Mistakes of summer residents who grow tasteless tomatoes from year to year

Which tomatoes are tasty and which are grass? Some say that there is no better grown with their own hands. But sometimes it happens that even tomatoes from their site are completely tasteless.

Some blame this weather, some blame bad seeds, genetic engineering or Mercury retrograde. Meanwhile, the reason may be simpler than you think. You have to blame yourself first.

Which tomatoes taste good? Changing the taste of grown tomatoes for the better can be done in several ways. Let's start with the simplest. As you know, tomatoes love the sun and do not like stagnation of water.


Therefore, sweet fruits will be those that are at least 8 hours during the day were under the sun. And tomatoes grown on sandy soil will always taste better than those that grew on clay.

We add that the daily temperature should ideally stay at 25 degrees. And the night should not fall below 15-17 degrees. In such conditions, tomatoes accumulate the most useful substances.

Today, our stores filled with imported varieties and hybrids of tomatoes. But abroad, most fruits are grown industrially, not on homesteads. And what is good for a Dutch farmer is not always suitable for a Russian summer resident.

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Therefore, tasty and fragrant tomatoes, like those that we ate in childhood, should be sought among the varieties bred by domestic breeders.

What fertilizers can harm tomatoes? You can often hear that when fertilized with organic fertilizers, tomatoes are almost twice as tasty. It is difficult to argue with this, especially since taste is a purely individual matter. But about one of the favorite fertilizers of our summer residents, we can say for sure that it does not add taste to tomatoes.

Before planting a tomato seedling, gardeners make more intermittent manure and mineral fertilizers containing nitrogen. Then water it with liquid fertilizer from weeds, nitrogen in which is also quite a lot.

As a result, seedlings grow like yeast. And we wonder why small and tasteless tomatoes hide in thickets of powerful tomato stalks. To blame nitrogen, which stimulates a set of green mass. In order not to overfeed them plants, watch the leaves. If they are of normal color and size, you can refrain from applying nitrogen fertilizer.


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