. Only crazy bad speaks of Santa in his presence
11. Santa has to do all the work when there are no users.
12. He has to work even in the official weekend
13. He argues that it is unique, but you often meet the same ... he
14. Users of an incredible number of unreasonable requests, but in the end, all they need is a new toy
15. Where people do not believe in, be sure there is someone who does the same thing, only his name differently
16. People are just not enough to see the results of his work. They keep pestering questions about how he beats
17. Even non-believers are praying that he would come.
18. He is the only one who laughs at his own jokes
19. He will never find another job; his resume is too specific.
20. In order to do his job, he is forced to climb into the narrow and dirty place ... even if he's wearing a nice suit
21. And finally ... even if his work is largely immaterial, the world becomes a better place because of his presence.