About the benefits of black, green and white tea
Twenty nine million nine hundred seventy seven thousand sixty
Before tea was sold in pharmacies and was considered as a medicine. Our ancestors were not so wrong, because the useful properties of this drink has a really great variety.
Black tea
In a fragrant, freshly brewed black tea contains catechins. They have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and help the heart. Catechins will help you to stay young longer. Strong black tea helps with intestinal disorders. A large number of antioxidants in black tea have almost a therapeutic effect: improves immune system, slows the aging process. A single type of antioxidant TF-2 also has anti-cancer effects. Tannin in black tea has a stimulating effect, gives vitality and strength.
Green tea
Green tea in vain many do not like, because the benefit from it is huge. Take the fact that green tea contains the needed amino acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, E, carotene, potassium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. A Cup of green tea will help to cleanse your body and out the harmful substances. Using green tea can normalize blood pressure, improve oxygen supply of brain cells and reduce cholesterol levels. Green tea helps to regulate blood sugar levels and strengthens blood vessels.
White tea
Unique in their flavor – white tea is a medicinal drink. Earlier it was served only to the table of the Emperor. It is not subjected to processing, it allows to retain all nutrients and enhance the beneficial properties of the drink. It abundantly contains vitamins b, C, nicotinic acid, amino acids, micronutrients and macronutrients. The peculiarity of white tea in a small amount of caffeine. If you want to get rid of excess weight, strengthen immunity system, take care of the health of the teeth and not want to get sick atherosclerosis, white tea is your drink every day. In addition, this variety of tea also speeds healing and helps people with cancer.
Source: efamily.ru
Before tea was sold in pharmacies and was considered as a medicine. Our ancestors were not so wrong, because the useful properties of this drink has a really great variety.
Black tea
In a fragrant, freshly brewed black tea contains catechins. They have beneficial effects on the cardiovascular system and help the heart. Catechins will help you to stay young longer. Strong black tea helps with intestinal disorders. A large number of antioxidants in black tea have almost a therapeutic effect: improves immune system, slows the aging process. A single type of antioxidant TF-2 also has anti-cancer effects. Tannin in black tea has a stimulating effect, gives vitality and strength.
Green tea
Green tea in vain many do not like, because the benefit from it is huge. Take the fact that green tea contains the needed amino acids, vitamins C, B1, B2, PP, E, carotene, potassium, phosphorus, iron and iodine. A Cup of green tea will help to cleanse your body and out the harmful substances. Using green tea can normalize blood pressure, improve oxygen supply of brain cells and reduce cholesterol levels. Green tea helps to regulate blood sugar levels and strengthens blood vessels.
White tea
Unique in their flavor – white tea is a medicinal drink. Earlier it was served only to the table of the Emperor. It is not subjected to processing, it allows to retain all nutrients and enhance the beneficial properties of the drink. It abundantly contains vitamins b, C, nicotinic acid, amino acids, micronutrients and macronutrients. The peculiarity of white tea in a small amount of caffeine. If you want to get rid of excess weight, strengthen immunity system, take care of the health of the teeth and not want to get sick atherosclerosis, white tea is your drink every day. In addition, this variety of tea also speeds healing and helps people with cancer.
Source: efamily.ru