They shot a video the day without a break, and at 7 am Basta said something fell the whole crew!
Six million one hundred seventy one thousand six hundred sixty four
Site publishes an amusing story which was told well-known LiveJournal blogger and Director Alesya Kazantseva. Recently shot a video for the strikers. Before that, I had no idea who it is. It turned out that Basta is Basil.
I don't usually write about those with whom you work. But Vasily was a very good man, he can not write. I fell in love with Basil. We watered it the whole day, sent him hot steam, and before that he ran last winter in the shales and shorts in the snow, it blew an icy wind. And Basil didn't say a word. He suffered and tried.
At seven in the morning, when I went to the 25th hour of shooting and Basil had to go to the airport because he's having two concerts in another city for three hours each, he said what I think already that year: "You guys are like good marijuana and therefore you only have one request: RELEASE ME."
via eprst2000.livejournal.com/133119.html
Site publishes an amusing story which was told well-known LiveJournal blogger and Director Alesya Kazantseva. Recently shot a video for the strikers. Before that, I had no idea who it is. It turned out that Basta is Basil.
I don't usually write about those with whom you work. But Vasily was a very good man, he can not write. I fell in love with Basil. We watered it the whole day, sent him hot steam, and before that he ran last winter in the shales and shorts in the snow, it blew an icy wind. And Basil didn't say a word. He suffered and tried.
At seven in the morning, when I went to the 25th hour of shooting and Basil had to go to the airport because he's having two concerts in another city for three hours each, he said what I think already that year: "You guys are like good marijuana and therefore you only have one request: RELEASE ME."
via eprst2000.livejournal.com/133119.html
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