Matrix Grof: revitalizing Complex
The crisis of a newborn is an intermediate stage between fetal and extrauterine way of life. A newborn is so helpless that you don't go near an adult, he would have died within a few hours after birth. It turns out that at the time of birth and immediately after it, a person needs society.
According to analysts, the birth is the first trauma experienced by the child, and she is so strong that it influences the entire subsequent life. Stanislav Grof, for example, argued that certain personality traits, character traits, behaviors and our subsequent psychological problems are in direct relation to the birth process. He identified several stages of childbirth – 4 basic perinatal matrices:
Based on what problems faced kid at one stage or another of birth, or, conversely, how successful they have been passed, and is built in the future personality of a grown man.
To solve "adult" problems Grof, using a specially developed holotropic breathwork (a special breathing technique, something resembling hyperventilation of the lungs), introduced his patients to a state similar to a trance, and forced to experience the trauma of birth again and again – until then, until all four stages have not been successfully completed.
Any pregnant woman is that soon she will have to work as it should. Future moms are carefully prepared for this important event: listen to heartbreaking stories of my friends, to the smallest details are studying the physiology of labor, learn breathing techniques, learn relaxation techniques, remember to fight poses... in short, I want to be prepared.
But here comes the long awaited moment, and all the preparatory work goes to hell; only occasionally, in moments of enlightenment, in memory and then break out of the chaotic fragments of the knowledge and skills that can be of great help to the new mother or, at least, to give it confidence in their own abilities.
On the one hand, everything goes on as usual, regardless of us, and at the same time, our actions play a huge role in the successful completion of delivery. The point is, how we can work together with the baby.
Let's try to look at the situation from the other side – the small, at first glance, absolutely helpless creature, your particles, your child. 9 long months he was in fairly specific, but without a doubt, a very cozy place – your womb. He lived there quietly, slept, ate, and by and large anything especially did not complain, only sometimes.
But the man was quite large, and comfort is clearly diminished – it's too crowded, nowhere to turn! And after some time it became unbearable to breathe can be a problem. Little worried – what's going on? Excitement and frustration started kicking the arms and legs. And here is the out of the ordinary – the once so comfortable and cute little house begins to shrink and literally survive for the baby.
Outrageous! Blatant injustice one way or another ( someone faster, someone slower ) accept all. The child understands that it is necessary to "happy feet". And one way out – this is hopelessly narrow spooky dark tunnel...
And the baby remains nothing how to go on a dangerous and perhaps the most difficult in his life path. The child is in pain, dark, stuffy and scary. And after all these, quite frankly, unpleasant sensations of the little man waits for the main shock and disappointment. Imagine you suddenly appeared naked in a terrible draught, piercing light blinding your eyes, the surrounding is a deafening roar and the noise, you're down a huge creature, with interest you learning and speaking a completely foreign language, in addition to everything you see I can't breathe like before...
In fact, we will never know what feels and experiences a baby coming into this world. One thing is clear: the psyche of the crumbs is very different from the psyche of an adult, she is still very primitive and just beginning its formation. And this circumstance helps the child to experience the strongest shock of the birth.
All new experiences are first for baby like in a complex, without departing from the situation. Researchers tend to think that in the first month for the baby there is neither someone nor something, of all the external stimuli the infant is experiencing as a single state. However, the fact that the physical shell of a kid receives a very powerful blow, is beyond doubt.
Many parents find in the discharge sheet from the hospital the unpleasant record of the "syndrome of depression in the first day," "tremor of the limbs," and finally, the scourge of modernity, perinatal encephalopathy (AEDs). And the fact that in the first few days after birth, the newborn loses much in weight? The good life does not...
To help the baby comes a set of innate unconditioned reflexes. Reflexes brave little man as if clinging to life, trying to resist. But he continues to be absolutely helpless, and only thanks to the caring adults can survive.
Thus, the young man turns out to be maximally socialized being, the needy in society like no other. At the same time, paradoxically, it is not a single intelligible means of interaction with this society, with the exception of the scream. Then, as if in gratitude for the care, the child masters speech, and now this small lump of compressed without end worried mom's heart, and crying, crying, crying...
