Steak of ostrich meat with coconut sauce

Ingredients ostrich Fillet
Fresh ginger
Olive oil
Coconut milk
The beef broth
Black pepper Steak from ostrich meat with coconut sauce during cooking ostrich steak, not the salt — it will become tough.
From ostrich fillet to cut a large piece. Cutting across the grain. Then the steak should be marinated. Fresh ginger RUB on a small grater. Crush the garlic with a knife. Put ginger and garlic into the meat on both sides. Put in a saucepan and add the olive oil.
While the meat is marinating, prepare the sauce. To do this in a skillet heat vegetable oil. Fry chopped garlic and ginger. Then pour the coconut milk and a little beef broth. When thick – add a pinch of sesame seeds. The finished sauce strain through a sieve.
By this time it zamarinuetsya ostrich steak. In a pan heat the vegetable oil and put there meat.
While the steak is roasted, coarsely chop zucchini, tomatoes and onions. Spread into the pan next to the meat. To salt, add black pepper and fry until ready.
Put on a plate, pour the coconut sauce. Garnish with starfruit, orange, chilli and herbs.
Source: /users/155