Organic food in the diet does not reduce cancer risk
Women who, in most cases, prefer natural products, have the same likelihood of developing cancer as women who consumed conventional foods. These are the results of another study of the University of Oxford.
Kathryn Bradbury and colleagues in Oxford have not found any evidence that the regular diet of foods free of chemicals and pesticides reduces a woman's risk of cancer. The researchers asked around 600,000 women aged 50 years and older: whether they ate organic foods within. The researchers then looked at how women have developed 16 of the most basic and common types of cancer in a nine year period. About 50,000 women have received terrible disease during this period. Scientists found no differences in overall cancer risk when comparing 180,000 to women who never ate organic food with 45,000 women who reported a diet of organically grown food.
Professor and study author Tim Key said: "this large study of middle-aged women in the UK, we found no evidence that the risk of cancer in women will be less if they use organic food".
Source: nauka24news.ru/