Scientists have proven to work four days a week

British scientists were pleased by the unexpected news. It turns out that for a person to feel normal mentally and physically, he has to work four days a week instead of five. In this regard, the experts from the UK strongly recommends that employers go to four-day working week for its employees.

The author John Ashton proved that such a schedule affects the condition of the human body much better than an ordinary employment five days. Professor of psychology emphasizes that positive changes will occur at both the psychological and physical level.

Extra day off can be spent relaxing with the family, leave the city or going to the gym. As shown by opinion polls, about 60% of people simply do not have time to go to the gym. So the only thing a person can do in this situation is to keep fit, is to buy a treadmill. However, and it is sometimes not remain forces.

But if you do not exercise at least two hours a week, over time, will inevitably start problems with the cardiovascular system, as the fitness and douches support vessels in good shape. Otherwise not to avoid hypertension, which leads the list of reasons why employees leave the hospital.

In addition to outdoor activities an extra day off will free up more time to devote with your family. According to the scientist, three days off will help to avoid chronic fatigue, from which a straight road to depression or prolonged stress.

As home Affairs has not been canceled, they traditionally leave on a day which is a day of rest already not called out. So if relieve of an employee, reducing the working week by one day, it will benefit the chief and his subordinates. The number of hospital will be reduced, and employees will come to work fresh and rested.

As shown by the same polls, on Monday and Friday the efficiency of the workers the least. This is because on Monday people come to work tired, because they couldn't fully recover for two days, and on Friday all already mentally adjusted for the next two-day holiday.

It turns out that in the five-day working week actually work only three days. And if to officially shorten the work week by one day, actually it only will increase. Instead of three days that make up the realities of the present day, employees will work the full four.
