How we are being manipulated in shops: things You should know
Ninety three million one hundred thirty eight thousand five hundred fifty four
Our brain is no longer intact. Scientists are so advanced in the study of this body that now anyone who has knowledge in the field of neurobiology and psychology, can easily influence the subconscious of others, to cause the desired emotion, to impose the desires and habits. Of course, it's a real treasure for various companies and outlets.
How to understand, we make a conscious choice or are we being manipulated? We really want to buy this product or secret methods marketers have deprived us of the opportunity to make a rational decision? Tells about it in detail psychologist and renowned neuromarketing expert David Lewis.
Sexuality in the service trade
Studies have shown that sexual images in advertising — is a powerful motivator to make a purchase. Especially, this method does not affect men. Even a slight libido (which can cause the swimsuit model or cute the seller) becomes the impetus to a loss of self-control and the ability to think rationally. In this case the decision on purchase of goods is accepted much impulsive. And buyers do not realize that their behavior changed.
Such a strong weapon as sexual attraction, sometimes use and consumers. In one experiment, scientists found out how the female charm is able to bring down the price of the car. 44 men and 49 women had to imagine that they are going to sell the car for $ 1200 to a girl named sue. In the first embodiment, sue flirted with the seller, warmly smiled, briefly touched hands, say compliments and winked. In another scenario, sue was serious and acted on. Flirty sue sellers-men gave the car in around 1077 dollars. Serious sue at best bought the car for $ 1279. When the sellers were women, on the contrary, they sold the car cheaper if sue was serious.
How the body affects attitudes
Changing attitudes in a positive way, companies can influence customer loyalty. This can be done in different ways, and one of them is invisible to the buyer the effect on the body. During the experiment some people bulge thumb (a gesture signifying approval), reading the description of the character, and the other part — the middle finger. And the first group took a much more positive character. In another study, some consumers sitting in comfortable padded chairs, and the rest on hard wooden chairs. First, as expected, was much more pliable during negotiations.
There are many ways to influence our subconscious mind, gently forcing us to take certain actions. Here are some of them:
The anchor holding the ship sales
BIRT English from the University of würzburg conducted a curious study in which a group of experienced judges had to impose a hypothetical sentence invented. The judges gave the same testimony, they had the same information about the offender. Then they were asked to throw the dice (the part of the subjects bones only came in small numbers, the other half — at large). Incredibly, the number affect the outcome of the experiment! The smaller the number, the more humane the presumptive sentence. A number of other observations have led to the same conclusion: the human brain is trying to "shortcut" and guess about the answer, using previous experience. Scientists call this effect, valid even for professionals, by anchoring.
As used in the trade? It turns out that we are very easily persuaded that the store lowest prices. For that merchants, it is sufficient to reduce the cost of only the most popular products, the price of which, as a rule, known to most buyers. This includes milk, bread, some canned food and favorite fruit consumers. Even a person not versed in the prices, usually remember, how much are these products. And if their value in any supermarket is quite low, then the consumer the impression that this store is profitable to buy all the other products, even at obviously inflated prices.
Warm welcome
Warmth is associated with intimacy, security, and relaxation. The cold causes the opposite feelings. No wonder in all languages can find expression like "a warm welcome" or "cold smile". Experiments have shown that we are more located to people, if you meet with them in a warm room or holding the hot drink. Of course, this is used by many retail firms, supporting in their stores the perfect temperature: warm enough that visitors feel comfortable, but moderately cool to keep buyers focused.
Not only temperature creates a pleasant atmosphere, forcing us to spend more time in the shop. The colors, lighting, sounds, smells... All of it is well-studied ways to cause a potential buyer the "right" feeling.
For example, researchers know that the store expensive cosmetics or luxury alcoholic beverages must be calm: classical music, pastel colors, dim lights, delicious aromas. Such an atmosphere a person to spend more money.
In supermarkets buy better in bright light, and odors can draw attention to the shelves of certain products. That is the way it works in the new York store of Net Cost: stimulate the appetite of customers, blowing the artificial odors (chocolate, grapefruit or freshly baked bread) between the shelves.
People are trained to sell
No less than the atmosphere in the store depends on the behavior of the staff. I find it impossible to control? There it was! An illustrative example is Apple, which not only conducts a serious selection of employees, but also sends all new hires into training two-week course.
The essence of the program is to learn how to lift the mood of any customer who visited the store. Of course, it's not altruism, and sales. A happy customer is the one that made the purchase. Special management for the company's employees have a list of banned words and tips on how to use the emotions of a buyer at a profit. The main thing for a seller to control himself, to pretend that I sincerely sympathize with, is to convince the buyer not thought that he impose the goods.
Remember, when was the last time your doubt the seller replied: "I understand how you feel; I thought so too; but then I realized that it is not"? In fact, this is one of the popular techniques of sales, known as the "Feel — seemed to understand."
Our brain skillfully manipulated. Images, words, music, smells and other tools in the hands of an experienced marketer can become a powerful tool of persuasion. All this evokes strong emotions and pushes the mind into the background; we buy what we absolutely need, and make a bad bargain, as we are trying to deprive of the will, speaking directly to the subconscious. But forewarned is forearmed, so the right choice still remains with us. published
Based on the book "Neuromarketing in action»
Source: /users/1077
Our brain is no longer intact. Scientists are so advanced in the study of this body that now anyone who has knowledge in the field of neurobiology and psychology, can easily influence the subconscious of others, to cause the desired emotion, to impose the desires and habits. Of course, it's a real treasure for various companies and outlets.
