Interesting facts about ostriches
Do you think the ostrich is cute, funny and smart bird? You are wrong! We have put together a selection of facts about ostriches. Would it change your opinion of them after reading this article?..
The brain of an ostrich is smaller than chicken eggs. As you know, ostrich is not the most intelligent bird... For example: parrots and crows, whose brain size is the largest among the birds, are considered to be very clever.
The plumage of the ostrich scientists call "primitive": not only that the feathers are not evenly distributed, so also they do not have a structured webs. All other bird feathers situated on the lines of parilia. This feature is observed even in flightless birds, e.g. kiwi, penguin, EMU and Rhea.
Strausii EMU – even those moms. They lay the egg and then quickly run away. All the care for the offspring takes on dad. You understand that the provider of a no – given the size of his brain.
Ostriches live in flocks of 15-20 individuals. And this flock has a clear hierarchy. The largest ostrich head can be recognized from a distance – he always holds his head high and straight. The rest of the owls bend lower, according to the order of: the lower tilted head – the its unenviable position in the pack.
With its 2-metre wingspan, these birds use their absolutely mediocre. Instead of to soar along with the eagles and cranes, ostriches use them only in order to attract individual of the opposite sex. The dream of the sky at them is completely absent.
Ostriches have long domesticated by humans. People use them in the tail and mane. Ride them, use for protection and just eat. Ah, Yes: sometimes they love them.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: my.goodhouse.com.ua

The brain of an ostrich is smaller than chicken eggs. As you know, ostrich is not the most intelligent bird... For example: parrots and crows, whose brain size is the largest among the birds, are considered to be very clever.
The plumage of the ostrich scientists call "primitive": not only that the feathers are not evenly distributed, so also they do not have a structured webs. All other bird feathers situated on the lines of parilia. This feature is observed even in flightless birds, e.g. kiwi, penguin, EMU and Rhea.
Strausii EMU – even those moms. They lay the egg and then quickly run away. All the care for the offspring takes on dad. You understand that the provider of a no – given the size of his brain.
Ostriches live in flocks of 15-20 individuals. And this flock has a clear hierarchy. The largest ostrich head can be recognized from a distance – he always holds his head high and straight. The rest of the owls bend lower, according to the order of: the lower tilted head – the its unenviable position in the pack.
With its 2-metre wingspan, these birds use their absolutely mediocre. Instead of to soar along with the eagles and cranes, ostriches use them only in order to attract individual of the opposite sex. The dream of the sky at them is completely absent.
Ostriches have long domesticated by humans. People use them in the tail and mane. Ride them, use for protection and just eat. Ah, Yes: sometimes they love them.published
P. S. And remember, only by changing their consumption — together we change the world! ©
Source: my.goodhouse.com.ua
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