We are fighting hard, not sparing himself, trying to understand our little alien trying to make his coming into our world a little bit happier. And all this fuss gradually grows huge and endless love.
The emergence of a child – with what incomparable happiness. I want to spend hours gazing at this wonder, delight and entertain him. Mommy has not had time to recover, and she has all over the world fly sms-Ki and calls of congratulations and wishes. Newly minted grandparents, aunts and uncles in a hurry to look at the long-awaited child, stormed the postnatal ward during their office hours or crowd under the Windows, shouting happily put name.
They all look forward to the day of discharge, do endless raids on shops, preparing a dowry, buying tons of clothes and toys. Meanwhile, it often happens that the 3-4 days spent in the hospital are for the mother and baby, albeit difficult, but very quiet and therefore so desirable.
Soon, very soon mother and child will swirl a vortex of worries and difficulties hitherto unknown, and all and Sundry will exhaust their endless advice and comments, sometimes contradicting each other. While it is possible to silently admire his "work of art", and in the event of concerns, consult a doctor.
A few years ago, immediately after birth, the child's mother took away, took in the children's Department, and in the following 5-7 days of the meeting of mother and baby occurred only during feedings. Today, if the birth took place without complications, in most hospitals the baby is placed in one chamber with mum, which is certainly correct-just as nature intended.
However, it was planned there with the endless calls to mobile, flash digital cameras and other intrusion – a question disputable. In the children's ward, separated from my mom for baby sitting surrounded by their own kind and were looking forward to lunch, and today, from the first hours of life, though sideways at my mom, he becomes a victim of modern technology. Just do not take these words for campaigning to return the old traditions! Just the only thing a newborn needs is maximum rest.
It is no secret that today the rules of the hospitals differ in the strictness and conservatism, which at first sight may seem superfluous and even meaningless. In fact, behind this lies in the desire to give the child the opportunity to recover at least part of the spent resources to quickly adapt to the new difficult conditions of existence.
I must say that nature is not indifferent, and "awarded" the babe was not such an acute eyesight and hearing of a healthy adult. But despite this, the duty of every young mother enters the consciousness and maintenance around the baby relaxed friendly environment.
Try to avoid additional sensory stimuli as bright lights, loud sounds, as well as enthusiastic and impressionable group of family and friends at least in the first couple of days after birth. All this naverstads, believe me! Ideally, a child needs about a month to "come to their senses". So the belief that no one needs to show a little before reaching the age of one month, has a scientific explanation.
It is considered that the newborn almost all the time asleep and does not respond to external stimuli. This is not entirely true. In fact, the baby is in continuous drowsy state, on the border of sleep and wakefulness, as if disoriented in space. He seems to be asleep, but it feels what is happening around.
Let's see how infants can spend hours lying on her mother's arms, never releasing his mouth her Breasts. And waking up the baby cry lets you know that it again not sure and needs confirmation of his safety and well-being. Well, at the same time to eat would not hurt! Scientists have long established that the majority of infants are put to breast, not only when hungry but also when they are sad, scared, hurt, lonely.
It is very important that the mother supported the fragile trust of the baby, came on the first call: "Yes, dear, all is well! You're safe!" Don't be afraid to spoil your baby! It is unlikely it will cause harm additional feeding (in contrast to adults, the child will never eat more than required by the body) or sleep in the arms of my mother.
Perhaps, after spending half a day with the son or daughter on hand, you will not have time to cook dinner, but in this situation not so difficult to determine the priorities: since the introduction of the child he most often will occupy the first row in the list of your life values.
Do not be afraid and that your child is "accustomed to the hand". "Manual" are children, who really need it. Perhaps they were more susceptible to doubts about the reliability and stability of the world and his own importance in it. And your mother's responsibility to resolve these doubts.
Many researchers say that in this period of life lays the basic trust in the world. Now all feelings are important for the occurrence of primary emotional and psychological connection with the mother.
