Vegetable diet — health benefits
Zucchini is a unique vegetable. Although simple to prepare and easy maintenance it is rich in vitamins and minerals: fiber, potassium, iron, phosphorus, calcium, carotene, protein, vitamin C and W. Zucchini is 95% water, contains almost no carbohydrates and is extremely low in calories – only 16-20 calories per 100 grams of product. That is a cooked dish of kilograms of vegetables will contain only 160-200 calories. And this is an important component of an effective diet in the fight against obesity.
But this is useful for figure and health properties zucchini is not limited. This vegetable can improve the structure of blood, nourish the heart muscle, speed up digestion, rid the body of excess fluid and thereby to cope with the swelling, prevent obesity, improve the body tone and stress. So, єta effective diet easily cope with your excess weight.Zucchini is also useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the fight against cellulite, strengthens the immune system and even is a vegetable, and prolonging youthfulness.So squash effective diet is universal. In addition to getting rid of excess weight it is able to perform miracles: heal, rejuvenate, tone your body and life potential.
Recommendations for squash diet
Expected result losing excess weight with diet pumpkin effective — up to 2 kg per week. The recommended duration is 1 month once a year. Abuse this an effective diet is not worth it even with all its positive properties. During the struggle with excess weight with the help of zucchini will need:
1. choose vegetables dark green;
2. do not remove the peel as it contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals;
3. to reduce the amount of salt;
4. for cooking use olive or any other vegetable oil;
5. in order to preserve the useful properties of zucchini to cook it better in a double boiler;
6. drink mineral water without gas, fresh juices and green tea;
7. completely eliminate from your diet sugar, bread, any pastry, coffee, alcohol, sausages and cured meats.
Diet when you squash the diet against excess weight
Early Breakfast: a glass of green tea, salad of zucchini and carrots, seasoned with lemon juice and fresh herbs.
Second Breakfast: green tea or a glass of Apple juice. Steamed zucchini, steamed.
Lunch: Soup-puree of zucchini. Salad of fresh vegetables. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Dinner: a Salad of cucumber, zucchini and fresh herbs, dressed with lemon juice.
Dinner: canned mushrooms home-cooking without the use of vegetable oil when fighting.
The second option is squash diet vs excess weight
Early Breakfast – casserole of zucchini with 1 egg and greens.
Second Breakfast – vegetable salad with zucchini, carrots and cucumbers with natural yogurt.
Lunch — vegetable soup made from zucchini, carrots, bell pepper and celery. The second – boiled Turkey, parsley.
Snack – cottage cheese-vegetable salad with zucchini, ginger and herbs.
Dinner — zucchini stuffed with vegetables.
While squash effective diet for weight loss menu can be varied to your own taste, add a variety of vegetables. The day allowed up to 200 grams of fish. And be sure to at least 1.5 liters of fluid.
Source: /users/87

But this is useful for figure and health properties zucchini is not limited. This vegetable can improve the structure of blood, nourish the heart muscle, speed up digestion, rid the body of excess fluid and thereby to cope with the swelling, prevent obesity, improve the body tone and stress. So, єta effective diet easily cope with your excess weight.Zucchini is also useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, helps in the fight against cellulite, strengthens the immune system and even is a vegetable, and prolonging youthfulness.So squash effective diet is universal. In addition to getting rid of excess weight it is able to perform miracles: heal, rejuvenate, tone your body and life potential.
Recommendations for squash diet
Expected result losing excess weight with diet pumpkin effective — up to 2 kg per week. The recommended duration is 1 month once a year. Abuse this an effective diet is not worth it even with all its positive properties. During the struggle with excess weight with the help of zucchini will need:
1. choose vegetables dark green;
2. do not remove the peel as it contains large amounts of vitamins and minerals;
3. to reduce the amount of salt;
4. for cooking use olive or any other vegetable oil;
5. in order to preserve the useful properties of zucchini to cook it better in a double boiler;
6. drink mineral water without gas, fresh juices and green tea;
7. completely eliminate from your diet sugar, bread, any pastry, coffee, alcohol, sausages and cured meats.

Diet when you squash the diet against excess weight
Early Breakfast: a glass of green tea, salad of zucchini and carrots, seasoned with lemon juice and fresh herbs.
Second Breakfast: green tea or a glass of Apple juice. Steamed zucchini, steamed.
Lunch: Soup-puree of zucchini. Salad of fresh vegetables. A glass of freshly squeezed orange juice.
Dinner: a Salad of cucumber, zucchini and fresh herbs, dressed with lemon juice.
Dinner: canned mushrooms home-cooking without the use of vegetable oil when fighting.
The second option is squash diet vs excess weight
Early Breakfast – casserole of zucchini with 1 egg and greens.
Second Breakfast – vegetable salad with zucchini, carrots and cucumbers with natural yogurt.
Lunch — vegetable soup made from zucchini, carrots, bell pepper and celery. The second – boiled Turkey, parsley.
Snack – cottage cheese-vegetable salad with zucchini, ginger and herbs.
Dinner — zucchini stuffed with vegetables.
While squash effective diet for weight loss menu can be varied to your own taste, add a variety of vegetables. The day allowed up to 200 grams of fish. And be sure to at least 1.5 liters of fluid.
Source: /users/87
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