London big Ben will make energy-efficient
In the near future London big Ben – one of the main attractions of Albion, could become a standard application-friendly nature of the technology. The city authorities are seriously thinking about replacing the tower all now working on led lighting, and energy production needed to supply structures to hold solar panels.
For more than a month ago with the initiative at the meeting of Parliament made by the British Prime Minister David Cameron, and this proposal received the support of most MPs. Currently, experts are working on a project that would allow to realize all our plans, without violating the historical integrity of big Ben.

In particular, the possibility of setting on the dial of the legendary watches solar panels, retrofitting buildings with led lighting and a variety of activities aimed at improving the heat characteristics of the tower.
Regarding the last point it is planned to hold the insulation of the facade and roof of the building and adjustment of glass that would allow a third to reduce the level of energy consumed for heating of the big Ben. At London's city hall believe that the implementation of this work package will be a great example of sustainable development of the city, which is now a policy priority in London. Simultaneously with these measures, to big Ben, it is planned to establish a modern system of aerosol fire extinguishing, which today is the best solution to protect buildings from fire.

Note that in the British capital now operates the program of energy efficiency in the historic center of the city. Within its framework, developed a series of projects of reconstruction of architectural monuments, and, according to experts and officials, all planned measures will allow to increase the attractiveness of London as a city that cares about the environment. The importance of this work is evidenced by large-scale funding program, which is allocated by the budget of the London and the UK Treasury.
Source: zeleneet.com