How to understand, we make a conscious choice or are we being manipulated? We really want to buy this product or secret methods marketers have deprived us of the opportunity to make a rational decision? Tells about it in detail psychologist and renowned neuromarketing expert David Lewis.
Sexuality in the service trade
Studies have shown that sexual images in advertising — is a powerful motivator to make a purchase. Especially, this method does not affect men. Even a slight libido (which can cause the swimsuit model or cute the seller) becomes the impetus to a loss of self-control and the ability to think rationally. In this case the decision on purchase of goods is accepted much impulsive. And buyers do not realize that their behavior changed.
Such a strong weapon as sexual attraction, sometimes use and consumers. In one experiment, scientists found out how the female charm is able to bring down the price of the car. 44 men and 49 women had to imagine that they are going to sell the car for $ 1200 to a girl named sue. In the first embodiment, sue flirted with the seller, warmly smiled, briefly touched hands, say compliments and winked. In another scenario, sue was serious and acted on. Flirty sue sellers-men gave the car in around 1077 dollars. Serious sue at best bought the car for $ 1279. When the sellers were women, on the contrary, they sold the car cheaper if sue was serious.
How the body affects attitudes
Changing attitudes in a positive way, companies can influence customer loyalty. This can be done in different ways, and one of them is invisible to the buyer the effect on the body. During the experiment some people bulge thumb (a gesture signifying approval), reading the description of the character, and the other part — the middle finger. And the first group took a much more positive character. In another study, some consumers sitting in comfortable padded chairs, and the rest on hard wooden chairs. First, as expected, was much more pliable during negotiations.
There are many ways to influence our subconscious mind, gently forcing us to take certain actions. Here are some of them:
- If the buyer will listen to the seller, his head turned to the right, he said will pay much more attention than if viewed from left.
- Postures (for example, widely spaced on the arm, tilting the body forward) and weakness (crossed arms and legs, lowered head) also strongly affect the mental attitude of the person even when he does not accept them himself and just sees in front of him. For example, the character in the promotional video, depending on the poses will seem self-confident and aggressive or soft and friendly.
- If, considering the goods to the consumer will be forced to move the sight up and down (i.e., nodding), he will be more prepared to purchase than in horizontal head movement.
- The buyer, flexing his hands (gesture of attraction) to take the goods, stronger want to buy it than the buyer, who had to reach for the product (gesture of repulsion).
The anchor holding the ship sales
BIRT English from the University of würzburg conducted a curious study in which a group of experienced judges had to impose a hypothetical sentence invented. The judges gave the same testimony, they had the same information about the offender. Then they were asked to throw the dice (the part of the subjects bones only came in small numbers, the other half — at large). Incredibly, the number affect the outcome of the experiment! The smaller the number, the more humane the presumptive sentence. A number of other observations have led to the same conclusion: the human brain is trying to "shortcut" and guess about the answer, using previous experience. Scientists call this effect, valid even for professionals, by anchoring.
As used in the trade? It turns out that we are very easily persuaded that the store lowest prices. For that merchants, it is sufficient to reduce the cost of only the most popular products, the price of which, as a rule, known to most buyers. This includes milk, bread, some canned food and favorite fruit consumers. Even a person not versed in the prices, usually remember, how much are these products. And if their value in any supermarket is quite low, then the consumer the impression that this store is profitable to buy all the other products, even at obviously inflated prices.
Warm welcome
Warmth is associated with intimacy, security, and relaxation. The cold causes the opposite feelings. No wonder in all languages can find expression like "a warm welcome" or "cold smile". Experiments have shown that we are more located to people, if you meet with them in a warm room or holding the hot drink. Of course, this is used by many retail firms, supporting in their stores the perfect temperature: warm enough that visitors feel comfortable, but moderately cool to keep buyers focused.
Not only temperature creates a pleasant atmosphere, forcing us to spend more time in the shop. The colors, lighting, sounds, smells... All of it is well-studied ways to cause a potential buyer the "right" feeling.
For example, researchers know that the store expensive cosmetics or luxury alcoholic beverages must be calm: classical music, pastel colors, dim lights, delicious aromas. Such an atmosphere a person to spend more money.
In supermarkets buy better in bright light, and odors can draw attention to the shelves of certain products. That is the way it works in the new York store of Net Cost: stimulate the appetite of customers, blowing the artificial odors (chocolate, grapefruit or freshly baked bread) between the shelves.
People are trained to sell
No less than the atmosphere in the store depends on the behavior of the staff. I find it impossible to control? There it was! An illustrative example is Apple, which not only conducts a serious selection of employees, but also sends all new hires into training two-week course.
The essence of the program is to learn how to lift the mood of any customer who visited the store. Of course, it's not altruism, and sales. A happy customer is the one that made the purchase. Special management for the company's employees have a list of banned words and tips on how to use the emotions of a buyer at a profit. The main thing for a seller to control himself, to pretend that I sincerely sympathize with, is to convince the buyer not thought that he impose the goods.
Remember, when was the last time your doubt the seller replied: "I understand how you feel; I thought so too; but then I realized that it is not"? In fact, this is one of the popular techniques of sales, known as the "Feel — seemed to understand."
Our brain skillfully manipulated. Images, words, music, smells and other tools in the hands of an experienced marketer can become a powerful tool of persuasion. All this evokes strong emotions and pushes the mind into the background; we buy what we absolutely need, and make a bad bargain, as we are trying to deprive of the will, speaking directly to the subconscious. But forewarned is forearmed, so the right choice still remains with us. published
Based on the book "Neuromarketing in action»
Source: /users/1077