Three of the most impressive valleys in the surface of the Earth
Bingham Canyon, Utah, USA
This copper pit is 1.5 km deep and 4 km wide, covers an area of 1900 acres and is considered the largest of its kind to mine the planet.
Diamond mine "Big hole", South Africa
This vast, now dormant diamond mine located in Kimberley, South Africa, was opened in 1870. It is believed that this is the huge quarry, which was developed by the people without the use of technology. Hard to believe, but it dug with picks and shovels. At the close of his depth was 240 meters and a width of 463 metres. Now it slowly fills with water. And about 100 million years ago there was a volcano.
Karst collapse in Guatemala
A huge failure of karst origin in Guatemala appeared after tropical storm Agatha in 2010. Hole fully engulfed three-story building. The origin of the failure of a width of about 20 meters and a depth of 30-storey building can be explained by the process of leaching with water soil and bedrock.
Source: /users/413
This copper pit is 1.5 km deep and 4 km wide, covers an area of 1900 acres and is considered the largest of its kind to mine the planet.

Diamond mine "Big hole", South Africa
This vast, now dormant diamond mine located in Kimberley, South Africa, was opened in 1870. It is believed that this is the huge quarry, which was developed by the people without the use of technology. Hard to believe, but it dug with picks and shovels. At the close of his depth was 240 meters and a width of 463 metres. Now it slowly fills with water. And about 100 million years ago there was a volcano.

Karst collapse in Guatemala
A huge failure of karst origin in Guatemala appeared after tropical storm Agatha in 2010. Hole fully engulfed three-story building. The origin of the failure of a width of about 20 meters and a depth of 30-storey building can be explained by the process of leaching with water soil and bedrock.

Source: /users/413