15 psychological techniques every day, you need to know

Positioning of the interlocutor, to soften the anger of the chief, to succeed from business partners and even fall in love with yourself, using simple psychological techniques. The website publishes a list of psychological techniques, confirmed by practice. Perhaps some of them resemble the manipulation... However, these same techniques can be used to communicate with you, and forewarned is forearmed!
1. In the beginning of note the eye color of one of the present. Let this information not useful (unless of course you are not going to dedicate poetry to him). But this technique helps to achieve optimal eye contact, showing your buddies your friendliness and confidence.
2. People remember best what happened at the beginning and at the end of the day, and everything that happens between the perceived blurred. Therefore, when setting the time for the interview, try to be first or last in the list of candidates.
3. The position of the feet in people participating in the conversation can issue their hidden emotions. For example, if you walk up to two friends and they turn to you and only the body, maintaining the position of the feet, they are clearly you are not located. In the same way turned away from you noses of shoes or boots interlocutor saying that he wants to leave.
4. When a group of people covers the laughter, each instinctively looks at who they are most attractive. This, incidentally, is a great way to calculate the office.
5. If you want an honest answer to the question, but the source eludes, pause, as do qualified psychotherapists. A moment of silence, continuing to look in the eyes. As a rule, man becomes awkward and he tends to fill the pause.
6. If you feel that the chief is prepared to give you the dressing on the brief, sit right next to him. Your immediate proximity will reduce its level of aggression, and you will be able to get away with it.
7. If you ask people about small favors, they start to feel to you sympathy. This is the psychological mechanism: we do appreciate those who at least once cared.
8. Try to remember the name of the person at the first meeting and use it in subsequent communication. It will offer it to you.
9. Unobtrusive mirroring other people's gestures contribute to establishing trust. The main thing — do not overdo it.
10. Making his way through the crowd, try to look at the gaps between people, not on them. It forces people to part in front of you.
11. A date with adrenaline — for example, ride a roller coaster, watching a horror movie or a joint flight in an aeroplane — stimulates the arousal centers in the brain and brings you to the object of passion.
12. Try not to begin sentences with "I think" and "I think". It's implicit in your speech, but shows sometimes unnecessary uncertainty.
13. The best way to learn is to teach. If you learned something new or mastered a new skill, try to share them with others.
14. It is important for people their own view of themselves. Try to understand how others see themselves in their own eyes.
15. If your job is in customer service, put behind the mirror. This will allow people waiting for their turn, less bored and pissed off about it.
16. Meet with the person you want to like? Then, more vividly and emotionally demonstrate the joy of meeting with him. This will make him enjoy you almost as intensely the next time.
via www.psychologies.ru/self-knowledge/behavior/16-psihologicheskih-priemov-na-kajdyiy-den/
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