Very effective Japanese diet
Looking for Asian girls, but rather on their shape, they can only envy. And maybe you should not envy them, but simply to try to adhere to the "Chinese diet". Certainly from the "Chinese diet", we its European appearance will not lose, but figure we can considerably be transformed, and become more attractive.
To us Europeans now reach different Asian diet, they too, like us, a great many, but people are interested in what in the East they know how to keep their figure, to be slim, agile and beautiful. It turns out that like everyone else people, Asians are as concerned with their health, maybe even a little more than we Europeans. And also follow different diets, here's one of them — "Chinese diet", we will tell you today. Just want to note that there are three "Japanese".
Will continue to call her that. "Japanese" vary in length compliance: one observed seven days, the second – most common thirteen days and last 14 days. The diet of "Japanese" do not differ much, but the forbidden foods in them one and the same. The most popular is "Japanese", consisting of thirteen days.
Thirty seven million seven hundred ninety two thousand four hundred twenty one
The developers of this diet promise in the presence of excess kilos, weight loss in thirteen days to seven or eight pounds. Distinctive features of this diet is the fact that "Japanese" regulates metabolic processes, rebuilding the body, thus providing a long-term effect of weight loss. Japanese is a strict diet. In the menu of "Japanese" is completely eliminated salt, cause of rejection of salt is the fact that it contributes to excessive water intake.
It is also necessary to give up sugar, bread, and starchy vegetables as they are a source of simple carbohydrates, the amount of which increases, and are deposited as fat. About alcohol in principle it would be possible not to mention, but just in case, we say that it contributes to the rapid poisoning of the body toxins, which is extremely negative impact on the entire health of the body as a whole, forcing him to work in a busy schedule.
Rules to be followed — do not use salt, sugar, alcohol;
— every day, take half to two liters of drinking boiled water, or mineral, are also allowed to drink green tea without sugar.
But the basis of this diet is preferred to drink coffee and preferably natural and non-soluble;
— adding a variety of spices and herbs to dietary requirements is welcome;
the transition from a conventional diet to a healthy diet should go smoothly.
For example: before you start dieting it is advisable to easily have dinner, and by the end of it to increase the caloric content of the food should gradually.
Protivopokazanii note that "Japanese" in her diet almost every day includes black coffee, it should be understood that such a diet is contraindicated for those who have heart and high blood pressure; If you have kidney disease, the gastrointestinal tract, before starting to follow the rules of "Japanese" consult. The main foods consumed during the 13 days of this diet are: boiled eggs, lightly cooked cabbage.
Moreover, some of these days, cabbage can be consumed raw, with pureed carrots as a salad; also these days used dishes of radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs; freshly squeezed tomato juice; boiled fish, chicken and beef, coffee, fruits (apples, grapes and melon). For example, on the first day for Breakfast you can drink black coffee with toast, lunch: two boiled eggs, salad of slightly boiled or steamed cabbage, a glass of tomato juice (fruit) dinner: fish fried or boiled (200-250g). In other days the food is about the same, only you can change the foods that are listed above.
Source: globalscience.ru
To us Europeans now reach different Asian diet, they too, like us, a great many, but people are interested in what in the East they know how to keep their figure, to be slim, agile and beautiful. It turns out that like everyone else people, Asians are as concerned with their health, maybe even a little more than we Europeans. And also follow different diets, here's one of them — "Chinese diet", we will tell you today. Just want to note that there are three "Japanese".
Will continue to call her that. "Japanese" vary in length compliance: one observed seven days, the second – most common thirteen days and last 14 days. The diet of "Japanese" do not differ much, but the forbidden foods in them one and the same. The most popular is "Japanese", consisting of thirteen days.
Thirty seven million seven hundred ninety two thousand four hundred twenty one
The developers of this diet promise in the presence of excess kilos, weight loss in thirteen days to seven or eight pounds. Distinctive features of this diet is the fact that "Japanese" regulates metabolic processes, rebuilding the body, thus providing a long-term effect of weight loss. Japanese is a strict diet. In the menu of "Japanese" is completely eliminated salt, cause of rejection of salt is the fact that it contributes to excessive water intake.
It is also necessary to give up sugar, bread, and starchy vegetables as they are a source of simple carbohydrates, the amount of which increases, and are deposited as fat. About alcohol in principle it would be possible not to mention, but just in case, we say that it contributes to the rapid poisoning of the body toxins, which is extremely negative impact on the entire health of the body as a whole, forcing him to work in a busy schedule.
Rules to be followed — do not use salt, sugar, alcohol;
— every day, take half to two liters of drinking boiled water, or mineral, are also allowed to drink green tea without sugar.
But the basis of this diet is preferred to drink coffee and preferably natural and non-soluble;
— adding a variety of spices and herbs to dietary requirements is welcome;
the transition from a conventional diet to a healthy diet should go smoothly.
For example: before you start dieting it is advisable to easily have dinner, and by the end of it to increase the caloric content of the food should gradually.
Protivopokazanii note that "Japanese" in her diet almost every day includes black coffee, it should be understood that such a diet is contraindicated for those who have heart and high blood pressure; If you have kidney disease, the gastrointestinal tract, before starting to follow the rules of "Japanese" consult. The main foods consumed during the 13 days of this diet are: boiled eggs, lightly cooked cabbage.
Moreover, some of these days, cabbage can be consumed raw, with pureed carrots as a salad; also these days used dishes of radishes, cucumbers, tomatoes and herbs; freshly squeezed tomato juice; boiled fish, chicken and beef, coffee, fruits (apples, grapes and melon). For example, on the first day for Breakfast you can drink black coffee with toast, lunch: two boiled eggs, salad of slightly boiled or steamed cabbage, a glass of tomato juice (fruit) dinner: fish fried or boiled (200-250g). In other days the food is about the same, only you can change the foods that are listed above.
Source: globalscience.ru
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