"Sit down to eat, please?"
The lost life
What happened after the "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Vasily Alibabaevicha
Text: Evgeny Pavlov
Name and surname of this wonderful actor today hardly anyone can be called immediately. But take a look at the photo, as everyone who loves and reviewing movies from the "golden fund" of Soviet cinema, finds laconic petty swindler Basil Alibabaevicha of the legendary "gentlemen of fortune».
People's Artist of the RSFSR Radner Muratov and lived after his star role under the name of cinematic character. Basil Alibabaevicha he became for his friends and neighbors, and cronies players.
Like many of our great actors, Muratov not stood the test of crazy 90-mi. Someone ruin oneself by drink, someone went into the crime (as Sergei Shevkunenko, who played in the popular adventure films "Dirk" and "Bronze bird"). A Radner Muratov, becoming a regular at the Moscow Hippodrome, lost all savings and almost all their possessions. He's not even a bed, he slept on a previous door hinge. That's the tragedy of life.
It all started very well.
From heaven to VGIK
Radner Muratov born October 21, 1928 in Leningrad. His father was a party worker, later served as the first secretary of the regional committee of the Tatar ASSR. In the 20-30s of the last century in the Soviet Union was the fashion to give children "revolutionary" name - Arvil, Oktiabrina, Vilen ... Name Radner, who gave the boy's parents, stands for "Hail the new era." However, since childhood Radner disliked his name and asked everyone to call him Radik.
Growing up on the exploits of Valery Chkalov, all the boys 30s dreamed of being air aces. He is fond of aviation and Radhika. In 15 years, even during the Great Patriotic War, he enrolled at the Kazan Special School Air Force, who successfully graduated in 1946. But to become a pilot, he had not had a chance. A year after the end of the flight school Radner went to Moscow. And there happened to see an advertisement for the recruitment of students VGIK. Yielding momentary desire, the young man decided to become an actor.
I entered VGIK Radner on the first try. Particularly outstanding ability in teachers when it was found. But at the time just came over distribution list: to recruit actors, not only young men and women with Slavic appearance, but also representatives of different nationalities living in the Union. And there is such a colorful young man! "I know why take? Because all the little white and Radik Muratov - he is black "- Muratov said then in an interview.
Radner was lucky he had been taught already famous for his films about Lenin director Mikhail Romm (later among his pupils was Andrei Tarkovsky, Vasily Shukshin and Nikita Mikhalkov) and director Sergei Yutkevich, which also contributed to the "Leniniana", removing the film "Man with a Gun "" Stories about Lenin "and others. In 1951 Muratov graduated with honors from the University and was admitted to the State Theatre actor. But working there was practically no. Do not showered on the graduate colorful and offers from filmmakers.
First Muratov played a prominent role in the 1955 comedy Anatoly Granik "Maksim Perepelitsa". His soldiers Taskira viewers remember a single phrase: "No you are not the commander." But after ety as a young and obviously talented actor does not often invited to audition. Though the Soviet Union was a multinational country, but the capital's studios scenes where the scene of the union republics were needed and actors - people from them, have appeared less frequently.
"Dinner is served. Sit down to eat, please! »
The most successful of his career Radner Muratov began in 1971, when he played a starring role - Basil Alibabaevicha comedy Alexander Gray, "Gentlemen of Fortune».
However, the first Muratov offered in this film a very different role - warden. But Radner, surprising many, refused to play another transient episode. And he was right.
Basil Alibabaevicha, rogue, who went to prison for having diluted petrol donkey urine, was to play Frunzik Mkrtchyan. But at the last moment, the actor refused, as he was very busy in the theater. Houses began to look for a replacement Mkrtchyan. But it was not so simple: even the famous Vladimir Etush seemed unconvincing in the role of the hapless benzozapravschike from Central Asia. The minutes of the meeting of the artistic council stated: "From the presented at the audition will not do either one, do a screen test I. Rutberg." When unlucky and Ilya Rutberg, who played at that time fizruka debut film by Elem Klimov, "Welcome, or No Trespassing!" Started otsmatrivat contenders again. And then they remembered about the "refuseniks" Muratova.
