Attention! Sunburn causes addiction

Psychologists were the first to talk about tan addiction. They even gave it a name - thanorexia - addiction, consisting of an obsessive desire to sunbathe.

Harvard Medical School researchers have conducted a number of studies to confirm this theory. As a result, they confirmed that sunbathing causes a real addiction. The experiment on mice proved that with regular exposure to UV rays, animals develop dependence on them. The reason lies in the production of endorphins, which have an effect similar to opiates. Opiate blockers caused a characteristic withdrawal syndrome.
After observing people, scientists came to a preliminary conclusion about the effect of ultraviolet light on our body. The study found that more than 30% of tanning bed customers are dependent on it and show signs of withdrawal syndrome. Skipping tanning procedures in these people causes a real breakage: nervous tension, tremors and even nausea.

The mechanism of addiction to sunlight can be associated with the concentration of vitamin D in the body, but it is impossible to talk about a painful craving for sunlight: people do not leave families and work for the sake of permanent stay on the beach.
However, the value of this study lies in obtaining evidence of the relationship between tanning cravings and activation of brain areas involved in the use of opiates.



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