What to eat and drink in new year's eve
No matter where do you spend the festive night at home, or in a nightclub, no feast this day it is impossible to do! What to do in order not to harm their figure?
Five million two hundred seventy two thousand six hundred twelve
Cook thanksgiving dinner on my own. First, from the abundance of scents and endless cutting process-cooking the appetite disappears by itself. Second, complex salads with mayonnaise, you can replace a light meal of fresh vegetables, greens and fruits, seasoned with lemon juice or pomegranate and natural yoghurt. Hot give not fried in oil, meat, and grilled with vegetables, or even turn on the menu in fish and seafood.
If you are going to celebrate not at home, don't forget about important rule – don't come to the party hungry. Before the new year night, it is important to have Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Approaching the serving table, look me over. the plate of snacks and sit down near the light, for example, let there be a bowl of fruit or a dish of healthy salad with them and start the meal.
There is one great rule for a rich feast: take one big plate and put on it whatever he wants to try, but little by little, with start from vegetable salads, dressed with vegetable oil. Useful fiber is not just for some time satisfy the appetite, but also will contribute to the digestion of the main food. Do not hold the plug in his hand, and put it next to the plate. Then every time before taking it in hand, think about whether this is?
Ninety two million three hundred ninety six thousand four hundred eighty one
During the holiday eat slowly because new year's eve long, and there's no hurry, try to chew the food well. Make a 15-minute break after each new dish. And don't ask supplements, if you really want to maintain health and figure.
Don't drink too much fluid – this error can lead to unpleasant sensations in the stomach all night. And remember: alcoholic beverages are not invented in order to wash down the food, leave a glass of wine to toast, and in between drink mineral water without gas.
Source: /users/104
Five million two hundred seventy two thousand six hundred twelve
Cook thanksgiving dinner on my own. First, from the abundance of scents and endless cutting process-cooking the appetite disappears by itself. Second, complex salads with mayonnaise, you can replace a light meal of fresh vegetables, greens and fruits, seasoned with lemon juice or pomegranate and natural yoghurt. Hot give not fried in oil, meat, and grilled with vegetables, or even turn on the menu in fish and seafood.
If you are going to celebrate not at home, don't forget about important rule – don't come to the party hungry. Before the new year night, it is important to have Breakfast, lunch and dinner. Approaching the serving table, look me over. the plate of snacks and sit down near the light, for example, let there be a bowl of fruit or a dish of healthy salad with them and start the meal.
There is one great rule for a rich feast: take one big plate and put on it whatever he wants to try, but little by little, with start from vegetable salads, dressed with vegetable oil. Useful fiber is not just for some time satisfy the appetite, but also will contribute to the digestion of the main food. Do not hold the plug in his hand, and put it next to the plate. Then every time before taking it in hand, think about whether this is?
Ninety two million three hundred ninety six thousand four hundred eighty one
During the holiday eat slowly because new year's eve long, and there's no hurry, try to chew the food well. Make a 15-minute break after each new dish. And don't ask supplements, if you really want to maintain health and figure.
Don't drink too much fluid – this error can lead to unpleasant sensations in the stomach all night. And remember: alcoholic beverages are not invented in order to wash down the food, leave a glass of wine to toast, and in between drink mineral water without gas.
Source: /users/104