As filming "Gentlemen of Fortune" (20 pictures)
December 13, 1971 in Moscow cinema "Russia" was the premiere of the legendary comedy "Gentlemen of Fortune." Let us today remember this movie masterpiece, and see how was the process of its creation.
The film "Gentlemen of Fortune" in 1972, looked at about 65 million people. Witnesses said that in the first days after the premiere of the morning speculators bought up all the tickets, the maximum price which was 20 cents, and sold them for 3 rubles. Movie attendance is ranked 12th among Soviet films in the history of Soviet cinema.
Directed by painting many people mistakenly believe Danelia. In fact, "Gentlemen 'shot Alexander Gray and Danelia along with Victoria Tokarev was the author of the script. "Because of its unrestrained, jealous temper Sasha was in prison - says Danelia. - He was given 8 years, but he went out early, four years later, with no money or work. We were friends, studied together at the University for more director's course, so I offered him: writing the script and become the artistic director of the painting, and he takes off. At that decided to do ».
The idea of the film has presented a well-known scriptwriter Valentin Yezhov. Initially, however, the story was quite different: the good Captain / Lieutenant powers of persuasion to re thugs, but senior police chiefs did not like this idea. As a result, the main character was the director of the kindergarten, and its antipode - jailbird named Associate Professor.
The final composition of the cast is also different from the original. The main role once were given Evgeny Leonov. But thieves retsedivistov had to play Andrei Mironov, Rolan Bykov, Yuri Nikulin and Savely Kramarov.
Originally the script called "recidivist". There was a gang of crooks (forger, gigolo, hustler and con) and confront them police officers. Rolan Bykov - counterfeiter named millimeters; Yuri Nikulin - a professional gigolo, a polygamist; Andrei Mironov - a crook named Dude. Stealing cars and selling them in Tbilisi; Savely Kramarov - small pickpocket nicknamed Squint. Scenario application has not yet been approved, and almost all the actors have refused to participate in the film. Everyone - in their good cause. Mironov waiting for the other shooting, Nikulin did not want to re-appear on the screen in the comedy role Bykov were more important things to do. Therefore, there was only a swindler screenplays oblique. All other characters are copied, and the main character was the head of the kindergarten. On the role of Khmyrov first I auditioned Lev Durov, but played the character George Vitsin. It was initially unsuccessful audition and Savely Kramarova but Danelia persuaded the authorities, and Savely V. become skew. "By the time I Kramarov starred in several films, - said Danelia. - I believe. However, when he emigrated to the actor, he tried to cut. But I wrote to them that they are committing an ideological error. He offered to see the picture more closely, because the actor playing Kramarov bandit and renegade. ACT! We leave everything as it was ».
The biggest problems were with the role of Basil Alibabaevicha. "I know why take? Because all the little white and Radik Muratov - he is black "- later told Radner Muratov. His first he invited for a cameo warden. Basil Alibabaevicha first had to play Frunzik Mkrtchyan. However, Mkrtchyan was unable to come to the shooting because of participation in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Armenian SSR. Time to find a new candidate was not, so the role of the warden has been reduced, and Muratov became Vasily Alibabaevicha.
All the thieves it appeared in the picture thanks to Alexander Gray - useful to his prison experience. Posters hanging in the chamber: "On freedom - with a clear conscience," "Remember yourself, tell another that honest work - the road to the house", as well as thieves jargon: "Channel here", "I'll tear your mouth apart, morgaly vykoli" - a everything there, from the area.
"But about the" man in a jacket "(a monument to Lermontov) Danelia we have thought up" - says Tokarev. Censorship very seriously criticized the dialogue in the script of the film. From the authors of the script required to clean as much as possible "thieves jargon", which appeared as a result of various new "quasi-criminals" of the word "radish", "sausage", "Nebuchadnezzar" and others. And there is a legend that in the burial of the "shelf" film saved Interior Minister Nikolai Schelokov. On the eve of the Day of militia showed him disgraced "Gentlemen of Fortune" and he laughed so hard that at times drowned out the cues wafting from the screen. General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, who laughed at least Schёlokova and about slang said: "Yes, half of the words we know every street urchin».
Still, when Yevgeny Leonov camel rides, shoot as: director invited the trainer to put itself on the shoulders of the actor to hide behind a camel and walk side by side with him. The fact that Leonov did not succeed, Boris perch on a camel.