The first month after birth is one of the most difficult periods in a person's life. Therefore , try to surround a kid tranquility in all its manifestations. Not worth it from the first day to bring down on a crumb avalanche of new experiences. Take the time to pay attention, even at bright toys and melodic music. All the time.
The baby itself will report on its readiness for active learning and exploration of the world. Thus, the ability to focus on the subject you will notice in about 2-3 weeks, and at the age of 3-4 weeks, appears to focus on mom's voice. The child more and more pays attention to his closest person – mother.
From the reactions of concentration on his face, in the period from 1 to 2 months in a healthy child appears, the main phenomenon of the crisis of the birth – revitalizing complex, which serves as a signal that the crisis has come to an end, and on change to it came the period of infancy, which will last until the crisis of 1 year.
A revitalizing complex is called the positive emotional reaction that is accompanied by movements and sounds; this is the first manifestation of the needs in communication. Its significance is difficult to overestimate, because your baby for the first time (!) felt good! (Experts tend to believe that in the period preceding the complex animation, baby experiencing only negative emotions).
Revitalizing complex has three components:
So, revitalizing complex is a mental criterion for the end of the crisis of the birth.
Physiological test of its completion is considered a visual and auditory concentration, the possibility of conditioned reflexes to visual and auditory stimuli. Well, the medical criterion is the child's weight, which he was born, indicating a normal functioning of all body systems.
It should be noted that if the baby had any neurological problems (but today without them literally neonatal unit), a complex of revival may appear a little later.
Complex recovery occurs when the appearance of the mother or other adult caring for a child. Baby begins to move arms and legs, all accompanied by a joyful "goo-goo" and a sweet smile! You used to be able to see how your child smiles sweetly something in a dream, but now that smile is addressed to a specific person. Get! You deserve it! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.missfit.ru/mammy/kalendar-razvitiya-rebenka/kompleks-ogivleniy/
The crisis of a newborn is an intermediate stage between fetal and extrauterine way of life. A newborn is so helpless that you don't go near an adult, he would have died within a few hours after birth. It turns out that at the time of birth and immediately after it, a person needs society.

According to analysts, the birth is the first trauma experienced by the child, and she is so strong that it influences the entire subsequent life. Stanislav Grof, for example, argued that certain personality traits, character traits, behaviors and our subsequent psychological problems are in direct relation to the birth process. He identified several stages of childbirth – 4 basic perinatal matrices:
- the fight (matrix 1);
- the passage through the birth canal (matrix 2);
- actually childbirth (matrix 3);
- primary contact with the mother (matrix 4).
Based on what problems faced kid at one stage or another of birth, or, conversely, how successful they have been passed, and is built in the future personality of a grown man.
To solve "adult" problems Grof, using a specially developed holotropic breathwork (a special breathing technique, something resembling hyperventilation of the lungs), introduced his patients to a state similar to a trance, and forced to experience the trauma of birth again and again – until then, until all four stages have not been successfully completed.
Any pregnant woman is that soon she will have to work as it should. Future moms are carefully prepared for this important event: listen to heartbreaking stories of my friends, to the smallest details are studying the physiology of labor, learn breathing techniques, learn relaxation techniques, remember to fight poses... in short, I want to be prepared.
But here comes the long awaited moment, and all the preparatory work goes to hell; only occasionally, in moments of enlightenment, in memory and then break out of the chaotic fragments of the knowledge and skills that can be of great help to the new mother or, at least, to give it confidence in their own abilities.
On the one hand, everything goes on as usual, regardless of us, and at the same time, our actions play a huge role in the successful completion of delivery. The point is, how we can work together with the baby.

Let's try to look at the situation from the other side – the small, at first glance, absolutely helpless creature, your particles, your child. 9 long months he was in fairly specific, but without a doubt, a very cozy place – your womb. He lived there quietly, slept, ate, and by and large anything especially did not complain, only sometimes.
