Five technology workshops the future

The days of traditional car repair is not yet fully over, but their time is coming to an end. And although a small makeshift garages to work on old cars is always a place, it is unlikely that large auto repair shops and STO will remain afloat. Repair is less time consuming and more intensive to the extent that, as computer diagnostics covers more and more aspects of the repair. The technique has to be more and more advanced, but not in terms of automotive science, but in terms of automotive repair using the latest technology.
The new technology will be aimed at the diagnosis and a quick repair, although this does not mean that will be cheaper for the average consumer. Garages will have to spend money for certification and competitiveness, and these costs are in any case backfire on the wallets of the vehicle owner. Let's look at what futuristic technology will be working on garages in the future.
Cheap homemade компьютеры

Raspberri Pi has become a favorite technology of fans of improvised pieces. It is a small computer that costs about $ 35 and was developed specifically to teach children programming. Its pros are that it is cheap and versatile. Cons (for some) is that in order to do something with the Raspberri Pi, it has to be programmed.
This computer could be useful as tiny on-Board system for the car. He could troubleshoot data and gather performance statistics for more effective repairs and upgrades. Diagnostic computer in the car is not a new idea. Once people just did it with the help of laptops. Such calculations in the form of a Raspberri Pi also does not bear anything new, but they have a number of advantages: this technology is cheap, fits in a fist and can improve. From inexpensive miniature computers have powerful potential for growth deep into the interior of the car.
New technologies кузова

New technologies, in particular the method of construction of the vehicles means that the repair shop will need to upgrade their machinery and equipment. A particular concern is the growing use of aluminium in car design. Aluminum body panels were once the privilege of only the most high-performance cars; but, as expected, is changing, and manufacturers, the same Ford, is rumored to be going to rivet cars with aluminum bodies. Last but not least due to the fact that this material is lightweight and durable, and thus help to meet the requirements for exhaust emissions and safety.
Experienced technicians used to working on steel cars, and work with aluminum would require a complete revision of the strategy. Aluminum panels will not be just correct, as their steel counterparts, they will have to replace and require special tools and equipment. These changes can increase the cost of car repair, but there are also pluses. As the cars will be smarter and stronger, they will run for longer. In addition, new safety technology, like backup cameras and collision warning means that cars will be less emergency, and accident — less serious.
Wireless transmission данных

Until the cars get Wi-Fi points, manufacturers are looking for useful ways of applying this technology. Wireless software update would correct the current problems, to establish the mileage and would be able to point out the problems of security and performance. Typically, on-Board software is updated only from dealers, but it is not very convenient. There are other problems in the beginning of 2014, several million Toyota had problems with the anti-lock system, which required urgent upgrade.
Tesla Motors plans to restore order with their electric vehicles that can be updated wirelessly from home, similar to a smartphone or computer. Of course, the main problem will be the safety of such a wireless connection because it cracked. It is no secret that most automakers are not planning to risk as Tesla, but if the technology for wireless connection with the car works, tomorrow it will be the usual option.
Augmented реальность

New cars are equipped with complex and sometimes dangerous (for engineering mechanics) electronic or hybrid powertrain, computerized components, upgraded safety systems and a network of sensors that monitor every inch. These expensive components is, of course, change the process of repairing the car. But the nose still big changes.
Very soon augmented reality can change the principle of operation with a car — enough to wear Google Glass, which displays all possible information about him; to start a computer that will accompany mechanics in the repair process; an application that will help the technician to visually delineate work area. Volkswagen was one of the first wants to try this technology and introduced the MARTA interface for the upcoming VW XL1.
MARTA (mobile assistant technical augmented reality) will help the technician can save valuable time by studying all aspects of an unusual car, and Volkswagen as hoped, can improve the safety of work. Scientists say that once the application of augmented reality to users will help them to repair their cars. They may even replace the usual booklets describe the product.
3D печать

3D printing already exists and is practiced, but much of its potential is still unexplored. 3D printing uses computers and other computerized components to recreate an existing object or create an entirely new object design user. This can be particularly useful for repairing old cars when the technology will lack specific details — suffice it to take a broken thing, scan it and print a new one. And although for the first time about such a possibility was raised back in 2009, 3D printing is still a privilege of the rich people.
Most high-quality 3D printing systems cost a lot of money, they are difficult to use and they take up a lot of space. In other words, industrial 3D printers will have to go a long way in car repair shops. But then everyone will be able to use their capabilities for quick recovery of damaged or lost items. Making toys is one thing, but the stakes are growing, and if we are talking about brake calipers.
Source: hi-news.ru
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