Home wrapping rules
Basic rules for wrapping:
Source: estet-portal.com/
- At least an hour before such a procedure and an hour after it, try not to drink and especially not to eat;
- You should first clean the skin, steaming it and treating it with a massage or anti-cellulite sponge and scrub;

- Wet the cleansed skin with a towel and apply the prepared composition for wrapping with gentle circular movements. Apply such a composition can be on the whole body or only on problem areas (abdomen, buttocks, legs);
- Wrap the area of application of the composition with food film. Wrap the film in a spiral from the bottom up, tightly, but not dragging. It is important not to disturb blood circulation, so as not to feel discomfort;

- Wrap in a terry towel (you can warm) or put on a robe to create a sauna effect.
- Now the best thing is to lie down and rest while the lineup does its job. In addition, you can also cover yourself with a blanket or blanket. Rest!
- When the wrapping time expires, remove the film and wash off the composition. Note: a strong salt bath for 10 minutes will significantly enhance the anti-cellulite effect of such wrapping.
- After taking a shower or bath on the skin it is necessary to apply a nutritious or moisturizing cream and milk for the body.

- Wraps for weight loss are recommended to carry out a course consisting of 12-14 procedures, which must be carried out every other day. The break between courses of such home procedures can be up to 2 months.
Source: estet-portal.com/
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