10 real reasons, which can happen Apocalypse

Over the past 500 million years there have been five mass extinctions. The most famous of these occurred approximately 65 million years ago – when the dinosaurs disappeared. Despite the huge number of theories, the reasons for these extinctions is uncertain.The cause of the sixth mass extinction in the future may become various factors, which we describe below:
10. From resource depletion to pollution – the human impact on our planet is awesome. According to some reports each year on Earth is dying to 100,000 species of plants and animals. 9. A giant SUPERVOLCANO in Yellowstone national Park threatens eruption at any time. He can destroy all of America and cover with a cloud of toxic ash all the Land.
8. Humanity can be supplanted by artificial intelligence, and robots will take the place of people in all spheres of life.
7. Gamma rays that arise as a result of collision of stars, can destroy the entire ozone layer of our planet. But there is good news: until a new explosion was 500 million years.
6. Bees are close to extinction because of rise in temperature on Earth and the use of pesticides in agriculture. 33% of everything we eat depends on bee population because the insects pollinate a significant portion of crops, and their disappearance could dramatically exacerbate the growing food crisis.
5. We may be helpless in the face of deadly epidemics, for example, of the Ebola virus.
4. Over the last two centuries emissions of carbon dioxide has increased ocean acidity by 25%. It promises underwater ocean life mass extinction.
3. The comet collision with the Earth can endanger the existence of mankind.
2. Scientist James Hansen has said that burning fossil fuels is contributing to rapid greenhouse effect, and Earth risk of becoming a second Venus with a surface temperature of 475 degrees.
1. The change in magnetic field can lead to a weakening of the Earth's magnetosphere. Because of this, cosmic radiation will lead to irreparable consequences.
Source: brainswork.ru