But the man was quite large, and comfort is clearly diminished – it's too crowded, nowhere to turn! And after some time it became unbearable to breathe can be a problem. Little worried – what's going on? Excitement and frustration started kicking the arms and legs. And here is the out of the ordinary – the once so comfortable and cute little house begins to shrink and literally survive for the baby.
Outrageous! Blatant injustice one way or another ( someone faster, someone slower ) accept all. The child understands that it is necessary to "happy feet". And one way out – this is hopelessly narrow spooky dark tunnel...
And the baby remains nothing how to go on a dangerous and perhaps the most difficult in his life path. The child is in pain, dark, stuffy and scary. And after all these, quite frankly, unpleasant sensations of the little man waits for the main shock and disappointment. Imagine you suddenly appeared naked in a terrible draught, piercing light blinding your eyes, the surrounding is a deafening roar and the noise, you're down a huge creature, with interest you learning and speaking a completely foreign language, in addition to everything you see I can't breathe like before...
In fact, we will never know what feels and experiences a baby coming into this world. One thing is clear: the psyche of the crumbs is very different from the psyche of an adult, she is still very primitive and just beginning its formation. And this circumstance helps the child to experience the strongest shock of the birth.
All new experiences are first for baby like in a complex, without departing from the situation. Researchers tend to think that in the first month for the baby there is neither someone nor something, of all the external stimuli the infant is experiencing as a single state. However, the fact that the physical shell of a kid receives a very powerful blow, is beyond doubt.
Many parents find in the discharge sheet from the hospital the unpleasant record of the "syndrome of depression in the first day," "tremor of the limbs," and finally, the scourge of modernity, perinatal encephalopathy (AEDs). And the fact that in the first few days after birth, the newborn loses much in weight? The good life does not...
To help the baby comes a set of innate unconditioned reflexes. Reflexes brave little man as if clinging to life, trying to resist. But he continues to be absolutely helpless, and only thanks to the caring adults can survive.
Thus, the young man turns out to be maximally socialized being, the needy in society like no other. At the same time, paradoxically, it is not a single intelligible means of interaction with this society, with the exception of the scream. Then, as if in gratitude for the care, the child masters speech, and now this small lump of compressed without end worried mom's heart, and crying, crying, crying...
We are fighting hard, not sparing himself, trying to understand our little alien trying to make his coming into our world a little bit happier. And all this fuss gradually grows huge and endless love.
The emergence of a child – with what incomparable happiness. I want to spend hours gazing at this wonder, delight and entertain him. Mommy has not had time to recover, and she has all over the world fly sms-Ki and calls of congratulations and wishes. Newly minted grandparents, aunts and uncles in a hurry to look at the long-awaited child, stormed the postnatal ward during their office hours or crowd under the Windows, shouting happily put name.
They all look forward to the day of discharge, do endless raids on shops, preparing a dowry, buying tons of clothes and toys. Meanwhile, it often happens that the 3-4 days spent in the hospital are for the mother and baby, albeit difficult, but very quiet and therefore so desirable.
Soon, very soon mother and child will swirl a vortex of worries and difficulties hitherto unknown, and all and Sundry will exhaust their endless advice and comments, sometimes contradicting each other. While it is possible to silently admire his "work of art", and in the event of concerns, consult a doctor.
A few years ago, immediately after birth, the child's mother took away, took in the children's Department, and in the following 5-7 days of the meeting of mother and baby occurred only during feedings. Today, if the birth took place without complications, in most hospitals the baby is placed in one chamber with mum, which is certainly correct-just as nature intended.
However, it was planned there with the endless calls to mobile, flash digital cameras and other intrusion – a question disputable. In the children's ward, separated from my mom for baby sitting surrounded by their own kind and were looking forward to lunch, and today, from the first hours of life, though sideways at my mom, he becomes a victim of modern technology. Just do not take these words for campaigning to return the old traditions! Just the only thing a newborn needs is maximum rest.
It is no secret that today the rules of the hospitals differ in the strictness and conservatism, which at first sight may seem superfluous and even meaningless. In fact, behind this lies in the desire to give the child the opportunity to recover at least part of the spent resources to quickly adapt to the new difficult conditions of existence.