A funny thing happened when filming a scene in which Boris spits in Kramarova. In fact, no spitting, of course, was not supposed to. The plan was this: in one frame camel pulls his lips, and the next - show Kramarova, bathed in shaving foam. But so Kramarov Boris grimaced and teased that he spat at him for real, from the heart. Great actor for a long time and then washed off!
There is an opinion that the role of the pupil of a Moscow kindergarten number 83 Igorka was played Igor Ugolnikova in the future become a famous artist. In fact, it's a duck, taken from one of the "Wow»
To shoot in the car with cement for a long time could not find a suitable solution. Radner Muratov told about the shooting because of this episode: "The day when we began to put into it. Mistimed tank with ordinary sourdough, tinted green onion essence. The composition was so pungent, sticky ... we Got out after the shooting of this solution and quickly wash, somehow by itself otskrebli it. Enjoying and Vitsin not. It turned out that he continues to sit in the tank because it found that the composition of 23 herbs and 15 years prolongs youth ».
The tank with lzhetsementom refused to climb Savely Kramarov. He was claustrophobic. "A shot in which the cement float all the actors filmed in the pavilion, and the car was not Kramarova - told" AIF. TV Tour Guide "operator picture George Kupriyanov. - If you carefully watch the film, it can be seen. From the tank gets first Leonov, then - Vitsin, and when his turn comes to Kramarova, the frame appears camel. Then the camera shows again the car, which jumps Kramarov. I confess perebivki camel turned out not very successful, but in a different way to hide the absence of an actor in the tank was not possible ».
But the clothes shot and tried to dry the main characters plunged into a real cement. He, as you remember, froze, and the criminals fled naked ».
Moscow scene was shot in February and March, but in the capital, unfortunately, the rain poured. The crew went to Samarkand, started to work there, when the end of March comes the telegram: "In Moscow, the snow fell, quickly come!" For a week re-filmed part of the winter scenes: how the characters learn English on a snowy country, do exercises and how to Assistant Professor gets hole of a golden helmet of Alexander of Macedon.
By the way, the episode in which prisoners rubbing each other with snow and shout - cast impromptu. Actually it planned to remove the ordinary charging. Leonov, Vitsin Kramarov and agreed to refuse to undress in the cold. However, the unexpected happened: Muratov (Vasily Alibabaevich) was late for filming and did not know about the agreement, so jumped on the snow melts. The others also had to undress ... Kramarov decided to take revenge Muratov - crept up to him and started rubbing snow. Alibabaevich yelled in surprise and grabbed the game and Vitsin treated Kramarova snow. In such a double and came into the picture.
Remember how in the movie "cook" Vasily Alibabaevich ("Bon appetit! Sit down to eat, please!") Ignites the kerosene and then is heard an explosion and light up the whole house? The scene was filmed in one of the houses in Moscow, which was intended to be demolished. So first it allowed filmmakers without problems, and then gave him the opportunity to burn. "Everything was burning really, - says Alexander Demidov. - Fortunately, Radner Muratov in the explosion did not hurt, all precautions have been taken. But the trouble crept up from the other side so the film crew was fascinated by the process that has ceased to notice the danger. As a result, operators and assistants literally dragged by the scruff of the fire ».
Helmet Makedon¬skogo Alexander, because of which the film ignite serious passions, made in sham shop "Mosfilm". After the filming took it as a souvenir picture director Alexander Demidov. "Once he was asked to draw a painter friend of mine - she admitted. - When a woman died suddenly, it became clear that the helmet was given to someone else. No matter how I tried to find traces of the "protagonist" "Gentlemen of Fortune", nothing happened. In general, the golden helmet of Alexander the Great disappeared again ».
"Gentlemen of Fortune" took off in just three months - from February to April 1971 Dacha archeology professor - in Serebryany Bor (it was a summer residence of a member of the crew), a kindergarten, a theater and an abandoned house, which hid escaped characters - in Moscow, and the prison escape - in Samarkand.
In the city of Dzhambul (Kazakhstan), which mentions Basil Alibabaevich Alibaba, now renamed to Taraz, a monument to the "gentlemen of fortune". Only here in the sculpture is not a "gentleman of fortune" - bloke. Another interesting detail associated with this city: pop singer Larisa Israelevna Mondrus, who performed a song for the movie "Awake and Sing", was born in Jambul.

