Matrix and fillers, or why not waiting for us in the fifth dimension
In fact, the game server Land is maintained in an effective condition by a set of rays attention here accredited programs. Hypothetically, if we all simultaneously stop feeding the local game, it simply goes into hibernation (standby mode/ pause), and then completely dissolved in the depths of a black hole, because without the players, the game does not make sense.
For a visual understanding of this pattern, imagine that the entire population of earth without exception fell asleep. What will happen? That's right – our rays of attention spill over into other realities (dreams), our material leaving the carcass to rot in the machinations of capitalism as long as they will not be erased local programs-cleaners (animals, insects, bacteria). What if they fall asleep, and with them the spirits of nature, elements? Well, you understand...
A games matrix and its population, should be constantly evolving, with some alterations due to the coming of new energies and ideas. And do these ideas and energy should not through angelic help, and after themselves человекоff! For this we are here for, is to transmit additional knowledge in other worlds, to translate this knowledge from their home to local protocols, and to develop a fresh platform evolution together in accordance with the experiment plan, under which it subscribed.
Thus, the game server Land an upgrade at the expense of the updates that are here poured through the already present programs that, in turn, are updated as you complete new levels. And people in those updates come through the upper chakras – information channels connecting the carcass with Laskami.
But the point is that the level we constantly floods the most interesting place. Once a civilization reaches a certain level of development, is a global badabum varying degrees. In their pursuit of material wealth (resources, land, concubines, and other yablofona), people just cannot resist the temptation to shit in the sneaker neighbor at the first opportunity.
People want to open his third eye, to travel in the astral plane, communicate with other civilizations, etc., but the question "why do you need it?", few people can give a clear answer. Show us where treasures winter, Yes, as a free technology to get, and you can without bread!
Mankind had long been in control of his thoughts, believing that the lack of meanness in a physical action is sufficient to ensure VIP ticket to the heavenly ferry. And if they labourvoter for life, God, the corner will forgive all sins with the speed of burning candles, the main thing to hang round his attributes most do not want to, but in the car/ house to poke that everyone knew how much you believe in him. In an ideal world, and chromic on the hill to provide, over a pile of bones. It is possible and directly from the bones, Schaub blood friends saw you as a highlight.
ETOGES to this catch up, actually. And it go goddamn, pray, do not understand who and why...
But the thought is material, and our attitude towards others can be seen from the higher planes as day, and these thoughts we carry on themselves as the very entities that constantly ridicule vile withdrawal capacity and disease. Yes Yes, most of them are our thought forms, if anyone has forgotten.
During its existence in this game, we spawn so many bugs in the numerical code, that even the coolest programmers of the realities refused to do here, and just closed us access to parts of it. Therefore, we do not see the subtle world – it contains so much of our own thinking errors when starting the server hang us platforms guaranteed.
Imagine that all the thoughts of all men that have ever lived on earth suddenly materialists. Monsters of depravity, of larvae of religious hatred and racism, Chupacabra damage and the evil eye, vampires vanity, and other human demons of intrigues and small parties will emerge in our homes, displacing the Pets from the top shelf of the wardrobe with his clumsy slimy bodies, dripping of condensed fear. And that is exactly what will happen when (if) we move into the 4D and higher. And that your baggage, we will carry until, until you unbury it on the server, which still somehow allows you to control the consequences of their actions. Therefore, no transition we are not there yet, I hope now it is clear why.
Although it is not so simple, and the reboot could still take place upon reaching a critical mass, but before that I must survive, cause-and-effect here is also multidimensional, so everything is in order.
People constantly thinking about freebies and greed, is a spiritual vacuum, because the channels are completely blocked by their own vile thoughts. He thinks cheated him, not doda, thrown adrift a higher power, but also tries to prove the world his worth by pocketing all new material gadgets, and the complete lack of control over thoughts. About things generally silent, with a list of known.
What kind of supernatural revelations can be discussed, if at the first opportunity we will make all of them tools of virus attack on their own playing field, contrary to the plans? The freebie is only in a mousetrap, Sirs, learn to think creatively, for themselves!
We – multidimensional shareholders of the current new building, agreed on it to gain experience within the walls of oblivion. And shut us up not only demons, but also ourselves. These were the original rules to get rid of all the accumulated before the medals, knowledge and technology, and get them here again as a reward for excellent service, if make it with opening channels. But for that fight, so we need...
We have forgotten how to use communication with your higher aspects, deliberately put yourself in the position of martyrs through the prism of fear of (supposedly) unknown, and preferred the material reality, with its technological temptations of spiritual development. Yes, we are in this now help a huge number of freeloaders and outright bloodsuckers, but agree that where there is demand, there will be supply, right?
If earlier the server of the cleaning was manifested as earthquakes and floods (though today is not without them, but in demo versions), the 21st century yet they happen through the financial and economic crises. The reasons for the old one, changing only the instrument, and the Highest of all the forces retard the global kirdyk, in the hope our sincere insight. This is why we need to stop whining and moaning about the fact that we've thrown, not help, not support, and so on — we get what we attract.