I must say that nature is not indifferent, and "awarded" the babe was not such an acute eyesight and hearing of a healthy adult. But despite this, the duty of every young mother enters the consciousness and maintenance around the baby relaxed friendly environment.
Try to avoid additional sensory stimuli as bright lights, loud sounds, as well as enthusiastic and impressionable group of family and friends at least in the first couple of days after birth. All this naverstads, believe me! Ideally, a child needs about a month to "come to their senses". So the belief that no one needs to show a little before reaching the age of one month, has a scientific explanation.
It is considered that the newborn almost all the time asleep and does not respond to external stimuli. This is not entirely true. In fact, the baby is in continuous drowsy state, on the border of sleep and wakefulness, as if disoriented in space. He seems to be asleep, but it feels what is happening around.
Let's see how infants can spend hours lying on her mother's arms, never releasing his mouth her Breasts. And waking up the baby cry lets you know that it again not sure and needs confirmation of his safety and well-being. Well, at the same time to eat would not hurt! Scientists have long established that the majority of infants are put to breast, not only when hungry but also when they are sad, scared, hurt, lonely.
It is very important that the mother supported the fragile trust of the baby, came on the first call: "Yes, dear, all is well! You're safe!" Don't be afraid to spoil your baby! It is unlikely it will cause harm additional feeding (in contrast to adults, the child will never eat more than required by the body) or sleep in the arms of my mother.
Perhaps, after spending half a day with the son or daughter on hand, you will not have time to cook dinner, but in this situation not so difficult to determine the priorities: since the introduction of the child he most often will occupy the first row in the list of your life values.
Do not be afraid and that your child is "accustomed to the hand". "Manual" are children, who really need it. Perhaps they were more susceptible to doubts about the reliability and stability of the world and his own importance in it. And your mother's responsibility to resolve these doubts.
Many researchers say that in this period of life lays the basic trust in the world. Now all feelings are important for the occurrence of primary emotional and psychological connection with the mother.
The first month after birth is one of the most difficult periods in a person's life. Therefore , try to surround a kid tranquility in all its manifestations. Not worth it from the first day to bring down on a crumb avalanche of new experiences. Take the time to pay attention, even at bright toys and melodic music. All the time.
The baby itself will report on its readiness for active learning and exploration of the world. Thus, the ability to focus on the subject you will notice in about 2-3 weeks, and at the age of 3-4 weeks, appears to focus on mom's voice. The child more and more pays attention to his closest person – mother.
From the reactions of concentration on his face, in the period from 1 to 2 months in a healthy child appears, the main phenomenon of the crisis of the birth – revitalizing complex, which serves as a signal that the crisis has come to an end, and on change to it came the period of infancy, which will last until the crisis of 1 year.

A revitalizing complex is called the positive emotional reaction that is accompanied by movements and sounds; this is the first manifestation of the needs in communication. Its significance is difficult to overestimate, because your baby for the first time (!) felt good! (Experts tend to believe that in the period preceding the complex animation, baby experiencing only negative emotions).
Revitalizing complex has three components:
- rapid motor responses (total motor excitation);
- "goo-goo" (the so-called first sounds, which publishes the baby);
- a meaningful smile at the sight of mom's face.
So, revitalizing complex is a mental criterion for the end of the crisis of the birth.
Physiological test of its completion is considered a visual and auditory concentration, the possibility of conditioned reflexes to visual and auditory stimuli. Well, the medical criterion is the child's weight, which he was born, indicating a normal functioning of all body systems.
It should be noted that if the baby had any neurological problems (but today without them literally neonatal unit), a complex of revival may appear a little later.
Complex recovery occurs when the appearance of the mother or other adult caring for a child. Baby begins to move arms and legs, all accompanied by a joyful "goo-goo" and a sweet smile! You used to be able to see how your child smiles sweetly something in a dream, but now that smile is addressed to a specific person. Get! You deserve it! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: //www.missfit.ru/mammy/kalendar-razvitiya-rebenka/kompleks-ogivleniy/
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