What substances help to be alert and energetic
Vitamin E
28% not receiving vitamin E in the right quantity. Daily allowance of 15 mg. increase immunity, protect from the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, is found in foods rich in vegetable fats: nuts, seeds and various vegetable oils.
20% suffer from a lack of iron, which the body needs to transport oxygen. Daily allowance of 18 mg. per day. Iron from plant sources is almost not absorbed, and meat is a wonderful natural source of iron. Beef is the most efficient source of iron, chicken and pork inferior to it in amount contained in them of iron.
Mineral pregatit muscle spasms, regulate water-salt balance. On the day we need 4 700 milligrams of potassium. Why don't we have enough of this mineral? We still eat few vegetables and fruits.
On the day we only need 8 milligrams of zinc, a mineral that regulate metabolism. We don't eat wheat bread, almost refused it because the zinc will go into our body? Comes to the aid of beans. For example, in a 100-gram jar of canned beans contains 4 mg. of zinc.
Source: /users/559
28% not receiving vitamin E in the right quantity. Daily allowance of 15 mg. increase immunity, protect from the appearance of cardiovascular diseases. Vitamin E is fat-soluble, is found in foods rich in vegetable fats: nuts, seeds and various vegetable oils.

20% suffer from a lack of iron, which the body needs to transport oxygen. Daily allowance of 18 mg. per day. Iron from plant sources is almost not absorbed, and meat is a wonderful natural source of iron. Beef is the most efficient source of iron, chicken and pork inferior to it in amount contained in them of iron.
Mineral pregatit muscle spasms, regulate water-salt balance. On the day we need 4 700 milligrams of potassium. Why don't we have enough of this mineral? We still eat few vegetables and fruits.

On the day we only need 8 milligrams of zinc, a mineral that regulate metabolism. We don't eat wheat bread, almost refused it because the zinc will go into our body? Comes to the aid of beans. For example, in a 100-gram jar of canned beans contains 4 mg. of zinc.
Source: /users/559
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