How to achieve fruiting cucumbers before the frost

Healthy and strong, the cucumbers should long to please the owners house his harvest. But often in August cucumber whip begin to fade, and by mid-month, the harvest ends. If you notice early warning signs, don't despair — extend the fruiting cucumbers until September and even until October it is possible!
It is necessary to know some subtleties, given that you will be able to harvest before the first frost.
Do not leave on the plant ripened cucumbers. This dramatically slows the growth of young Zelentsov and shortens the life of the Bush. Cucumbers need to collect continuously, in process of maturing.
In August, when the air temperature is reduced, the roots of cucumbers starting to lose absorb nutrients from the soil (for reference: if there is a decrease in temperature of 1 degree-absorption capacity of roots is reduced by 15%). Correct to reduce root feeding twice or even three times, but foliar application (on leaves) will be in this period, a good support of life.
Recipes cucumbers in late summer you will find the article Dressing for cucumbers. For foliar feeding since August is perfect:
— urea solution (15 g per 10 liters of water),
— preparations of "Zircon", "Elin",
— complex Supplement "Andriani" (1 g to 1 liter of water).
If the soil under plants, not mulch, you should definitely cover the ground peat, sawdust, humus or other mulch material with a layer of 4-7 cm — this will protect the delicate surface roots from the night cold, and the day will continue to protect from overheating.
Variations in day and night temperatures, cold nights with heavy dews, which occur in August, and the rains contribute to the development of diseases. If the plants get sick, it will significantly shorten their life, so it is very important to take preventive protective measures. How to do this, see "Ambulance" for cucumbers: prevention and treatment of diseases.
Despite the approach of autumn, it is necessary to continue to stimulate the growth of new shoots and leaves with the ovaries. To do this, as before, you should regularly remove any yellowing leaves and those that are located below the zone of fruiting — they are the plant is not needed and only take from it the nutrients that now the weight of gold.
If you grow pollinated varieties of cucumbers — I need to think about attracting insect pollinators. Well, when in the garden or next to the cottage grow borage (Borago), sanguisorba officinalis, Siberian botulinic, chernokoren medicinal, oregano, phacelia, chrysanthemums and other plants, flowering in August and September, because in the fight for late summer and autumn harvest the best support groups than bees, it's hard to think.
Some vegetable growers to prolong fruiting successfully used plastic wrap, which Harbor the cucumber vines from the cold rain. Protecting plants from adverse conditions and removing the film in Sunny days, you can significantly lengthen the life of the cucumber plants.
Effective technique — rejuvenation of the Bush. For this purpose the bottom part of cucumber whip laid on the ground and sprinkle moist soil. New roots appearing on covered stems, are beginning to fuel the plant and stimulate fruiting.
In the following video Paul Old tells and shows how to produce rejuvenation of cucumbers grown in vertical culture
But the growing scourge horizontally (lying on the ground) to disturb is not recommended because they by natural means, wherever possible, has already formed additional roots. The shifting of shoots from place to place will only destroy these roots. And, as a consequence, such "help" will reduce productivity.
Proven method for planting cucumbers in a few terms. If additional space in the suburban garden, you can plant the young seedlings to the "old" Bush. Seedlings are grown both from seeds and from laterals. And "Pasynkova" the bushes will begin to bear fruit much faster seed.
The same effect can be achieved by proper planning and planting varieties with different maturity fruiting. For each locality there will be different varieties, you just need to sit in the spring with a pencil in hand, with the most successful of the "local"
From the observations of the cottagers
Longer produce cucumbers in a vertical garden. They are covered evenly, and easily ventilated, and therefore get sick less and live longer.
In the courtyard, sheltered from the wind, cucumbers give higher yields and longer fruit.
For late crops (replanting) the preferred parthenocarpic, self-pollinating hybrids — their productivity is higher.
When growing cucumbers for replanting should try to preserve all the leaves, photosynthesis should "work shock".
Source: www.7dach.ru
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