Everything you need to know about celery

To gain peace of mind, good sleep and generally feel healthy, not necessarily to go after drug. Natural physician can become common vegetable crop – celery. The food can be used not only leaves but also the stems and the root.
The celery is very bright aroma and original taste. He has a very tender and flavorful flesh. It is best to drink celery fresh, since the thermal processing of its useful properties disappear. Useful properties of celery What does celery root? For its beneficial properties it can compete with the ginseng root. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, heart and blood vessels. Also, celery is considered an excellent means of preventing atherosclerosis. Celery helps with high blood pressure. Swelling in the body removes excess fluid and good for clearing the kidneys. It regulates aqueous-alkaline balance in the body and metabolism. It's a great diuretic and laxative. In celery contains vitamins b, C, BB and minerals: magnesium, zinc, iron, phosphorus, potassium and calcium. Celery is good to use for obesity and diabetes. Modern medicine recommends to include this valuable vegetable in the menu, as it contains large amounts of flavonoids. And they have strong antioxidant properties. This plant is good for health due to its ability to strengthen and improve the elasticity of blood vessels. Its healing effect has a positive effect on the cardiovascular system (especially the celery). It is noticed that when his hand improves memory. And men are encouraged to eat it as much as possible to get rid of chronic prostatitis. It is better to use both the stems and roots of plants. Moreover, it is a powerful aphrodisiac.

Celery: the benefits and harms Despite the fact that celery has properties, there are limitations in its use for people suffering from gastritis and ulcer. Also it is not desirable to include in your diet for pregnant women and nursing mothers. There are contraindications for people with varicose veins and thrombophlebitis. Assistant in the fight against excess weight and bad mood to lose weight you need with pleasure. Celery has low calorie content and is a great tool for weight loss. During fasting days include it in your diet. It contains only 16 kcal per 100 grams. In addition, celery relieves fatigue, invigorates, rejuvenates and lifts the mood. No wonder the women of Ancient Egypt believed celery magic grass, can prolong youth, desire and make a thin waist.
It is especially useful to add a vegetable in salads and juices. This is an excellent means of cleansing the body of toxins. For dietary celery definitely need to add to the meat, as it promotes the production of gastric juice. Also this plant is able to be protected from putrefactive processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Eliminates the accumulation of gases. What can you make out of celery Specific aroma and special taste of the celery like a lot. Because of this it has found its place in cooking. It goes especially well with carrots, eggplant, potatoes, tomatoes, beans and cabbage. He is also a component of sauces, salads, egg, meat and fish dishes. Most of the celery (roots, stems, leaves and seeds) make a spicy seasoning. Celery make juices and smoothies, which are a great detox tool.

How to select and store celery celery Ripe has a bright green color. If there is a brownish or yellowish color, it means it is not fresh. Fresh product should have elastic sheets with a pleasant aroma and a slight sheen. If the leaves are soft to the touch, it may be immature celery. Choose tubers of small size. Fresh celery can be stored from 3 to 7 days maximum, and if it is overripe, it is much less. To store it is in the refrigerator, wrapped in foil. Also to preserve the freshness, you can wrap it in a plastic bag and put in a jar with water. Celeriac can be stored for several days in a paper bag.

Interesting facts Chewing celery, a person expends more calories than it receives from its digestion. In Ancient Greece a wreath of leaves of celery were placed on the heads of winners of sports competitions. Before the plant is hung with garlic and onion in the room, as it was believed that celery brings happiness.

Recipe smoothie fruit Smoothie – a fashionable drink, characterized by a thick consistency and maximum vitamin content. Make it from fruits and vegetables. Today we offer the recipe of this drink with the addition of celery. Ingredients:
- Апельсин1 PCs.
- Банан1шт.
- Яблоко1 PCs.
- Груша1 PCs.
- Celery 2 stalks
Source: kitchenmag.ru/posts/vse-chto-nuzhno-znat-o-selderee
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