How to build a clay oven for bread and pizza

The idea of baking outdoors in a wood-burning stove is a special romance. The secrets of the construction of this budget clay oven is shared with us by the famous natural builder Ziggy.

So we build a clay oven for baking bread and pizza.

Foundation. On the foundation went cinder blocks, some stones and empty bottles to create a working surface at a height of about 80 cm.

The insulating layer for beer bottles was mixed on clay solution and sawdust. On it we carefully put 17 refractory bricks already on the sand solution.

The diameter of our oven was about 60 cm. In such an oven can simultaneously fit up to three medium loaves of bread or one or two small pizzas. With its small size, the stove can be heated to a temperature of 700 degrees for two hours of firewood.

Before assembling the stove dome itself, we made an arched opening with reclaimed red brick, and a connecting clay-sand mixture.
The doorway is a little narrow only 12 cm, and you can not put a large pizza there, but what pies can be baked there! The dome (no more than a mixture of sand and clay in a ratio of 3: 1) is carefully erected over a sandy dome covered with a wet newspaper.

Then we picked the sand from there and it turned out like this.

Another note on the doorway: it should be 63% of the height of the clay dome. If the height of the stove dome is 40 cm, then the height of the opening is 25 cm. This is done for comfortable operation of the hood in the oven.

From above we plastered the dome 6-8 cm with a layer of sawdust and clay. This layer helps to retain heat longer, which allows us to increase the productive time of the oven. A clay oven, which is designed exclusively for baking pizza, does not require such a layer.

It's basically all about a clay oven. Pretty simple, huh?
All construction took no more than a week. Most of the time is spent waiting for each stage to dry.

The most famous clay oven builder is Kiko Denzer’s and his book Build Your Own Earth Owen.



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