Victoria Tokarev (writer with Danelia) posprosila Muratova "We comedy. So the game seriously, like Schweitzer in "Time, forward!". "I played seriously ..." - later recalled Muratov. One of his phrase: "Bon appetit. Sit down to eat, please! "Said earnestly, immediately became airborne.
Muratov very serious about shooting in a comedy. And do not even agreed to take part in a conspiracy against the director, in which he tried to draw Leonov, Vitsin and Kramarov. They did not want to run around almost naked in the snow, and even in the 17-degree cold, I wanted to give Alexander Gray plausibility happening on the screen. But Muratov fearlessly undressed and jumped into the cold. Then famous actors decided to take revenge on the novice colleague Kramarov crept up to him and then, before the camera, rubbed with snow and Vitsin, that was fun, and began rubbing himself Kramarova. As a result of this double entered into a movie.
Photo: PhotoXPress.ru
Valery Kitchin: Best Movies of 2013
"The day when the scene was shot in the tank to escape with cement - talked about filming Radner Muratov. - Mistimed tank with ordinary sourdough, tinted green onion essence. The composition was so pungent, sticky ... Got out we are after the filming of this solution and quickly wash ... The shooting was near Samarkand, and there was a factory, while her shower, and that's only forty minutes, forty-five we have this structure somehow by itself otskrebli, our pores breathe again, we again began to turn into a man, looked around, and there is no Vitsin. It turned out that he continues to sit in the tank because it found that the composition of 23 herbs and it is a 15-year prolongs youth & quot ;.
"Gentlemen of Fortune" Radner Muratov brought immense popularity. But the career of an actor is not at all affected. He still appeared in episodes. However, the fate of Radner not complained to the small role he was invited quite often, and paid for them in those days, not bad.
From 1971 to 1986, he starred in two dozen films, including the comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "12 chairs" (the role of chess player) and "can not be!" (Policeman), a comedy Vilen Azarov "incorrigible liar" (Waterer) detective series " Conscience "(Rakhimov), an adventure film series" The Lost Expedition "and the" Golden River "(Ahmetka), a comedy George Danelia" Athos "(Rakhimov Murat), the television series" Eternal Call "(Magomedov).
Love and passion
While studying at VGIK, Muratov met with the local student Isolde Izvitskaya and young people have lived together for three years. But the young beauty turned the head of actor Edward Bredun. With Muratov she parted. If this had not happened, perhaps Izvitskaya not be left so early in life.
She became famous after starring in Maryutki shrill war drama Gregory Chuhraja "The Forty-First." But rapid rise followed by a rapid decline. In the 60s, the young actress began soulful and creative crisis. And just became a catalyst Bredun, whom she married, but life which does not add up. Actress Tatyana Gavrilova later told me: "In 1968, I, my friend, well-known actress Lyudmila Marchenko, and her husband, theater administrator Voitenko Vitali came to visit Isolde. We were shocked to see that she was severely beaten. She showed us a lot of bruises on the hands and body, blue smudges under his eyes, but did not say who did it .... " However, all who guessed.
Isolde is addicted to alcohol. Colleagues and friends tried to save the woman. They literally persuade producers to give her at least a small role. But after in 1971 by Izvitskaya gone to her friend as her beloved husband, she has ceased to control myself. Actress closed in her apartment for weeks and did not appear on the street. From the food she had only crackers and water.
At the end of February 1971 the actress disappeared. Manager studio theater actor, concerned that phones Izvitskaya does not respond, call Bredun. He in turn called the police. Broke down the door ... Isolde Izvitskaya lying on the floor somehow sideways in French quilted robe, his head - in the kitchen, slender body - in the room. At the insistence of Bredun death explained "poisoning organism unknown poisons, the weakness of the cardiovascular system." The actress was just 38 years old.
