How to preserve the harvest in the cellar

When fall comes the gardener-gardener one of the main issues is how to preserve the harvest. After all, as the saying goes — "not the harvest that garden, and the one that is on the table".
But first, let's define what is stored in our cellars? Mostly root vegetables, apples, pears, sometimes melons, squash, cabbage... Apples and pears need to lay only winter varieties, they are collected unripe and ripen during storage.
What if all this is successfully stored, you need some humidity, ventilation, temperature.
Preferably before the laying of the crop into the cellar to disinfect, biological products from the mold, can of soda or manganese solution. Then to dry the room. In the cellar it is desirable to have shelves that are convenient to stack the cabbage, that she would ventilated. And if some start to deteriorate it will be immediately seen, and you will be just from the cellar to clean up.
Root vegetables are preferably dried in air in the shade, if they were collected wet. Then put in boxes with dry sawdust, or dry moss-sphagnum (take in the forest) in layers, first the sawdust and then carrots and so on to the filling.On the sides and bottom of the boxes, attach a paper that nothing would be falling out of them. Sawdust between the fruits of the buffer, they relate to each other. And if some carrots and start to rot, it might not even affect nearby.
Especially good to use pine shavings, they contain volatile resins that hinder the development of mold.
Apples, pears are also great stored in these boxes. On the floor under the boxes well to make a wooden stand that they would not touch the floor, it will give ventilation.
Watermelons stored well in a fairly dry cellar. And pumpkins in the cellar poorly stored, even the slightest dampness and they begin to deteriorate. Better to keep them in the house if there is a pantry, then it. But you can under the sofa to hide, right (not wrinkled, no scratches, ripe) pumpkin will be until the spring to lie at your desire.
It is also very important that-be in the cellar had access to mice, because even if one starts to get difficult. And from experience I can say spoil one mouse has a lot. Therefore, make good door, floor fill concrete on the ventilation holes the metal mesh make.
In the cellar it is good to maintain the temperature to +5, by the way, in crates with sawdust or sphagnum all the vegetables and fruits are much better tolerate temperature fluctuations.
Source: www.ecology.md
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