Day of Remembrance of the Myrrhbearer Equal to the Apostles Mary Magdalene
In the church calendar for August there is a special date - the day of Mary Magdalene, which we celebrate on August 4. Everyone knows that Mary Magdalene is one of the most famous women in the Bible. She became a symbol of rebirth and was not only a follower of Christ, but also his closest disciple.
So today's editorial office. "Site" He wants to honor the memory of Mary Magdalene by remembering her life and offering a prayer to the myrrhbearer.
According to legend, St. Mary Magdalene was the myrrh-bearer and disciple of Jesus. However, she had to go through a difficult journey and completely change her life. Repentant Mary Magdalene It is a symbol of forgiveness for every believer.
Mary was born in the city of Magdalene. The Gospel says that in her youth she was very beautiful and from an early age began to lead a licentious life. Everything changed after meeting Jesus. He freed her from the seven demons, cured her of her possession, and put her back on the right path.
After healing, Mary decided to lead a righteous life. She was his faithful disciple and witnessed his death on the cross. She later became one of the myrrh-bearing wives who came to the cave to prepare Christ’s body for the funeral.
Mary was one of those who witnessed the resurrection of Christ, it was she who first reported the miracle to the apostles. After the ascension of Christ, she began to lead the life of a hermit and preached Christianity in Rome and Asia Minor. From there, in old age, the saint went to Ephesus. Her earthly life ended there.
In the ninth century, the relics of St. Mary Magdalene were transferred to Constantinople and laid in the temple of St. Lazarus. Eventually they were moved to Italy and placed in Rome. Part of the relics is located in France near Marseille, where it was built. church.
After the death of Christ, Mary performed many more deeds, each of which carried the teachings of the Savior to people. It is a day of remembrance that every believer should honor. We celebrate this day every year on August 4.
In Russia on this day necessarily went for ripe berries. The harvest was rolled for the winter, making compotes and jams. The hostess spent all day for this, so the people of Mary are often called the Buttock. Also on this day you need to bake berry pies.
It is possible to collect forest berries, but it is strictly forbidden to work in the garden. The fruits that were harvested on that day were considered healing. Also, you can not bother around the house, only do spins. It is said that a saint may become angry if she works on this day.
What matters most is prayer on such a holy day. Go to church and offer a holy prayer.
Prayer of St. Mary Magdalene “O Holy Myrrhbearer, Equal to the Apostles Magdalene Mary!” With your warm love for Christ, you have trampled on the evil intrigues of the enemy and found the priceless pearls of Christ and reached the Kingdom of Heaven.
For this reason I come to you with a tender soul and a broken heart I cry out to you unworthy: look down from the height of heaven upon me, wrestling with sinful temptations; see, since many sins and misfortunes the enemy hits me every day, seeking my destruction.
The glorious and all-round disciple of Christ, Mary! Pray to your beloved and loved Christ God, that he may give me the renunciation of many of my sins, strengthen me with his grace soberly and cheerfully march along the path of his holy commandments, and make me a fragrant temple of the Holy Spirit: yes, in the world I will shamelessly die my hard life on earth and dwell in the bright and blessed abode of heavenly paradise, even though you are with all the saints incessantly joyfully and joyfully, the One Holy Spirit, the One and Holy Spirit. Amen.
Prayer is a way to talk to God, and it’s important to know certain nuances. We recently talked about how to pray to God.
Every prayer is an inexhaustible power! Especially strong is the 90th Psalm from the Psalm. This prayer is a talisman from diseases, disasters and many troubles. You need to learn it by heart and read it regularly.
You can also pray for health and healing to Saint Panteleimon. Saints are sure to help, you just need to sincerely believe and pray.
How do you spend St. Mary Magdalene's Day? Tell me in the comments.

So today's editorial office. "Site" He wants to honor the memory of Mary Magdalene by remembering her life and offering a prayer to the myrrhbearer.
According to legend, St. Mary Magdalene was the myrrh-bearer and disciple of Jesus. However, she had to go through a difficult journey and completely change her life. Repentant Mary Magdalene It is a symbol of forgiveness for every believer.

Mary was born in the city of Magdalene. The Gospel says that in her youth she was very beautiful and from an early age began to lead a licentious life. Everything changed after meeting Jesus. He freed her from the seven demons, cured her of her possession, and put her back on the right path.
After healing, Mary decided to lead a righteous life. She was his faithful disciple and witnessed his death on the cross. She later became one of the myrrh-bearing wives who came to the cave to prepare Christ’s body for the funeral.

Mary was one of those who witnessed the resurrection of Christ, it was she who first reported the miracle to the apostles. After the ascension of Christ, she began to lead the life of a hermit and preached Christianity in Rome and Asia Minor. From there, in old age, the saint went to Ephesus. Her earthly life ended there.
In the ninth century, the relics of St. Mary Magdalene were transferred to Constantinople and laid in the temple of St. Lazarus. Eventually they were moved to Italy and placed in Rome. Part of the relics is located in France near Marseille, where it was built. church.

After the death of Christ, Mary performed many more deeds, each of which carried the teachings of the Savior to people. It is a day of remembrance that every believer should honor. We celebrate this day every year on August 4.
In Russia on this day necessarily went for ripe berries. The harvest was rolled for the winter, making compotes and jams. The hostess spent all day for this, so the people of Mary are often called the Buttock. Also on this day you need to bake berry pies.

It is possible to collect forest berries, but it is strictly forbidden to work in the garden. The fruits that were harvested on that day were considered healing. Also, you can not bother around the house, only do spins. It is said that a saint may become angry if she works on this day.
What matters most is prayer on such a holy day. Go to church and offer a holy prayer.

Prayer of St. Mary Magdalene “O Holy Myrrhbearer, Equal to the Apostles Magdalene Mary!” With your warm love for Christ, you have trampled on the evil intrigues of the enemy and found the priceless pearls of Christ and reached the Kingdom of Heaven.
For this reason I come to you with a tender soul and a broken heart I cry out to you unworthy: look down from the height of heaven upon me, wrestling with sinful temptations; see, since many sins and misfortunes the enemy hits me every day, seeking my destruction.
The glorious and all-round disciple of Christ, Mary! Pray to your beloved and loved Christ God, that he may give me the renunciation of many of my sins, strengthen me with his grace soberly and cheerfully march along the path of his holy commandments, and make me a fragrant temple of the Holy Spirit: yes, in the world I will shamelessly die my hard life on earth and dwell in the bright and blessed abode of heavenly paradise, even though you are with all the saints incessantly joyfully and joyfully, the One Holy Spirit, the One and Holy Spirit. Amen.

Prayer is a way to talk to God, and it’s important to know certain nuances. We recently talked about how to pray to God.
Every prayer is an inexhaustible power! Especially strong is the 90th Psalm from the Psalm. This prayer is a talisman from diseases, disasters and many troubles. You need to learn it by heart and read it regularly.
You can also pray for health and healing to Saint Panteleimon. Saints are sure to help, you just need to sincerely believe and pray.
How do you spend St. Mary Magdalene's Day? Tell me in the comments.