Best vegetarian recipes for a slim figure
Eighty three million eight hundred forty four thousand four
If you are unable to overcome their hunger, or to sit on the "star" diets, when all food for the day consists of sticks of celery, which you can drink only fruit juices without added sugar, but you know that to lose weight you need (not only for aesthetic reasons but for my health), then this article is for you. Indeed, obesity is a major cause of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, it helps to ensure that you get tired much faster, you may have shortness of breath, back problems, knee joints or ankles, and even, according to experts, increases risk of development of malignant tumors.
But we have found you the perfect solution to this problem! If you want to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time treat yourself to new flavor combinations, read carefully, because in today's article we will share with you a few vegetarian recipes that are ideal for weight loss.
Why did we choose vegetables?The fact that fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. And the fact that they cleanse the body from toxins and contain low calories, making them just the perfect products for weight loss. The most potent natural antioxidants are vitamins E and C, carotenoids, mineral elements such as selenium and zinc, and phytochemicals (polyphenols and flavonoids). According to the world health organization, a day needs to consume 600 to 800 g fruits and vegetables, and so throughout the year.
Best vegetarian recipes for weight loss
Recipe No. 1 — Two purifying somepost your morning will be as clean and easy as the two of juice. Drink them on an empty stomach every morning and feel like melting away those extra pounds.
Citrus and pineapple
Peel the oranges and Mandarin peeled and cut three slices of pineapple. Put all ingredients in blender and blend. Serve immediately after cooking, the family will love it (you can even decorate the glasses with the remaining pineapple slices). A delicious treat!
The ideal cleaning
Wash and cut into pieces fruits and vegetables. Place all in a juicer or blender, mix and serve immediately. You have excellent taste and for its cleansing qualities juice.
The recipe № 2 — Magic sups using this soup, you can easily remove the excess weight because it includes ingredients such as celery with its diuretic properties, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and beets, together is a truly magical combination in order to lose weight. If you eat this soup as a first course, then you can still afford a larger portion of fruit or vegetable salad.
Wash and cut in pieces all the vegetables. Bring to a boil 2 quarts of water over high heat, then add all the vegetables and cook them for 20 minutes. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, and bouillon cube to enhance flavor. Then leave the soup to cook for another 20 minutes and serve hot.
Recipe # 3 — Cream color causticity cabbage is very tasty, besides, it contains selenium, vitamin C and glucosinolates. These latter substances in the process of metabolism contribute to the development of other elements that help to cleanse the body of toxins.
Remove the stalk from the cauliflower and cut it in pieces (divide into branches). In a saucepan heat olive oil and sauté the onions, green onions and garlic. When the onion becomes transparent, add to the pot chopped celery and cauliflower. Then add the seasoning, stir well and simmer, without closing the lid for several minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the water and miso, when boiling, cover and cook until then, until cauliflower is tender. Remove the cover and allow the mixture to cool slightly and then pass it through a blender. You can not all at once, but in small portions, so you get a gentle cream smooth. You will enjoy its charm, exquisite taste, a must try!
The recipe № 4 — a Salad of oranges with melinamide probably know that citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of your pieces, this salad goes well with the orange distinctive flavor of the olives, making its taste rich and unique.
Peel the oranges peeled, slice them in thin slices and arrange nicely on a platter. Then add the olives, distributing them so as to obtain a contrast figure/ornament. In a separate container mix the olive oil with seasonings and pour over the salad with this dressing. Cooling is not necessary, the dish should be at room temperature. Serve and enjoy!
Recipe № 5 — the Juice of fresh, oomaeda one of those juices that can be called energy. They saturate the body with nutrients and reduce appetite. Best to drink it 10 minutes before lunch or dinner.
Cut the "ends" of the carrots, as they give the bitterness and remove celery leaves. Wash all the vegetables and put them in a blender. Blend until smooth and serve.
Recipe No. 6 — the Energy kalatchev this salad, you will be completely satisfied. Fresh vegetables, vegetable protein and its cleansing properties will make you forget about the extra weight once and for all.
Wash and dry the leaves of fat, and then tear it in small pieces. Peel and slice cucumber and avocado. Mix in a bowl the remaining chopped vegetables. Now make the salad dressing: mix olive oil with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a separate container and let stand 15 minutes. Then pour the salad dressing and eat enough until you feel full.
Recipe No. 7 — lasagnas Vegetable you want to cook something new and unusual, then this recipe is for you. Replace your usual lunch on a lasagna and feel, go the extra pounds. You'll see, you can lose weight very tasty!
Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté onion until translucent state. Add the vegetables and cook on slow heat for 30 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, add oregano and mix well. Turn off the heat and drain excess liquid.
