Conflicts in the family create a positive atmosphere
Quarrels and conflicts are not uncommon even in happy couples, after all, no two people are alike and full understanding on all issues. But most of us have to solve problems as they arise.
The author of the book "Happy house" (Publishing house "Eksmo") American Gretchen Rubin found another way to ensure harmony in the family.
By mid-life Gretchen was all about what women wanted – a husband, a daughter, a career lawyer and wealth. It was not one of happiness. She personally designed system of tips for women became wildly popular because it can help to achieve a positive atmosphere in the house that the conflict will simply cease to occur. The family plan changes Gretchen is based on 9 months, but fans of its rate of use and individual advice. Here are the most effective of them.
THROW Ichneumonidae value for atmosphere in the family plays the situation. If my husband doesn't like unwashed dishes, and you mess his stuff, it is not necessary to find out who is right and think about why you are not inspiring a clean sink, tidy the shelves in the closet.
"Feeling love for his things, I felt true happiness. They have enriched my life. But once I got them out and they turned into a heavy burden. The more items I have not used it, the worse I feel".
The recipe author is to carefully sort out things in the house and remove the unwanted ones. Important is not the monetary value, and value things for you and your family.
To PROVE HIS Lobovskiy on the subject of lack of love and attention to each other in the list of family conflicts are in the first place. It is known that often we expect from marriage more than they give themselves, but this understanding does not change the situation. Gretchen Rubin has found another pattern: sometimes we quarrel itself is more important than the subject of the dispute. We try to solve the problem, but just to speak and accuse.
In order to change something, in a pair of essential honesty. You know, the husband asks you to go back to work early because waiting for you and loves you, but making a scene, accusing him of infringement on your freedom. Instead, you may want to prove to him and myself that you do too. How to do it? The author of the book, there are several techniques
1. Kiss morning, kiss at night (Gretchen advises to make special schedule and allocate time as well as for brushing your teeth or washing)
2. The distribution of gold stars (rejoice in the success, praise for the little things, to say good for the eyes, thanks)
3. Positive arguments (to support good qualities and not the cons)
BE OBEDIENT Mamasapano obedience we demand from children, but how can you say that it makes happy us and them? The author believes that reducing perfectionism, we become less irritable and our children it makes it more flexible.
There are four solutions that should be taken in relation to their children, not to exaggerate the problem to show interest in the details of their lives, to allocate a separate time to communicate with everyone regularly to be interested in what would the children like to improve the lives of families.
To STRENGTHEN FAMILY Uzynaral the reason for disagreement are our relatives – brothers, sisters, elderly parents and your spouse. Gretchen Rubin draws readers ' attention to the fact that actually communicating with relatives can add to our lives, warmth and care. Of course, if you know how to evaluate it.
"Even if we do not communicate much with family, our relationships have a big impact on the feeling of happiness".
Source: domashniy.ru/
The author of the book "Happy house" (Publishing house "Eksmo") American Gretchen Rubin found another way to ensure harmony in the family.
By mid-life Gretchen was all about what women wanted – a husband, a daughter, a career lawyer and wealth. It was not one of happiness. She personally designed system of tips for women became wildly popular because it can help to achieve a positive atmosphere in the house that the conflict will simply cease to occur. The family plan changes Gretchen is based on 9 months, but fans of its rate of use and individual advice. Here are the most effective of them.

THROW Ichneumonidae value for atmosphere in the family plays the situation. If my husband doesn't like unwashed dishes, and you mess his stuff, it is not necessary to find out who is right and think about why you are not inspiring a clean sink, tidy the shelves in the closet.
"Feeling love for his things, I felt true happiness. They have enriched my life. But once I got them out and they turned into a heavy burden. The more items I have not used it, the worse I feel".
The recipe author is to carefully sort out things in the house and remove the unwanted ones. Important is not the monetary value, and value things for you and your family.
To PROVE HIS Lobovskiy on the subject of lack of love and attention to each other in the list of family conflicts are in the first place. It is known that often we expect from marriage more than they give themselves, but this understanding does not change the situation. Gretchen Rubin has found another pattern: sometimes we quarrel itself is more important than the subject of the dispute. We try to solve the problem, but just to speak and accuse.
In order to change something, in a pair of essential honesty. You know, the husband asks you to go back to work early because waiting for you and loves you, but making a scene, accusing him of infringement on your freedom. Instead, you may want to prove to him and myself that you do too. How to do it? The author of the book, there are several techniques
1. Kiss morning, kiss at night (Gretchen advises to make special schedule and allocate time as well as for brushing your teeth or washing)
2. The distribution of gold stars (rejoice in the success, praise for the little things, to say good for the eyes, thanks)
3. Positive arguments (to support good qualities and not the cons)
BE OBEDIENT Mamasapano obedience we demand from children, but how can you say that it makes happy us and them? The author believes that reducing perfectionism, we become less irritable and our children it makes it more flexible.
There are four solutions that should be taken in relation to their children, not to exaggerate the problem to show interest in the details of their lives, to allocate a separate time to communicate with everyone regularly to be interested in what would the children like to improve the lives of families.
To STRENGTHEN FAMILY Uzynaral the reason for disagreement are our relatives – brothers, sisters, elderly parents and your spouse. Gretchen Rubin draws readers ' attention to the fact that actually communicating with relatives can add to our lives, warmth and care. Of course, if you know how to evaluate it.
"Even if we do not communicate much with family, our relationships have a big impact on the feeling of happiness".
Source: domashniy.ru/
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