Electric car - thousands of kilometers on aluminum and water

Is it possible to make a trip from Kiev to Donetsk by electric car, go back and not waste time on the way to recharge the batteries? The distance there - back about a thousand and a half kilometers. Perhaps this is a lot even for the record holder from the world of electric motors Tesla Model S.

However, at a presentation recently hosted in Montreal, Israeli company Phinergy and aluminum giant Alcoa made it clear that nothing is impossible. For such a record run, it is enough to install an air-aluminum battery in a “normal electric car”.

Fear of being left at the right time without wheels is holding back sales of green electric cars. Small mileage without additional charging is their Achilles heel, even considering the fact that charging stations are becoming more and more. “When you buy a car, you want to buy freedom,” said Aziz Tzidon, CEO of Phinergy. When you have a car that is limited in mileage and you need infrastructure, you lose that freedom.

Tzidon claims that the air-aluminum technology developed by his company allows you to store enough energy to run up to 3,000 kilometers in a battery weighing only 100 kg. For comparison, the weight of the Tesla Model S batteries is about 500 kg.

The technology of oxygen-aluminum current sources has been known for a long time, but was not developed until about the end of the 70s of the last century due to low demand. In essence, such a battery is not a battery, but a galvanic cell like alkaline batteries for a player.

The energy source in the air-aluminum battery is the reaction of aluminum oxidation. The electrolyte in it is needed not for transporting ions, but in order to dissolve the oxide film of the metal, which prevents oxidation. In principle, the electrolyte can be any, but the alkaline is the cheapest and most effective.

Air-aluminum battery does not need to be charged, it is sold ready-to-use and consists of thick aluminum plates. Aluminum and water are consumed during battery operation, so the owner needs to pour it from time to time so that the reaction continues.

During the oxidative reaction, aluminum hydroxide is formed, an environmentally friendly white clay that is used as a raw material for the production of metallic aluminum. White clay is also necessary for the production of plastics, paints, paper, water purification and many other useful things.

According to Phinergy estimates, if you use an air-aluminum battery as a backup, in addition to standard lithium-ion batteries, it will last about a year of operation with a daily run of about 50 km.

Source: facepla.net


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