Washington — city of windmills
In the United States of America "windy city" called Chicago. But in a year it may become and Washington. And all because the government of the U.S. capital decided within the next twelve months to transfer all public institutions solely on wind energy.
Now in China works more wind turbines than the United States of America, and the gap this every day increases. But the U.S. also is not standing still on this issue. And existing wind energy capacity in the country is enough to provide electricity for large enough systems.
For example, the city of Washington recently signed a contract with Washington Gas Energy Services, involving a transfer of energy of all public institutions in the U.S. capital for energy generated by wind farms. Moreover, this transition will be implemented in the coming year.
To provide under this contract promises the company Washington Gas Energy Services there is already a large wind turbine Park, located in the state of North Virginia. And the number of wind turbines in it, if necessary, can easily be doubled. However, for present needs and the lack of those energy facilities that are.
The translation of all state agencies on wind energy is only part of an ambitious plan undertaken by the authorities of Washington, aimed at the development of renewable energy sources in the us capital.
I must say that Washington is already the "greenest" city in the USA. And it operates more than two hundred buildings that consumes exclusively renewable energy. A year after implementing the program described above, the number will increase to several times.published
Source: green-dom.info/