The facts about the dangers of food consumed in the summer
1. About fruits
Forget for your own health on the manner to sample the fruits at the market! Even if there is only the flesh, discarding the skin, you can still get an infection because none of the purity of the knife with which the fruit is cut. So it would be better to buy tasteless pears or watermelon than poison, so they are not buying.
2. About milk and fruits
A popular summer treat – smoothies. In principle, the idea to mix fruit and milk (yogurt, cheese) is great: these products will enhance the beneficial properties of each other and wonderful to digest. But all this does not apply to melons, banana and exotic fruit – these fruits will not tolerate the neighborhood with no milk, no anything else. This mix can cause intestinal upset.
Source: /users/559
Forget for your own health on the manner to sample the fruits at the market! Even if there is only the flesh, discarding the skin, you can still get an infection because none of the purity of the knife with which the fruit is cut. So it would be better to buy tasteless pears or watermelon than poison, so they are not buying.

2. About milk and fruits
A popular summer treat – smoothies. In principle, the idea to mix fruit and milk (yogurt, cheese) is great: these products will enhance the beneficial properties of each other and wonderful to digest. But all this does not apply to melons, banana and exotic fruit – these fruits will not tolerate the neighborhood with no milk, no anything else. This mix can cause intestinal upset.

Source: /users/559