Neighbors tried to survive the lonely old man, but one day something unexpected happened.

How sometimes people can be indifferent! They are ready to arrange any tricks, just to get what they want and defeat the opponent. Especially if the opponent is weaker. Moreover, even if the opponent is simple. lonely. Why did the neighbors dislike Grandpa so much and how did this difficult story end?

Lonely old man Lev Nikolaevich lived alone. He bought a small apartment in a four-storey house about 10 years ago. None of the neighbors really knew him. They only noticed that the old man takes the dog for a walk and goes to the store. The lion didn't say much. Neighbors found out that his wife had passed away around the time he decided to move. The kids were, but somewhere far away.

And it seems that everything went on as usual, until the apartment of Lev Nikolaevich was not interested in the local businessman Vadim. He put his shop in the basement of the house, but he wanted to. extend. Of course, it was Leo’s apartment. Or rather, Lev Nikolaevich himself.

Vadim went to the old man with a business proposal. “I will give you money and you will go somewhere. How much do the old men need? I will not offend, said the businessman. “Sorry, Vadim, but I don’t want to give this apartment away for nothing. Especially for the pennies you're offering me. And I don't plan to sell it, so don't try.

A worthy rival of Vadim did not suit this state of affairs. He started talking to the residents of the house. versus grandpa. Delok himself lived in a nearby entrance and knew the pain points of neighbors well. He said that there is nothing to tolerate the dog Lev Nikolaevich. She's probably barking and shitting. Does he clean up after her? Such thoughts the man began to inspire the other tenants of the house.

But it went nowhere. The businessman became dirty An old man. Then it suits a punk to draw some old man's door, then break the mailbox, then dirty the stairway with dirt. Neighbors were indignant and angry at Lev Nikolaevich. But what could an 80-year-old pensioner do?

The lion once approached Vadim and asked in a human way: “Why are you so, Vadim?” What did I do to you? Let me live in peace in this house and then do what you want. But Vadim was hard to reach. “Daddy, you can be here for a long time. I have to get ready now. Do I know how much money I lost because of your character? - Vadim angrily threw. “You could have opened another store somewhere else a long time ago. On the hooligans who spoil my life, clearly threw more, — grinned the old man. Don't teach me. Now it's a matter of principle. So don’t be surprised if your dog moves horses soon, Vadim laughed.

A terrible act upset Lev Nikolaevich after a conversation with Vadim. I came home, and the door was painted again and sloped. He carefully opened the door and barely entered when he heard the angry cries of neighbors. "What a stink! How long can you put up with that old shoe? While he was not here, so we were normal! shouted the obese neighbor from the top floor.

The lion went into the room, hugged the dog, which immediately ran to his beloved owner, and cried. But before he had a wife Lyubochka and a son Vitya. Only Viti’s life was cut short by an inadequate driver, and Lyuba could not stand the loss. Leo also has an older son Oleg. But he never had much warmth for his father. Just mother and other no heirHe gave his father some money and sold the family home. Lucky that Leo was able to buy such a kennel. And now he doesn't live here from Vadim.

Lev Nikolaevich decided that it would be better to go for a walk with his beloved Almochka than sit in four hated walls. He went to the stairwell, but the dog wanted to go outside too much. Old man. leashedAnd the animal rushed to the street. The lion hastened to follow.

But as soon as he got out of the entrance, he saw that Vadim’s car was literally deliberately rushing at the helpless animal. The old man cried with all his might, but late. When the neighbors ran away, they realized that saving the dog no longer makes sense. Vadim shrugged and assured that the animal threw itself under the wheels. Lev Nikolaevich cried for a long time over the little body of his beloved Alma, and then sharply grabbed his heart and fell next to the animal.

A lonely old man has finally been given the green light. If you know who to bring the desired envelope, and with the apartment of Leo quickly resolved. And Vadim certainly is. knew who to go to.. He has already begun to expand his store. Things were going well, the man was very pleased with his situation. He's doing fine. My business, my wife, my beautiful little daughter. Life is a complete cup.

However, that night Vadim woke up the call. “Your store is on fire,” they said dryly at the second end of the wire. The man quickly ran outside and noticed how the basement was burning. The fire quickly spread to the first floor, where Lev Nikolaevich’s apartment used to be. Firefighters tried to localize the fire, but it was clear that the room irremediable.

I wish I could do that, but Vadim completely broke the next day. He just started calling friends and trying to find help, as he did not follow his own daughter. The girl’s life was taken away by a driver who did not notice the baby under the wheels. Vadim just turned around and saw that his daughter is unlikely to help.

In order to calm down Vadim, he had to call up. He kept shouting that it was the lonely old man's fault. "It's his fault! I ran over his dog, and now he's taking revenge! He's taking revenge on me. He came for me, the man shouted frantically as paramedics tried to tie him up. The neighbors were baptized and whispered suspiciously. It's a terrible situation, but even Vadim's money won't help.


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