15 delightful properties of green tea, which you probably do not even hear!
We all know the benefits of this wonderful product as green tea. We heard about it cleaning properties, but few people know that this product is able to deal with unpleasant odors, skin diseases and even dust! Below collected 15 for original properties of green tea, which you can use to your benefit.
Dark circles and puffy eyelids
The composition includes green tea tannins, which smooth the skin and improve its structure. This means that, making packs of the drink, you can reduce puffiness and tighten skin around the eyes, narrow blood vessels under the eyes. Also, green tea can treat conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes century.
Treatment of burns
Green tea is able to protect exposed skin from damage, which means that by rubbing the body chilled drink, you can prevent sunburn and even skin cancer.
Stop bleeding
Tannins present in this drink, to help stop the bleeding. Make a compress with tea and apply it to the wound.
Improving dental health
Doctors say that one cup of unsweetened green tea a day reduces the risk of tooth decay and strengthen teeth.
Weight Loss
Green tea contains catechins, which significantly reduces the weight and help maintain the desired weight after weight loss. Eating green tea with lemon, you can quickly bring your body to the desired setting.
Reduced moisture
To reduce the level of humidity in the room, and filled a bag made of thin fabric of tea leaves and place it in the room. Then just watch the result!
The liquidator of odors
You have in the fridge an unpleasant smell? Put in a handful of green tea leaves in a small pouch.
From tea can make a wonderful natural deodorant. Mix 80 g of corn starch, 40 g of soda, 6-7 Art. l. coconut oil, a few drops of lemon essential oil and tea-tree essential oil 4 drops of green tea in a small tank (e.g., antiperspirant used) and store the mixture in a refrigerator.
freshener linen
Continuing the theme of odors: it appears that green tea can be used for flavoring linen. Put the green tea leaves into a fine cloth bag, as in previous councils, and throw it in a box with clothes. Leaves absorb odors and will give your things pleasant aroma.
Facial Scrub
At present, green tea is necessary to add a little water, white sugar and almond oil to get a great facial scrub that gently exfoliate the skin while moisturizing it.
The anti-acne
Green tea has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-fungal properties, so it can be used to fight acne. If you can not find a natural cleanser with green tea extract, it is possible to prepare yourself: just grind green tea leaves, soak them and apply as a mask on your face.
Preventing wrinkles
EGCG in green tea prevents the activation of collagen-degrading enzymes that cause wrinkles. Wash green tea and you defer the appearance of wrinkles.
The fertilizer for plants
Excellent use - green tea as a fertilizer. This easy way to revive the plant, thanks to the antioxidants contained in tea. Soak the tea leaves in the water for several days, then remove it and use the water for irrigation.
Carpet Cleaning
It appears, tea fights not only smells but also from dust. Take a handful of moist green tea leaves and spread them out on the carpet. They dragged in the dust, so the vacuum will be easier and the result is twice as good.
The cure foot odor
Green tea is an antifungal and antibacterial agent. And besides, he's struggling with the smell of sweaty feet. Make a tray of green tea, it helps freshen feet long.
Use these tips to take the habit of everyday consumption of the drink, and you will see that it brings only benefits to your body!
via takprosto cc
Dark circles and puffy eyelids
The composition includes green tea tannins, which smooth the skin and improve its structure. This means that, making packs of the drink, you can reduce puffiness and tighten skin around the eyes, narrow blood vessels under the eyes. Also, green tea can treat conjunctivitis and other inflammatory processes century.
Treatment of burns
Green tea is able to protect exposed skin from damage, which means that by rubbing the body chilled drink, you can prevent sunburn and even skin cancer.
Stop bleeding
Tannins present in this drink, to help stop the bleeding. Make a compress with tea and apply it to the wound.
Improving dental health
Doctors say that one cup of unsweetened green tea a day reduces the risk of tooth decay and strengthen teeth.
Weight Loss
Green tea contains catechins, which significantly reduces the weight and help maintain the desired weight after weight loss. Eating green tea with lemon, you can quickly bring your body to the desired setting.
Reduced moisture
To reduce the level of humidity in the room, and filled a bag made of thin fabric of tea leaves and place it in the room. Then just watch the result!
The liquidator of odors
You have in the fridge an unpleasant smell? Put in a handful of green tea leaves in a small pouch.
From tea can make a wonderful natural deodorant. Mix 80 g of corn starch, 40 g of soda, 6-7 Art. l. coconut oil, a few drops of lemon essential oil and tea-tree essential oil 4 drops of green tea in a small tank (e.g., antiperspirant used) and store the mixture in a refrigerator.
freshener linen
Continuing the theme of odors: it appears that green tea can be used for flavoring linen. Put the green tea leaves into a fine cloth bag, as in previous councils, and throw it in a box with clothes. Leaves absorb odors and will give your things pleasant aroma.
Facial Scrub
At present, green tea is necessary to add a little water, white sugar and almond oil to get a great facial scrub that gently exfoliate the skin while moisturizing it.
The anti-acne
Green tea has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antioxidant and anti-fungal properties, so it can be used to fight acne. If you can not find a natural cleanser with green tea extract, it is possible to prepare yourself: just grind green tea leaves, soak them and apply as a mask on your face.
Preventing wrinkles
EGCG in green tea prevents the activation of collagen-degrading enzymes that cause wrinkles. Wash green tea and you defer the appearance of wrinkles.
The fertilizer for plants
Excellent use - green tea as a fertilizer. This easy way to revive the plant, thanks to the antioxidants contained in tea. Soak the tea leaves in the water for several days, then remove it and use the water for irrigation.
Carpet Cleaning
It appears, tea fights not only smells but also from dust. Take a handful of moist green tea leaves and spread them out on the carpet. They dragged in the dust, so the vacuum will be easier and the result is twice as good.
The cure foot odor
Green tea is an antifungal and antibacterial agent. And besides, he's struggling with the smell of sweaty feet. Make a tray of green tea, it helps freshen feet long.

Use these tips to take the habit of everyday consumption of the drink, and you will see that it brings only benefits to your body!
via takprosto cc
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