19 Commandments for Parents of Maria Montessori
it believed that only four of the teacher of the twentieth century made a revolution in education. This American John Dewey, the German Georg Kerschensteiner, Italian Maria Montessori and the Soviet educator Anton Makarenko.
Maria Montessori formulated commandments brief reminder for parents. They are simple, but if you think about each of them, this multi-volume wisdom in a few words. Website advises parents at least once a year to re-read this list, and then the relationship with your children can go to a new level, as the child grows more developed and harmonious personality.
Children are taught that surrounds them. If a child is often criticized - he learns to condemn. If a child is often praised - he learns to evaluate. If your child demonstrates hostility - he learns to fight. If you are honest with your child - he learns justice. If a child is often derided - he learns to be shy. If a child lives with a sense of security - he learns to trust. If a child is often a disgrace - he learns to feel guilty. If a child is often approve of - he learns to feel good about yourself. If a child often lenient - he learns to be patient. If a child is often cheer - he gains confidence. If a child lives in an atmosphere of friendship and feels necessary - he learns to find love in this world. Do not speak ill of the child - neither with him nor without him. Focus on the good development in the child, with the result that would not be a bad place to stay. Always listen and respond to a child who appeals to you. Respect the child who made a mistake and can now or later to fix it. Be ready to help a child who is in search of, and be invisible to the child who has found all. Help your child to master the undeveloped earlier. Do this by filling the world care, restraint, peace and love. The treatment of the child is always adhere to the best style - offers him the best that is in you.
See also:
10 Commandments for Parents Janusz Korczak
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