How to overcome any addiction
There are so many temptations around us that it’s easy to get into addiction. And a lot of people do. Someone is addicted to video games, someone sits late at night for their favorite series, and someone can not live without social networks for a minute. And there are addictions and more terrible, like drug addiction or alcoholism.
And if passion develops into a serious dependence, then the question arises how to get rid of it. And here experts believe that the problem is hidden in the head of the most dependent person. The basis of this conclusion was experiments ... on rodents.
Back in the 70s of the last century, Canadian specialist Bruce Alexander came up with the idea of how to investigate drug addiction. The scientist placed rats in a cage and installed 2 tanks for them: one with drinking water, and another with a sweet solution of morphine. Having tried morphine, the rodents almost did not approach the container with ordinary water and soon died.
However, the scientist asked: “We put the rat in a cramped cage.” What else would she do other than use drugs? ?
Soon Bruce Alexander repeated his experiment, but instead of an empty cage, rodents had access to a real park with all possible benefits: delicious food, toys, running tunnels, females for mating and all the same 2 drinks - one with water, the second with drugs.
DepositPhotos was surprised that the new residents of the park drink with morphine did not cause much interest. A couple of individuals still tried the contents, but did not get into dependence on morphine, and in the future, drug use was preferred to avoid.
The results of the study showed that addiction is caused not so much by the drug itself, but by the conditions in which you encounter this drug. The same drug addiction is more likely. socio-psychological dependencethan chemical.
And when a person becomes addicted to sugary food, the Internet or gambling, it is not only because the activity brings him pleasure. Rather, a person does not see a worthy alternative to his addiction.
As a rule, dependent people lack attention and care. They want to show their talents, but they don’t see how to do it. Addiction seems to them a way out of an exhausted cell. And not only do they not know, How to overcome addictionBut they don’t even try to resist it.
Even if it does. perceptionIt is difficult to confront it alone. This is why it is important to support those around you. And if you're struggling, let me help you.
Or better yet, find someone who suffers from similar problems and walk this thorny path together. And it's easier to do that when you turn your life not into a cage, but into a fascinating park.
Recently, we discussed the dependence of children on gadgets, which takes on terrifying proportions. And also analyzed the dependence of adult women on sweets. Turns out it's not that simple either.
And if passion develops into a serious dependence, then the question arises how to get rid of it. And here experts believe that the problem is hidden in the head of the most dependent person. The basis of this conclusion was experiments ... on rodents.
Back in the 70s of the last century, Canadian specialist Bruce Alexander came up with the idea of how to investigate drug addiction. The scientist placed rats in a cage and installed 2 tanks for them: one with drinking water, and another with a sweet solution of morphine. Having tried morphine, the rodents almost did not approach the container with ordinary water and soon died.
However, the scientist asked: “We put the rat in a cramped cage.” What else would she do other than use drugs? ?
Soon Bruce Alexander repeated his experiment, but instead of an empty cage, rodents had access to a real park with all possible benefits: delicious food, toys, running tunnels, females for mating and all the same 2 drinks - one with water, the second with drugs.
DepositPhotos was surprised that the new residents of the park drink with morphine did not cause much interest. A couple of individuals still tried the contents, but did not get into dependence on morphine, and in the future, drug use was preferred to avoid.
The results of the study showed that addiction is caused not so much by the drug itself, but by the conditions in which you encounter this drug. The same drug addiction is more likely. socio-psychological dependencethan chemical.
And when a person becomes addicted to sugary food, the Internet or gambling, it is not only because the activity brings him pleasure. Rather, a person does not see a worthy alternative to his addiction.
As a rule, dependent people lack attention and care. They want to show their talents, but they don’t see how to do it. Addiction seems to them a way out of an exhausted cell. And not only do they not know, How to overcome addictionBut they don’t even try to resist it.
Even if it does. perceptionIt is difficult to confront it alone. This is why it is important to support those around you. And if you're struggling, let me help you.
Or better yet, find someone who suffers from similar problems and walk this thorny path together. And it's easier to do that when you turn your life not into a cage, but into a fascinating park.
Recently, we discussed the dependence of children on gadgets, which takes on terrifying proportions. And also analyzed the dependence of adult women on sweets. Turns out it's not that simple either.