After parting with Isolde Radner Muratov he linked his life with Elena Dovlatbekovoy - actress actor. Muratov have a son, Leonid. But soon the couple divorced. The actor said that by mutual consent. But perhaps played a role that Muratov "sick" irregular that so captivated him that he was constantly disappearing at the racetrack.
Gradually the hobby jumps became increasingly hypertrophied form. The actor could not cope with them: he took off with their savings passbook, bet on races, won, becoming more and then luck turned away from him. They say that by the mid-1970s he had lost so much money that they could buy a few cars.
In 1986 Muratov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. It was the last happy event in his career. In 1988, he ceased to exist theater actor, where he served and no longer invited to act in films. But he persisted in going to the racetrack. In the course went already things of apartments, the most valuable of which he handed over to the pawnshop, and the money bet on another horse.
Moscow cabbies love to tell the story as Vasily Alibabaevich won at the races 40 thousand rubles. Two weeks at the restaurant "Aragvi" the money walked the entire racetrack. And then the actor woke up somewhere under a fence. Nearby were three rubles. Most likely, it was just an urban legend. But as you know, in any fairy tale there is truth.
I slept on the door
No furniture, no refrigerator, no TV. Newspapers on the floor ... Muratov gradually lost all that he had. "And slept on the door removed from its hinges - recalls Nadezhda Karpysheva, a neighbor on the porch at home on Nagatinsky waterfront, where the actor was a studio apartment. - I brought a pillow with a blanket ... ».
Dine Muratov social assistance went to the dining room, where sometimes gave concerts. In 2000, Muratov suffered a stroke, after which began to deny the memory - he manifested Alzheimer's disease. He forgot the names, dates, and even simple words. Often the actor left the house and was lost in the streets. Earlier Muratova have had serious vision problems, but the doctors did not like it to go. As a result, his right eye stopped seeing.
Son Leonid tried to help in every way. A neighbor, he gave the money to buy food for his father. Those products are bought and hung on the handle of the front door. But the actor never took nothing. One even threw a bag in a neighbor's door. "You think me poor!" - He was indignant. I did not take it and help novices from the monastery, which was trying to fasten it to the Screen Actors Guild. I did not go in the house Matveevsky veterans Cinematography, where he tried to attach a son. On the other hand, I was offended by Leonidas and practically ceased to communicate with him.
"Radik anyone in my life did not let - recalls former wife Helena Petrovna. - When he was in the hospital, it all came to visit, my son suggested that he get out of the apartment. But he forbade us to go without him. He has long been his own life, he lived his principles, your thoughts, your inner world. It is the fate of all the actors who are now out of work ».
In October 2004, Radner Muratov once again lost in the street. When police stopped the elderly, emaciated, like a homeless person, he could not name any of his name or address. Learn simple-Basil Alibabaevicha it was impossible. Actor was sent to a psychiatric hospital, but there he became ill. With suspected recurrent stroke he was taken to the intensive care unit 68 th hospital. It identified the actor. Doctors have long fought for his life ... Muratov Radner died on December 10, 2004 from recurrent stroke. He was 76 years old. Buried actor on Nicholas Archangel Cemetery in Moscow.
"My wife lost ... lost son ...»
The only other actor Vladimir Muratov was Protasenko (he played in the "gentlemen of fortune" cameo men meet on the streets of his childhood friend, Fyodor - the hero Savely Kramarova).
"I remember we were with him in the creative assignment in Kabul, - says Vladimir Protasenko. - We lived in one room. Late that night, I asked him: "Radik, what are you doing awake?" And he answers: "How is it, I think. His wife lost it - lovely people. Son lost. Houses do not even have blankets, sheltering the coat, which does not take a pawn shop ... And now I have calmed down. We all die - and the whole story ... "
Posted in [mergetime] 1396955846 [/ mergetime]
it is all taken away: www.rg.ru/2014/04/07/muratov-site.html
Good luck to all!