We ourselves refuse to change anything. People have long forgotten how to think creative, the updates of the matrix are oooooeeeee slowly, because the channels of these updates is fully blocked by mutual request of the parties: we are blocking them from below languid thoughts of eternal capitalism, we block them from the top, so as not to blow the place to hell homyachim!
The average John DOE includes your crown chakra (prayer) only when required by a certain life situation (sick, dying, lost phone), and this is mostly done through an appeal to "God", but rather to one of the many brokerage firms, a good example of which is gaping empty eye sockets above.
And don't forget that the people themselves chose to worship the murder weapon (the crucifixion), nobody does at the beginning is not forced. But then again, such propositions not many could refuse, but refused began to destroy in the name samiznaetekto. And nothing has changed since the Crusades — we continue to fry yourself under the old sauce, but the recipe fry excelled. War has become information, but its consequences are the same physical.
People blame politicians, financiers, bureaucrats and other speculators in the events, but always forget to look in the mirror. Yesterday, for example, met the new neighbor, who with white-toothed smile assured me of his love for dogs and other mammals, including people. And then up to 4 in the morning yelling at his wife and destroy brought the box with foam at the mouth.
And this happens in the majority of the cells of society — people don't listen to hear, they listen to catch the enemy in his weak spot and prove his innocence at any cost, mostly in high tones (certainly in his mind) throwing to a space billions of gigabytes of psychic energy, which then feeds all of the same thought forms, creating new thought forms and levers of control, loved. And it is precisely in such circumstances and future are born politicians, financiers, and other anarchists who just don't know how to convey their point of view to the opponent in a civilized manner.
Full circle, a snake biting its own tail and continues to devour the fruits of their hypocrisy and double standards, giving rise to new generations of zombie kids whining about leaving them to their fate the higher forces and dishonest politicians, the ranks of whom are not so on to get at the first opportunity.
Thus, half "enlightened guajeros" waiting for the return of Christ, or of the thread of the prophet, who finally dot the i, and direct sinful companions to the right path straight to a brighter future. Where to go, I wonder? If Kennedy came back, he would be pleased to communicate with people wearing symbols sniper rifle, do you think?
But people refuse to understand simple logic and use your own wit. They are willing to look in the mouth any leader, guru, President, predskazamus Patriarch (underline), if only in his own soul.
The fact that we are those gods, or rather the particles a Single, who came here for the further development of consciousness, we forgot to think. It is much easier to throw the responsibility for what happens to the Jehovah, Zeus, and other Lords than make it themselves. And methods to ensure such provisions is always in excess, because of the desire to lower himself through the floor, we need not go far, and your neighbor and even more so, as practice shows.published
Source: digitall-angell.livejournal.com/141370.html
For a visual understanding of this pattern, imagine that the entire population of earth without exception fell asleep. What will happen? That's right – our rays of attention spill over into other realities (dreams), our material leaving the carcass to rot in the machinations of capitalism as long as they will not be erased local programs-cleaners (animals, insects, bacteria). What if they fall asleep, and with them the spirits of nature, elements? Well, you understand...

A games matrix and its population, should be constantly evolving, with some alterations due to the coming of new energies and ideas. And do these ideas and energy should not through angelic help, and after themselves человекоff! For this we are here for, is to transmit additional knowledge in other worlds, to translate this knowledge from their home to local protocols, and to develop a fresh platform evolution together in accordance with the experiment plan, under which it subscribed.
Thus, the game server Land an upgrade at the expense of the updates that are here poured through the already present programs that, in turn, are updated as you complete new levels. And people in those updates come through the upper chakras – information channels connecting the carcass with Laskami.
But the point is that the level we constantly floods the most interesting place. Once a civilization reaches a certain level of development, is a global badabum varying degrees. In their pursuit of material wealth (resources, land, concubines, and other yablofona), people just cannot resist the temptation to shit in the sneaker neighbor at the first opportunity.
People want to open his third eye, to travel in the astral plane, communicate with other civilizations, etc., but the question "why do you need it?", few people can give a clear answer. Show us where treasures winter, Yes, as a free technology to get, and you can without bread!
Mankind had long been in control of his thoughts, believing that the lack of meanness in a physical action is sufficient to ensure VIP ticket to the heavenly ferry. And if they labourvoter for life, God, the corner will forgive all sins with the speed of burning candles, the main thing to hang round his attributes most do not want to, but in the car/ house to poke that everyone knew how much you believe in him. In an ideal world, and chromic on the hill to provide, over a pile of bones. It is possible and directly from the bones, Schaub blood friends saw you as a highlight.

ETOGES to this catch up, actually. And it go goddamn, pray, do not understand who and why...
But the thought is material, and our attitude towards others can be seen from the higher planes as day, and these thoughts we carry on themselves as the very entities that constantly ridicule vile withdrawal capacity and disease. Yes Yes, most of them are our thought forms, if anyone has forgotten.
During its existence in this game, we spawn so many bugs in the numerical code, that even the coolest programmers of the realities refused to do here, and just closed us access to parts of it. Therefore, we do not see the subtle world – it contains so much of our own thinking errors when starting the server hang us platforms guaranteed.