In a separate pan heat the butter, add the flour and stir for a few minutes in the cooking process. Then pour the vegetable broth and milk. Simmer, stirring constantly, so you'll have a light Bechamel sauce. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
Next, boil the pasta in salted water. When she's ready (no need to digest, it must be slightly firm on the inside, is called "al dente"), chill in cold water. Now you are ready to cook, in fact, the lasagna, spreading layers of pasta, vegetables and sauce one by one. The top layer sprinkle with cheese, walnuts and cilantro. Put the finished lasagne in a pre heated oven and bake until the cheese forms a Golden crust.
A few final autotimer your book of recipes became a little richer, you will be able to diversify your diet menus these vegetable and fruit dishes. If you stick to the similar meals each day, you will soon notice how the weight goes. And to make the process more efficient and fast, here are some last tips:
Try to drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day. Water activates blood circulation, removes toxins from the body and prevents dehydration. Try not to abuse of alcoholic drinks and tobacco, it is really unhealthy habits. Exercise regularly: walk, run, swim, no matter what, it is important to make your body move frequently. Avoid foods high in fats and sugars as well as flour products, they will only harm your body and your health. Give preference to natural foods with low calories. If you follow these simple tips, you will soon notice a positive result: a healthy lifestyle helps to gain and maintain a normal body weight, that's a fact! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/
If you are unable to overcome their hunger, or to sit on the "star" diets, when all food for the day consists of sticks of celery, which you can drink only fruit juices without added sugar, but you know that to lose weight you need (not only for aesthetic reasons but for my health), then this article is for you. Indeed, obesity is a major cause of diseases such as diabetes and hypertension, it helps to ensure that you get tired much faster, you may have shortness of breath, back problems, knee joints or ankles, and even, according to experts, increases risk of development of malignant tumors.
But we have found you the perfect solution to this problem! If you want to get rid of extra pounds and at the same time treat yourself to new flavor combinations, read carefully, because in today's article we will share with you a few vegetarian recipes that are ideal for weight loss.
Why did we choose vegetables?The fact that fruits and vegetables are high in antioxidants, vitamins and minerals. And the fact that they cleanse the body from toxins and contain low calories, making them just the perfect products for weight loss. The most potent natural antioxidants are vitamins E and C, carotenoids, mineral elements such as selenium and zinc, and phytochemicals (polyphenols and flavonoids). According to the world health organization, a day needs to consume 600 to 800 g fruits and vegetables, and so throughout the year.
Best vegetarian recipes for weight loss
Recipe No. 1 — Two purifying somepost your morning will be as clean and easy as the two of juice. Drink them on an empty stomach every morning and feel like melting away those extra pounds.
Citrus and pineapple
- 3 slices of pineapple
- 1 Mandarin
- 2 orange
Peel the oranges and Mandarin peeled and cut three slices of pineapple. Put all ingredients in blender and blend. Serve immediately after cooking, the family will love it (you can even decorate the glasses with the remaining pineapple slices). A delicious treat!
The ideal cleaning
- 3 carrots
- 2 apples
- 2 stalks of celery
Wash and cut into pieces fruits and vegetables. Place all in a juicer or blender, mix and serve immediately. You have excellent taste and for its cleansing qualities juice.
The recipe № 2 — Magic sups using this soup, you can easily remove the excess weight because it includes ingredients such as celery with its diuretic properties, cabbage, tomatoes, carrots and beets, together is a truly magical combination in order to lose weight. If you eat this soup as a first course, then you can still afford a larger portion of fruit or vegetable salad.
- 2 liters of water
- 1/2 celery
- 2 bulbs
- 3 turnips
- 1 cabbage (medium size)
- leeks 5 PCs.
- 6 tomatoes
- 2 carrots
- 1 green pepper
- 1/4 kg beetroot
- salt to taste
Wash and cut in pieces all the vegetables. Bring to a boil 2 quarts of water over high heat, then add all the vegetables and cook them for 20 minutes. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, and bouillon cube to enhance flavor. Then leave the soup to cook for another 20 minutes and serve hot.
Recipe # 3 — Cream color causticity cabbage is very tasty, besides, it contains selenium, vitamin C and glucosinolates. These latter substances in the process of metabolism contribute to the development of other elements that help to cleanse the body of toxins.
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 medium onion, coarsely chopped
- chopped green onions (6-8 PCs.)
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 stalk celery
- cauliflower (2 medium size)
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 1/2 teaspoon curry powder
- ground black pepper (1 pinch)
- 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 teaspoon dried Basil
- 1 teaspoon dried marjoram (origanum)
- 6 cups water
- 2 tablespoons white miso
Remove the stalk from the cauliflower and cut it in pieces (divide into branches). In a saucepan heat olive oil and sauté the onions, green onions and garlic. When the onion becomes transparent, add to the pot chopped celery and cauliflower. Then add the seasoning, stir well and simmer, without closing the lid for several minutes, stirring constantly. Then add the water and miso, when boiling, cover and cook until then, until cauliflower is tender. Remove the cover and allow the mixture to cool slightly and then pass it through a blender. You can not all at once, but in small portions, so you get a gentle cream smooth. You will enjoy its charm, exquisite taste, a must try!
