Breast cancer and red meat: risk or protection

Scientists at Harvard University say that women whose diet regularly contains red meat, risk becoming a victim of breast cancer more than others. Doctors have long associated a large amount of red meat in the diet with the risk of developing pancreatic and colon cancer. The relationship between frequent consumption of red meat and breast cancer was only a guess, but the results of the latest study confirmed it.

Scientists analyzed data from more than 88,000 women aged 26-45 years, obtained in 1991. The first results were published in 2006 and demonstrated a possible link between frequent consumption of red meat and the development of breast cancer after 12 years of follow-up. The latest study confirmed the data obtained earlier.
According to scientists, among women over 20 years old, whose diet contained the largest amount of meat, for every thousand diagnosed 6.8 additional cases of breast cancer. Experts suggest that red meat proteins can stimulate cancer cell division and tumor growth, and nitrates — chemicals found in cooked meat — are considered probable carcinogens that can also cause cancer.

Expert opinion of the portal
Don’t worry about how many times a week you eat red meat. Lenten lamb and beef can become part of a healthy protein diet along with fish and seafood, poultry meat, beans, eggs, soybeans and nuts.
It is best to eat a vegetable garnish. Fresh vegetables or cooked on the grill - the choice is yours!

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