What happened after the "Gentlemen of Fortune" with Vasily Alibabaevicha
Text: Evgeny Pavlov
Name and surname of this wonderful actor today hardly anyone can be called immediately. But take a look at the photo, as everyone who loves and reviewing movies from the "golden fund" of Soviet cinema, finds laconic petty swindler Basil Alibabaevicha of the legendary "gentlemen of fortune».
People's Artist of the RSFSR Radner Muratov and lived after his star role under the name of cinematic character. Basil Alibabaevicha he became for his friends and neighbors, and cronies players.
Like many of our great actors, Muratov not stood the test of crazy 90-mi. Someone ruin oneself by drink, someone went into the crime (as Sergei Shevkunenko, who played in the popular adventure films "Dirk" and "Bronze bird"). A Radner Muratov, becoming a regular at the Moscow Hippodrome, lost all savings and almost all their possessions. He's not even a bed, he slept on a previous door hinge. That's the tragedy of life.
It all started very well.

From heaven to VGIK
Radner Muratov born October 21, 1928 in Leningrad. His father was a party worker, later served as the first secretary of the regional committee of the Tatar ASSR. In the 20-30s of the last century in the Soviet Union was the fashion to give children "revolutionary" name - Arvil, Oktiabrina, Vilen ... Name Radner, who gave the boy's parents, stands for "Hail the new era." However, since childhood Radner disliked his name and asked everyone to call him Radik.
Growing up on the exploits of Valery Chkalov, all the boys 30s dreamed of being air aces. He is fond of aviation and Radhika. In 15 years, even during the Great Patriotic War, he enrolled at the Kazan Special School Air Force, who successfully graduated in 1946. But to become a pilot, he had not had a chance. A year after the end of the flight school Radner went to Moscow. And there happened to see an advertisement for the recruitment of students VGIK. Yielding momentary desire, the young man decided to become an actor.
I entered VGIK Radner on the first try. Particularly outstanding ability in teachers when it was found. But at the time just came over distribution list: to recruit actors, not only young men and women with Slavic appearance, but also representatives of different nationalities living in the Union. And there is such a colorful young man! "I know why take? Because all the little white and Radik Muratov - he is black "- Muratov said then in an interview.
Radner was lucky he had been taught already famous for his films about Lenin director Mikhail Romm (later among his pupils was Andrei Tarkovsky, Vasily Shukshin and Nikita Mikhalkov) and director Sergei Yutkevich, which also contributed to the "Leniniana", removing the film "Man with a Gun "" Stories about Lenin "and others. In 1951 Muratov graduated with honors from the University and was admitted to the State Theatre actor. But working there was practically no. Do not showered on the graduate colorful and offers from filmmakers.
First Muratov played a prominent role in the 1955 comedy Anatoly Granik "Maksim Perepelitsa". His soldiers Taskira viewers remember a single phrase: "No you are not the commander." But after ety as a young and obviously talented actor does not often invited to audition. Though the Soviet Union was a multinational country, but the capital's studios scenes where the scene of the union republics were needed and actors - people from them, have appeared less frequently.

"Dinner is served. Sit down to eat, please! »
The most successful of his career Radner Muratov began in 1971, when he played a starring role - Basil Alibabaevicha comedy Alexander Gray, "Gentlemen of Fortune».
However, the first Muratov offered in this film a very different role - warden. But Radner, surprising many, refused to play another transient episode. And he was right.
Basil Alibabaevicha, rogue, who went to prison for having diluted petrol donkey urine, was to play Frunzik Mkrtchyan. But at the last moment, the actor refused, as he was very busy in the theater. Houses began to look for a replacement Mkrtchyan. But it was not so simple: even the famous Vladimir Etush seemed unconvincing in the role of the hapless benzozapravschike from Central Asia. The minutes of the meeting of the artistic council stated: "From the presented at the audition will not do either one, do a screen test I. Rutberg." When unlucky and Ilya Rutberg, who played at that time fizruka debut film by Elem Klimov, "Welcome, or No Trespassing!" Started otsmatrivat contenders again. And then they remembered about the "refuseniks" Muratova.
