Scientists have deduced the arithmetic formula of love
Psychologists have deduced the formula of love
the study surveyed 2,000 men and women.
Twenty four million nine hundred one thousand three hundred eighty
It looks like this:
L = 8 x 0.5 Y — 0.2 P + Um 0,9 + 0,3 MF + J — 0.3 G — 0,5 (Sm — SF) + I + 1.5 C ,
where Y: the number of years during which partners knew each other before the relationship became serious
P: the total number of previous partners of men and women Hm: the importance to men of integrity in the relations are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
Hmm: the importance to men of integrity in the relations are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
Mf: the importance of money for women, also evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
J: the importance of having a sense of humor (each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
G: the importance of appearance each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
Sm and SF: the importance of sex for men and women (each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
I: the importance attached to the approval of relatives (note — 1, no matter, 0)
C: the importance of having children (NB — 1, any — 0)
Fifty six million seven hundred thousand eight hundred eighty eight
The result of calculations(L) is the number of years that a couple will spend together.
Write the result of their calculations in the comments!
Source: /users/60
the study surveyed 2,000 men and women.
Twenty four million nine hundred one thousand three hundred eighty
It looks like this:
L = 8 x 0.5 Y — 0.2 P + Um 0,9 + 0,3 MF + J — 0.3 G — 0,5 (Sm — SF) + I + 1.5 C ,
where Y: the number of years during which partners knew each other before the relationship became serious
P: the total number of previous partners of men and women Hm: the importance to men of integrity in the relations are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
Hmm: the importance to men of integrity in the relations are evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
Mf: the importance of money for women, also evaluated on a scale from 1 to 5
J: the importance of having a sense of humor (each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
G: the importance of appearance each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
Sm and SF: the importance of sex for men and women (each partner appreciates the importance from 1 to 5, the results are summed)
I: the importance attached to the approval of relatives (note — 1, no matter, 0)
C: the importance of having children (NB — 1, any — 0)
Fifty six million seven hundred thousand eight hundred eighty eight
The result of calculations(L) is the number of years that a couple will spend together.
Write the result of their calculations in the comments!
Source: /users/60
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