The recipe № 4 — a Salad of oranges with melinamide probably know that citrus fruits have a beneficial effect on the condition of your pieces, this salad goes well with the orange distinctive flavor of the olives, making its taste rich and unique.
- 6 large oranges, peeled and cut into thin slices
- 1/3 Cup olive oil
- 1/4 teaspoon ground black pepper
- 1/4 teaspoon turmeric
- 1/4 teaspoon dried thyme
- 1 Cup black olives
- salt to taste
Peel the oranges peeled, slice them in thin slices and arrange nicely on a platter. Then add the olives, distributing them so as to obtain a contrast figure/ornament. In a separate container mix the olive oil with seasonings and pour over the salad with this dressing. Cooling is not necessary, the dish should be at room temperature. Serve and enjoy!
Recipe № 5 — the Juice of fresh, oomaeda one of those juices that can be called energy. They saturate the body with nutrients and reduce appetite. Best to drink it 10 minutes before lunch or dinner.
- carrots (8 PCs big size)
- 1 stalk celery
- 1/4 small beet
- 1 medium tomato
- 1 small sweet pepper, red or green
- 1 small bunch spinach or fresh parsley
Cut the "ends" of the carrots, as they give the bitterness and remove celery leaves. Wash all the vegetables and put them in a blender. Blend until smooth and serve.
Recipe No. 6 — the Energy kalatchev this salad, you will be completely satisfied. Fresh vegetables, vegetable protein and its cleansing properties will make you forget about the extra weight once and for all.
- 3 cups salad leaves
- 1 Cup of raw chopped spinach
- 1 small cucumber
- 2 cups sprouts of beans, lentils, or other seeds
- any raw vegetables of your choice (carrots, celery, mushrooms, white or red cabbage, radishes, beets, zucchini, cauliflower, broccoli, etc.)
- 1 avocado
- 1/2 Cup of beans
- 1 clove of garlic
- 3 tablespoons olive oil
- 1 tablespoon lemon juice
- 1/4 teaspoon salt
- a pinch of ground black pepper
Wash and dry the leaves of fat, and then tear it in small pieces. Peel and slice cucumber and avocado. Mix in a bowl the remaining chopped vegetables. Now make the salad dressing: mix olive oil with garlic, lemon juice, salt and pepper in a separate container and let stand 15 minutes. Then pour the salad dressing and eat enough until you feel full.
Recipe No. 7 — lasagnas Vegetable you want to cook something new and unusual, then this recipe is for you. Replace your usual lunch on a lasagna and feel, go the extra pounds. You'll see, you can lose weight very tasty!
- 250 g of pasta for lasagna
- 4 tablespoons unrefined oil
- 1 onion
- 2 zucchini
- 500 g of tomatoes
- 1 eggplant
- 1 teaspoon ground oregano
- 2 tablespoons butter
- 2 tablespoons flour
- 1 Cup vegetable broth
- 1 Cup milk
- 3 tablespoons grated Gruyere cheese
- 5 chopped walnuts
- 1 tablespoon chopped cilantro
- salt and pepper to taste
Heat the oil in a frying pan and sauté onion until translucent state. Add the vegetables and cook on slow heat for 30 minutes. Season with salt and pepper, add oregano and mix well. Turn off the heat and drain excess liquid.
In a separate pan heat the butter, add the flour and stir for a few minutes in the cooking process. Then pour the vegetable broth and milk. Simmer, stirring constantly, so you'll have a light Bechamel sauce. Season with salt and pepper and set aside.
Next, boil the pasta in salted water. When she's ready (no need to digest, it must be slightly firm on the inside, is called "al dente"), chill in cold water. Now you are ready to cook, in fact, the lasagna, spreading layers of pasta, vegetables and sauce one by one. The top layer sprinkle with cheese, walnuts and cilantro. Put the finished lasagne in a pre heated oven and bake until the cheese forms a Golden crust.
A few final autotimer your book of recipes became a little richer, you will be able to diversify your diet menus these vegetable and fruit dishes. If you stick to the similar meals each day, you will soon notice how the weight goes. And to make the process more efficient and fast, here are some last tips:
Try to drink 2 to 3 litres of water a day. Water activates blood circulation, removes toxins from the body and prevents dehydration. Try not to abuse of alcoholic drinks and tobacco, it is really unhealthy habits. Exercise regularly: walk, run, swim, no matter what, it is important to make your body move frequently. Avoid foods high in fats and sugars as well as flour products, they will only harm your body and your health. Give preference to natural foods with low calories. If you follow these simple tips, you will soon notice a positive result: a healthy lifestyle helps to gain and maintain a normal body weight, that's a fact! published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: steptohealth.ru/