Ice diet for hot summer

The diet, described in the book by gastroenterologist Brian Weiner “The Ice Diet”, involves eating ice, which, according to the doctor, contributes to the burning of calories. According to the doctor, frozen water has a so-called negative calorie content.
There are two goals in eating ice: burning calories and gradually avoiding high-calorie foods. According to Dr. Weiner, an adult can eat one liter of ice without harm. For its assimilation, according to the calculations of a gastroenterologist, the body will spend 160 calories. That’s how much you can burn by running 1.61 km.

It’s no wonder that the ice diet is sceptical. Someone even estimated that a person would have to eat 30 kg of ice to get rid of 500 grams of weight.
The doctor insists on the effectiveness of his method and warns about the need to follow several rules for its safe observance. For example, you do not need to eat more than a kilogram of ice per day. They also should not get carried away in cool weather.



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