The film "Gentlemen of Fortune" in 1972, looked at about 65 million people. Witnesses said that in the first days after the premiere of the morning speculators bought up all the tickets, the maximum price which was 20 cents, and sold them for 3 rubles. Movie attendance is ranked 12th among Soviet films in the history of Soviet cinema.

Directed by painting many people mistakenly believe Danelia. In fact, "Gentlemen 'shot Alexander Gray and Danelia along with Victoria Tokarev was the author of the script. "Because of its unrestrained, jealous temper Sasha was in prison - says Danelia. - He was given 8 years, but he went out early, four years later, with no money or work. We were friends, studied together at the University for more director's course, so I offered him: writing the script and become the artistic director of the painting, and he takes off. At that decided to do ».

The idea of the film has presented a well-known scriptwriter Valentin Yezhov. Initially, however, the story was quite different: the good Captain / Lieutenant powers of persuasion to re thugs, but senior police chiefs did not like this idea. As a result, the main character was the director of the kindergarten, and its antipode - jailbird named Associate Professor.

The final composition of the cast is also different from the original. The main role once were given Evgeny Leonov. But thieves retsedivistov had to play Andrei Mironov, Rolan Bykov, Yuri Nikulin and Savely Kramarov.

Originally the script called "recidivist". There was a gang of crooks (forger, gigolo, hustler and con) and confront them police officers. Rolan Bykov - counterfeiter named millimeters; Yuri Nikulin - a professional gigolo, a polygamist; Andrei Mironov - a crook named Dude. Stealing cars and selling them in Tbilisi; Savely Kramarov - small pickpocket nicknamed Squint. Scenario application has not yet been approved, and almost all the actors have refused to participate in the film. Everyone - in their good cause. Mironov waiting for the other shooting, Nikulin did not want to re-appear on the screen in the comedy role Bykov were more important things to do. Therefore, there was only a swindler screenplays oblique. All other characters are copied, and the main character was the head of the kindergarten. On the role of Khmyrov first I auditioned Lev Durov, but played the character George Vitsin. It was initially unsuccessful audition and Savely Kramarova but Danelia persuaded the authorities, and Savely V. become skew. "By the time I Kramarov starred in several films, - said Danelia. - I believe. However, when he emigrated to the actor, he tried to cut. But I wrote to them that they are committing an ideological error. He offered to see the picture more closely, because the actor playing Kramarov bandit and renegade. ACT! We leave everything as it was ».

The biggest problems were with the role of Basil Alibabaevicha. "I know why take? Because all the little white and Radik Muratov - he is black "- later told Radner Muratov. His first he invited for a cameo warden. Basil Alibabaevicha first had to play Frunzik Mkrtchyan. However, Mkrtchyan was unable to come to the shooting because of participation in the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the Armenian SSR. Time to find a new candidate was not, so the role of the warden has been reduced, and Muratov became Vasily Alibabaevicha.

All the thieves it appeared in the picture thanks to Alexander Gray - useful to his prison experience. Posters hanging in the chamber: "On freedom - with a clear conscience," "Remember yourself, tell another that honest work - the road to the house", as well as thieves jargon: "Channel here", "I'll tear your mouth apart, morgaly vykoli" - a everything there, from the area.

"But about the" man in a jacket "(a monument to Lermontov) Danelia we have thought up" - says Tokarev. Censorship very seriously criticized the dialogue in the script of the film. From the authors of the script required to clean as much as possible "thieves jargon", which appeared as a result of various new "quasi-criminals" of the word "radish", "sausage", "Nebuchadnezzar" and others. And there is a legend that in the burial of the "shelf" film saved Interior Minister Nikolai Schelokov. On the eve of the Day of militia showed him disgraced "Gentlemen of Fortune" and he laughed so hard that at times drowned out the cues wafting from the screen. General Secretary Leonid Brezhnev, who laughed at least Schёlokova and about slang said: "Yes, half of the words we know every street urchin».

Still, when Yevgeny Leonov camel rides, shoot as: director invited the trainer to put itself on the shoulders of the actor to hide behind a camel and walk side by side with him. The fact that Leonov did not succeed, Boris perch on a camel.

