What can be done during an energy crisis
Human history is a history of applicationenergy. Since the first fire, we've needed more and more.energy. Thus began the era of the industrial revolution. At the end of the 19th century, people everywhere began to use minerals to obtainenergy.
Oil. Directly or indirectly, it was involved in almost all areas of human activity, it began to be extracted on an industrial scale. Today, oil is the main fuel, making us increasingly dependent on it. To get food, see loved ones, buy clothes or household items, we use oil refining products in one way or another. Millions of cars, buses, trucks, ships and planes move on land and air, on water and under water, moving people and goods around the world.
All this takes millions of tons.oilwhich are produced daily. And this cannot but affect ourenvironmentandclimate. Oil production makes you see a planet so beautiful a hundred years ago.
As you know,oilIt is a non-renewable resource. As a result, the developed reserves are rapidly dwindling.
In the meantime, the oil campaigns are trying by all possible means to begin to develop deposits in the places that are the most important.ecological heritage of all mankind, such as the Arctic, Antarctica, shelves of the seas and oceans. Every year, oil tankers sink, oil platforms explode, covering hundreds and thousands of kilometers of life-rich seawater with deadly film.
But oil dependence is not the only problem. From the bowels of the earthgas.coalAnd many other minerals. All of them are irreplaceable.
It continues throughout the world.deforestation. Catastrophic paceenvironmentalismInevitably, society and the planet are heading towards natural collapse. If nature disappears, so will we.
The unsustainable use of energy resources is a serious problem. Thousands of kilowatts are wasted every minute.electricityThat would be enough to light up three hundred thousand houses. This is due to a variety of factors: outdated power lines, turned on computers and lighting during hours when people do not use them, and so on. In the time you're watching this video, 52 hectares of forest have been cut down, 5,320,000 liters of fuel, 32,000 kilowatts have been used.electricityThey were wasted.
As we enter the era of the energy crisis, let us ask ourselves: what can we do?
Author: Valery Glushchenko
Source: ecoafisha.ru
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