How useful pine nut?
It is known that cedar is actually not a cedar and Siberian pine. These cedars grow in Lebanon, and our was named in the XV century, when the Russians penetrated into Siberia, and amazed by the beauty of the unknown tree, likened him to the biblical cedar. Since pine nuts in Russia came to be called the seeds of the Siberian pine, which bears fruit every 5-6 years.
In pine nuts contains a complex of vitamin B. They are beneficial to the growth and development of human body, normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood composition. Nutlets are fine means against b-vitamin deficiency causing severe disorders in the organism.
Kernels contain 63.9% of high quality oil and 17.2% easily digestible proteins, composed of 19 amino acids. 70% of them — essential and conditionally essential, which indicates the high biological value proteins.
Pine nuts must be in the diet of children and Teens. They have beneficial effects on physical and mental development of the child. Very useful and necessary during the change of milk teeth. Consumption of pine nuts increases the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system. In-shell pine nuts are also a lot of useful trace elements, amino acids, sugars, tannins.
Source: /users/155

In pine nuts contains a complex of vitamin B. They are beneficial to the growth and development of human body, normalize the activity of the nervous system, improve blood composition. Nutlets are fine means against b-vitamin deficiency causing severe disorders in the organism.

Kernels contain 63.9% of high quality oil and 17.2% easily digestible proteins, composed of 19 amino acids. 70% of them — essential and conditionally essential, which indicates the high biological value proteins.

Pine nuts must be in the diet of children and Teens. They have beneficial effects on physical and mental development of the child. Very useful and necessary during the change of milk teeth. Consumption of pine nuts increases the body's defenses, strengthens the immune system. In-shell pine nuts are also a lot of useful trace elements, amino acids, sugars, tannins.
Source: /users/155