A funny thing happened when filming a scene in which Boris spits in Kramarova. In fact, no spitting, of course, was not supposed to. The plan was this: in one frame camel pulls his lips, and the next - show Kramarova, bathed in shaving foam. But so Kramarov Boris grimaced and teased that he spat at him for real, from the heart. Great actor for a long time and then washed off!

There is an opinion that the role of the pupil of a Moscow kindergarten number 83 Igorka was played Igor Ugolnikova in the future become a famous artist. In fact, it's a duck, taken from one of the "Wow»

To shoot in the car with cement for a long time could not find a suitable solution. Radner Muratov told about the shooting because of this episode: "The day when we began to put into it. Mistimed tank with ordinary sourdough, tinted green onion essence. The composition was so pungent, sticky ... we Got out after the shooting of this solution and quickly wash, somehow by itself otskrebli it. Enjoying and Vitsin not. It turned out that he continues to sit in the tank because it found that the composition of 23 herbs and 15 years prolongs youth ».

The tank with lzhetsementom refused to climb Savely Kramarov. He was claustrophobic. "A shot in which the cement float all the actors filmed in the pavilion, and the car was not Kramarova - told" AIF. TV Tour Guide "operator picture George Kupriyanov. - If you carefully watch the film, it can be seen. From the tank gets first Leonov, then - Vitsin, and when his turn comes to Kramarova, the frame appears camel. Then the camera shows again the car, which jumps Kramarov. I confess perebivki camel turned out not very successful, but in a different way to hide the absence of an actor in the tank was not possible ».

But the clothes shot and tried to dry the main characters plunged into a real cement. He, as you remember, froze, and the criminals fled naked ».

Moscow scene was shot in February and March, but in the capital, unfortunately, the rain poured. The crew went to Samarkand, started to work there, when the end of March comes the telegram: "In Moscow, the snow fell, quickly come!" For a week re-filmed part of the winter scenes: how the characters learn English on a snowy country, do exercises and how to Assistant Professor gets hole of a golden helmet of Alexander of Macedon.

By the way, the episode in which prisoners rubbing each other with snow and shout - cast impromptu. Actually it planned to remove the ordinary charging. Leonov, Vitsin Kramarov and agreed to refuse to undress in the cold. However, the unexpected happened: Muratov (Vasily Alibabaevich) was late for filming and did not know about the agreement, so jumped on the snow melts. The others also had to undress ... Kramarov decided to take revenge Muratov - crept up to him and started rubbing snow. Alibabaevich yelled in surprise and grabbed the game and Vitsin treated Kramarova snow. In such a double and came into the picture.

Remember how in the movie "cook" Vasily Alibabaevich ("Bon appetit! Sit down to eat, please!") Ignites the kerosene and then is heard an explosion and light up the whole house? The scene was filmed in one of the houses in Moscow, which was intended to be demolished. So first it allowed filmmakers without problems, and then gave him the opportunity to burn. "Everything was burning really, - says Alexander Demidov. - Fortunately, Radner Muratov in the explosion did not hurt, all precautions have been taken. But the trouble crept up from the other side so the film crew was fascinated by the process that has ceased to notice the danger. As a result, operators and assistants literally dragged by the scruff of the fire ».

Helmet Makedon¬skogo Alexander, because of which the film ignite serious passions, made in sham shop "Mosfilm". After the filming took it as a souvenir picture director Alexander Demidov. "Once he was asked to draw a painter friend of mine - she admitted. - When a woman died suddenly, it became clear that the helmet was given to someone else. No matter how I tried to find traces of the "protagonist" "Gentlemen of Fortune", nothing happened. In general, the golden helmet of Alexander the Great disappeared again ».

"Gentlemen of Fortune" took off in just three months - from February to April 1971 Dacha archeology professor - in Serebryany Bor (it was a summer residence of a member of the crew), a kindergarten, a theater and an abandoned house, which hid escaped characters - in Moscow, and the prison escape - in Samarkand.

In the city of Dzhambul (Kazakhstan), which mentions Basil Alibabaevich Alibaba, now renamed to Taraz, a monument to the "gentlemen of fortune". Only here in the sculpture is not a "gentleman of fortune" - bloke. Another interesting detail associated with this city: pop singer Larisa Israelevna Mondrus, who performed a song for the movie "Awake and Sing", was born in Jambul.