Victoria Tokarev (writer with Danelia) posprosila Muratova "We comedy. So the game seriously, like Schweitzer in "Time, forward!". "I played seriously ..." - later recalled Muratov. One of his phrase: "Bon appetit. Sit down to eat, please! "Said earnestly, immediately became airborne.
Muratov very serious about shooting in a comedy. And do not even agreed to take part in a conspiracy against the director, in which he tried to draw Leonov, Vitsin and Kramarov. They did not want to run around almost naked in the snow, and even in the 17-degree cold, I wanted to give Alexander Gray plausibility happening on the screen. But Muratov fearlessly undressed and jumped into the cold. Then famous actors decided to take revenge on the novice colleague Kramarov crept up to him and then, before the camera, rubbed with snow and Vitsin, that was fun, and began rubbing himself Kramarova. As a result of this double entered into a movie.
Photo: PhotoXPress.ru
Valery Kitchin: Best Movies of 2013
"The day when the scene was shot in the tank to escape with cement - talked about filming Radner Muratov. - Mistimed tank with ordinary sourdough, tinted green onion essence. The composition was so pungent, sticky ... Got out we are after the filming of this solution and quickly wash ... The shooting was near Samarkand, and there was a factory, while her shower, and that's only forty minutes, forty-five we have this structure somehow by itself otskrebli, our pores breathe again, we again began to turn into a man, looked around, and there is no Vitsin. It turned out that he continues to sit in the tank because it found that the composition of 23 herbs and it is a 15-year prolongs youth & quot ;.
"Gentlemen of Fortune" Radner Muratov brought immense popularity. But the career of an actor is not at all affected. He still appeared in episodes. However, the fate of Radner not complained to the small role he was invited quite often, and paid for them in those days, not bad.
From 1971 to 1986, he starred in two dozen films, including the comedy directed by Leonid Gaidai "12 chairs" (the role of chess player) and "can not be!" (Policeman), a comedy Vilen Azarov "incorrigible liar" (Waterer) detective series " Conscience "(Rakhimov), an adventure film series" The Lost Expedition "and the" Golden River "(Ahmetka), a comedy George Danelia" Athos "(Rakhimov Murat), the television series" Eternal Call "(Magomedov).

Love and passion
While studying at VGIK, Muratov met with the local student Isolde Izvitskaya and young people have lived together for three years. But the young beauty turned the head of actor Edward Bredun. With Muratov she parted. If this had not happened, perhaps Izvitskaya not be left so early in life.
She became famous after starring in Maryutki shrill war drama Gregory Chuhraja "The Forty-First." But rapid rise followed by a rapid decline. In the 60s, the young actress began soulful and creative crisis. And just became a catalyst Bredun, whom she married, but life which does not add up. Actress Tatyana Gavrilova later told me: "In 1968, I, my friend, well-known actress Lyudmila Marchenko, and her husband, theater administrator Voitenko Vitali came to visit Isolde. We were shocked to see that she was severely beaten. She showed us a lot of bruises on the hands and body, blue smudges under his eyes, but did not say who did it .... " However, all who guessed.
Isolde is addicted to alcohol. Colleagues and friends tried to save the woman. They literally persuade producers to give her at least a small role. But after in 1971 by Izvitskaya gone to her friend as her beloved husband, she has ceased to control myself. Actress closed in her apartment for weeks and did not appear on the street. From the food she had only crackers and water.
At the end of February 1971 the actress disappeared. Manager studio theater actor, concerned that phones Izvitskaya does not respond, call Bredun. He in turn called the police. Broke down the door ... Isolde Izvitskaya lying on the floor somehow sideways in French quilted robe, his head - in the kitchen, slender body - in the room. At the insistence of Bredun death explained "poisoning organism unknown poisons, the weakness of the cardiovascular system." The actress was just 38 years old.
