Useful celery
What product can solve the eternal dilemma of a man standing at the stove to cook tasty or healthy? "Useful" is now fashionable, but also "delicious" has not been canceled. Celery can easily cope with two tasks at the same time.
Eighty four million one hundred sixty three thousand four hundred ninety six
The list of useful elements of the celery resembles the label on a jar of vitamins. It is a b vitamins (thiamine, Riboflavin, choline), K, E, provitamin a and ascorbic acid. In addition, 100 g of cleaned, ready to use celery tuber contains 320 mg of potassium, 9 mg of magnesium, 68 mg of calcium, 0.15 mg of manganese, 0.53 mg iron, 0.31 mg zinc, 80 mg phosphorus and sodium. And this is not a complete list! Impressive list "of celery Goodies".
Eighteen million nine hundred sixty six thousand four hundred forty eight
So, celery is recommended for the excretion of uric acid, in the state of inner anxiety and exhaustion. In folk medicine, celery has long been used in rheumatism, kidney diseases and as a means of preventing formation of stones. It is also useful for people with reduced secretory activity of the stomach, urticaria and gout. The essential oil contained in the plant, promotes digestion. So its root is not only delicious but also stimulates the appetite! He even healing when used externally, for example in inflammatory processes or injuries as an emollient and analgesic.
Forty five million eight hundred eighty thousand seven hundred eight
However breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women celery is contraindicated, as in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Eleven million six hundred fifty eight thousand thirteen
A subtle flavor of celery and the abundance contained in it useful substances provided him a worthy place in the kitchen. The celery gives the food a pleasant taste and smell and vitaminiziruet her. 100 grams of celery contains only 25 Calories.
Source: /users/155
Eighty four million one hundred sixty three thousand four hundred ninety six
The list of useful elements of the celery resembles the label on a jar of vitamins. It is a b vitamins (thiamine, Riboflavin, choline), K, E, provitamin a and ascorbic acid. In addition, 100 g of cleaned, ready to use celery tuber contains 320 mg of potassium, 9 mg of magnesium, 68 mg of calcium, 0.15 mg of manganese, 0.53 mg iron, 0.31 mg zinc, 80 mg phosphorus and sodium. And this is not a complete list! Impressive list "of celery Goodies".
Eighteen million nine hundred sixty six thousand four hundred forty eight
So, celery is recommended for the excretion of uric acid, in the state of inner anxiety and exhaustion. In folk medicine, celery has long been used in rheumatism, kidney diseases and as a means of preventing formation of stones. It is also useful for people with reduced secretory activity of the stomach, urticaria and gout. The essential oil contained in the plant, promotes digestion. So its root is not only delicious but also stimulates the appetite! He even healing when used externally, for example in inflammatory processes or injuries as an emollient and analgesic.
Forty five million eight hundred eighty thousand seven hundred eight
However breastfeeding mothers and pregnant women celery is contraindicated, as in gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcer.
Eleven million six hundred fifty eight thousand thirteen
A subtle flavor of celery and the abundance contained in it useful substances provided him a worthy place in the kitchen. The celery gives the food a pleasant taste and smell and vitaminiziruet her. 100 grams of celery contains only 25 Calories.
Source: /users/155