Imagine that all the thoughts of all men that have ever lived on earth suddenly materialists. Monsters of depravity, of larvae of religious hatred and racism, Chupacabra damage and the evil eye, vampires vanity, and other human demons of intrigues and small parties will emerge in our homes, displacing the Pets from the top shelf of the wardrobe with his clumsy slimy bodies, dripping of condensed fear. And that is exactly what will happen when (if) we move into the 4D and higher. And that your baggage, we will carry until, until you unbury it on the server, which still somehow allows you to control the consequences of their actions. Therefore, no transition we are not there yet, I hope now it is clear why.
Although it is not so simple, and the reboot could still take place upon reaching a critical mass, but before that I must survive, cause-and-effect here is also multidimensional, so everything is in order.
People constantly thinking about freebies and greed, is a spiritual vacuum, because the channels are completely blocked by their own vile thoughts. He thinks cheated him, not doda, thrown adrift a higher power, but also tries to prove the world his worth by pocketing all new material gadgets, and the complete lack of control over thoughts. About things generally silent, with a list of known.
What kind of supernatural revelations can be discussed, if at the first opportunity we will make all of them tools of virus attack on their own playing field, contrary to the plans? The freebie is only in a mousetrap, Sirs, learn to think creatively, for themselves!
We – multidimensional shareholders of the current new building, agreed on it to gain experience within the walls of oblivion. And shut us up not only demons, but also ourselves. These were the original rules to get rid of all the accumulated before the medals, knowledge and technology, and get them here again as a reward for excellent service, if make it with opening channels. But for that fight, so we need...
We have forgotten how to use communication with your higher aspects, deliberately put yourself in the position of martyrs through the prism of fear of (supposedly) unknown, and preferred the material reality, with its technological temptations of spiritual development. Yes, we are in this now help a huge number of freeloaders and outright bloodsuckers, but agree that where there is demand, there will be supply, right?
If earlier the server of the cleaning was manifested as earthquakes and floods (though today is not without them, but in demo versions), the 21st century yet they happen through the financial and economic crises. The reasons for the old one, changing only the instrument, and the Highest of all the forces retard the global kirdyk, in the hope our sincere insight. This is why we need to stop whining and moaning about the fact that we've thrown, not help, not support, and so on — we get what we attract.
We ourselves refuse to change anything. People have long forgotten how to think creative, the updates of the matrix are oooooeeeee slowly, because the channels of these updates is fully blocked by mutual request of the parties: we are blocking them from below languid thoughts of eternal capitalism, we block them from the top, so as not to blow the place to hell homyachim!
The average John DOE includes your crown chakra (prayer) only when required by a certain life situation (sick, dying, lost phone), and this is mostly done through an appeal to "God", but rather to one of the many brokerage firms, a good example of which is gaping empty eye sockets above.
And don't forget that the people themselves chose to worship the murder weapon (the crucifixion), nobody does at the beginning is not forced. But then again, such propositions not many could refuse, but refused began to destroy in the name samiznaetekto. And nothing has changed since the Crusades — we continue to fry yourself under the old sauce, but the recipe fry excelled. War has become information, but its consequences are the same physical.

People blame politicians, financiers, bureaucrats and other speculators in the events, but always forget to look in the mirror. Yesterday, for example, met the new neighbor, who with white-toothed smile assured me of his love for dogs and other mammals, including people. And then up to 4 in the morning yelling at his wife and destroy brought the box with foam at the mouth.
And this happens in the majority of the cells of society — people don't listen to hear, they listen to catch the enemy in his weak spot and prove his innocence at any cost, mostly in high tones (certainly in his mind) throwing to a space billions of gigabytes of psychic energy, which then feeds all of the same thought forms, creating new thought forms and levers of control, loved. And it is precisely in such circumstances and future are born politicians, financiers, and other anarchists who just don't know how to convey their point of view to the opponent in a civilized manner.
Full circle, a snake biting its own tail and continues to devour the fruits of their hypocrisy and double standards, giving rise to new generations of zombie kids whining about leaving them to their fate the higher forces and dishonest politicians, the ranks of whom are not so on to get at the first opportunity.
Thus, half "enlightened guajeros" waiting for the return of Christ, or of the thread of the prophet, who finally dot the i, and direct sinful companions to the right path straight to a brighter future. Where to go, I wonder? If Kennedy came back, he would be pleased to communicate with people wearing symbols sniper rifle, do you think?
But people refuse to understand simple logic and use your own wit. They are willing to look in the mouth any leader, guru, President, predskazamus Patriarch (underline), if only in his own soul.
The fact that we are those gods, or rather the particles a Single, who came here for the further development of consciousness, we forgot to think. It is much easier to throw the responsibility for what happens to the Jehovah, Zeus, and other Lords than make it themselves. And methods to ensure such provisions is always in excess, because of the desire to lower himself through the floor, we need not go far, and your neighbor and even more so, as practice shows.published
Source: digitall-angell.livejournal.com/141370.html
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