After parting with Isolde Radner Muratov he linked his life with Elena Dovlatbekovoy - actress actor. Muratov have a son, Leonid. But soon the couple divorced. The actor said that by mutual consent. But perhaps played a role that Muratov "sick" irregular that so captivated him that he was constantly disappearing at the racetrack.
Gradually the hobby jumps became increasingly hypertrophied form. The actor could not cope with them: he took off with their savings passbook, bet on races, won, becoming more and then luck turned away from him. They say that by the mid-1970s he had lost so much money that they could buy a few cars.
In 1986 Muratov was awarded the title of Honored Artist of the RSFSR. It was the last happy event in his career. In 1988, he ceased to exist theater actor, where he served and no longer invited to act in films. But he persisted in going to the racetrack. In the course went already things of apartments, the most valuable of which he handed over to the pawnshop, and the money bet on another horse.
Moscow cabbies love to tell the story as Vasily Alibabaevich won at the races 40 thousand rubles. Two weeks at the restaurant "Aragvi" the money walked the entire racetrack. And then the actor woke up somewhere under a fence. Nearby were three rubles. Most likely, it was just an urban legend. But as you know, in any fairy tale there is truth.

I slept on the door
No furniture, no refrigerator, no TV. Newspapers on the floor ... Muratov gradually lost all that he had. "And slept on the door removed from its hinges - recalls Nadezhda Karpysheva, a neighbor on the porch at home on Nagatinsky waterfront, where the actor was a studio apartment. - I brought a pillow with a blanket ... ».
Dine Muratov social assistance went to the dining room, where sometimes gave concerts. In 2000, Muratov suffered a stroke, after which began to deny the memory - he manifested Alzheimer's disease. He forgot the names, dates, and even simple words. Often the actor left the house and was lost in the streets. Earlier Muratova have had serious vision problems, but the doctors did not like it to go. As a result, his right eye stopped seeing.
Son Leonid tried to help in every way. A neighbor, he gave the money to buy food for his father. Those products are bought and hung on the handle of the front door. But the actor never took nothing. One even threw a bag in a neighbor's door. "You think me poor!" - He was indignant. I did not take it and help novices from the monastery, which was trying to fasten it to the Screen Actors Guild. I did not go in the house Matveevsky veterans Cinematography, where he tried to attach a son. On the other hand, I was offended by Leonidas and practically ceased to communicate with him.
"Radik anyone in my life did not let - recalls former wife Helena Petrovna. - When he was in the hospital, it all came to visit, my son suggested that he get out of the apartment. But he forbade us to go without him. He has long been his own life, he lived his principles, your thoughts, your inner world. It is the fate of all the actors who are now out of work ».
In October 2004, Radner Muratov once again lost in the street. When police stopped the elderly, emaciated, like a homeless person, he could not name any of his name or address. Learn simple-Basil Alibabaevicha it was impossible. Actor was sent to a psychiatric hospital, but there he became ill. With suspected recurrent stroke he was taken to the intensive care unit 68 th hospital. It identified the actor. Doctors have long fought for his life ... Muratov Radner died on December 10, 2004 from recurrent stroke. He was 76 years old. Buried actor on Nicholas Archangel Cemetery in Moscow.
"My wife lost ... lost son ...»
The only other actor Vladimir Muratov was Protasenko (he played in the "gentlemen of fortune" cameo men meet on the streets of his childhood friend, Fyodor - the hero Savely Kramarova).
"I remember we were with him in the creative assignment in Kabul, - says Vladimir Protasenko. - We lived in one room. Late that night, I asked him: "Radik, what are you doing awake?" And he answers: "How is it, I think. His wife lost it - lovely people. Son lost. Houses do not even have blankets, sheltering the coat, which does not take a pawn shop ... And now I have calmed down. We all die - and the whole story ... "
Posted in [mergetime] 1396955846 [/ mergetime]
it is all taken away: www.rg.ru/2014/04/07/muratov-site.html
Good luck to all!
