A therapeutic diet table No. 7
Table # 7, like any therapeutic diet, appointed in accordance with the defined medical conditions. In this case, the diseases of this organ, as the kidneys. For example, renal failure, chronic nephritis and acute nephritis. In the latter case the diet is not prescribed during the acute stage of the disease, and after nearly a month after the start of the recovery. This diet helps to reduce the load on the kidneys, reduces water retention, and hypertension, to cleanse the body from harmful substances. That is a diet can rightly be called a remedy, therefore please consult with your doctor about the advisability of its observance is in your case.
General characteristics of the diet Table No. 7This kind of diet is characterized by a caloric content in the range of 2700 to 2900 calories a day. While food should be a specific chemical composition: carbohydrates – about 400-450 g., proteins – 80 g, fat – not more than 90-100 In the diet "Table # 7" do not get involved in drinking, so as not to overload the kidneys. The rate of fluid – a little less than a liter a day. And the food should be divided into several stages. There are also clear recommendations concerning the list of foods allowed or forbidden within this diet.
What foods allowed in the diet "Table No. 7" , First stumbled on the products that form the basis of the diet. First and foremost, this soup – vegetable, cereal or even fruit. But with soups based on milk should be careful not to use them too often. To emphasize the taste of the broth, you can use a variety of greens, and sauteed or cooked onions, vinegar, sour cream or butter. Of meat recommended rabbit, Turkey, and pork, veal and beef with a minimal amount of fat, as well as the language. Choosing a method of cooking meat dishes, stay cooking or baking in the oven. There is no harm from breads, pancakes and crepes with no added salt.
In the diet "Table No. 7" is also provided boiled low-fat fish. It is possible to stuff or cook fish aspic. A wide selection of dairy, and especially fermented milk products: cheese, cream, sour cream, ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese and more. Eggs (yolks) it is better to use as an ingredient in cooking. If you can't do without scrambled or soft boiled eggs, reduce in your diet the proportion of cheese or meat. Many useful products can be eaten without any restrictions. This is a variety of cereals (except legumes) and pasta, vegetables, fruits and berries. From fruits and berries you can cook compotes, fruit drinks, jellies, marmalades and jellies. Not forbidden to drink tea, broth from the hips, and not even very strong coffee (in the absence of hypertension).
The list of prohibited productsAnd the last bit about bans, which, of course, too. People who observe this diet, it is strongly recommended to eliminate from your diet fatty meat and game, strong broth of meat, mushrooms or fish. Can not eat regular bread and generally all the dishes with salt. In the list of prohibited products have got a variety of smoked and salted delicacies, sausages, sharp cheeses, canned foods, pickles and caviar. Vegetables banned is onion, garlic, spinach and radish. Do not eat chocolate and to drink strong coffee, cocoa and mineral water, enriched with ions of sodium.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru

General characteristics of the diet Table No. 7This kind of diet is characterized by a caloric content in the range of 2700 to 2900 calories a day. While food should be a specific chemical composition: carbohydrates – about 400-450 g., proteins – 80 g, fat – not more than 90-100 In the diet "Table # 7" do not get involved in drinking, so as not to overload the kidneys. The rate of fluid – a little less than a liter a day. And the food should be divided into several stages. There are also clear recommendations concerning the list of foods allowed or forbidden within this diet.
What foods allowed in the diet "Table No. 7" , First stumbled on the products that form the basis of the diet. First and foremost, this soup – vegetable, cereal or even fruit. But with soups based on milk should be careful not to use them too often. To emphasize the taste of the broth, you can use a variety of greens, and sauteed or cooked onions, vinegar, sour cream or butter. Of meat recommended rabbit, Turkey, and pork, veal and beef with a minimal amount of fat, as well as the language. Choosing a method of cooking meat dishes, stay cooking or baking in the oven. There is no harm from breads, pancakes and crepes with no added salt.
In the diet "Table No. 7" is also provided boiled low-fat fish. It is possible to stuff or cook fish aspic. A wide selection of dairy, and especially fermented milk products: cheese, cream, sour cream, ryazhenka, kefir, cottage cheese and more. Eggs (yolks) it is better to use as an ingredient in cooking. If you can't do without scrambled or soft boiled eggs, reduce in your diet the proportion of cheese or meat. Many useful products can be eaten without any restrictions. This is a variety of cereals (except legumes) and pasta, vegetables, fruits and berries. From fruits and berries you can cook compotes, fruit drinks, jellies, marmalades and jellies. Not forbidden to drink tea, broth from the hips, and not even very strong coffee (in the absence of hypertension).
The list of prohibited productsAnd the last bit about bans, which, of course, too. People who observe this diet, it is strongly recommended to eliminate from your diet fatty meat and game, strong broth of meat, mushrooms or fish. Can not eat regular bread and generally all the dishes with salt. In the list of prohibited products have got a variety of smoked and salted delicacies, sausages, sharp cheeses, canned foods, pickles and caviar. Vegetables banned is onion, garlic, spinach and radish. Do not eat chocolate and to drink strong coffee, cocoa and mineral water, enriched with ions of sodium.
Source: dieta-dieta.ru