The ostrich can kill a lion a kick, and 6 more amazing facts about ostriches
Known fact that the ostrich - largest flightless bird that her homeland is Africa, and that the ostrich runs amazingly fast. All this is interesting in general, but not anything particularly outstanding. However, the ostrich has some amazing properties, which you may have no idea.
1. ostrich legs are so powerful that a good kick ostrich can kill a lion.
2. Ostriches, contrary to popular belief, do not bury their heads in the sand. If threatened by a predator bird, she plops down on the ground and puts his head in the sand, to merge with it. The body is thus perfectly visible from the outside, and therefore creates the feeling that the head is literally buried in the sand.
3. Eggs Ostrich - the largest bird eggs in the world. Their weight is half kilograms, and size - 15 cm in diameter. One ostrich egg is equivalent to two dozen chicken eggs.
4. The feathers of most birds - waterproof. Straus also may get wet in the rain, because it has special glands.
5. An ostrich's eye - the largest of all land animals have eyes, about five centimeters in diameter. Moreover, the eye is greater than the brain of an ostrich.
6. Ostriches prey on insects and small reptiles, running them funny zigzags like in the cartoons.
7. The male ostrich warns of the danger of his flock, making a sound like a lion's roar.
via factroom.ru
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