Ancient Slavic way of storing potatoes to do without spoiling the product
Sometimes you come to visit relatives in the village, and do not let potatoes home without a bag. The soul rejoices because it is home! However, there are spoiled fruits in the bag. This can be avoided if you know. How to store potatoes correctly. We'll talk about that today.
As a rule, after harvest, the potatoes are dried, sorted, put in bags and sent to the cellar. There are also other vegetables, such as carrots and beets. However, as practice shows, throwing everything in bags and placing it in a cool place is not enough.
The fact is that due to the lack of normal air circulation, potatoes can spoil. This is easy to avoid if you put the starch in plastic-boxes. Thanks to the holes in the walls and bottom, vegetables are well ventilated. There's no reason to rot.
In addition, boxes can be placed one on the other. Vertical storage allows you to save space in the cellar, which can not be said about a bunch of stuffed bags.
To save the crop from fungus and mold, ash. Ideally, the cellar and the potatoes themselves need to be dried a little. Then at the bottom of the boxes (for example, wooden) you need to pour a layer of sand and ash. So potatoes will be stored even better and longer. Some gardeners sprinkle boxes with ordinary chalk.
Often potatoes are stored in nets.It is also well ventilated in them. And in order to protect the vegetable from rot, it is worth changing each row of nets with dry wormwood. They say that this is almost an ancient Slavic way of storing potatoes! My grandmother used it, and the potatoes did not spoil.
In addition to wormwood (given its specific smell), you can use dry melissa, fern and ash leaves, pine or spruce branches. By the way, the fern helps protect the cellar from mice.
If the cellar is large, and there are a lot of potatoes, you can use it for storage multilayer. Someone keeps the fruit in boxes, changing each layer with an ordinary newspaper.
And there are gardeners who store potatoes on a wooden deck, just a rampart. The main thing is to lay out the same fern or other suitable dry grass on the flooring. The thorns of the series will also do. They are said to help protect crops from mice and rats. It all depends on your preferences and the capabilities of your cellar.
Those who ate a dog on potatoes successfully store it on the balcony. However, it will be necessary to build a real miracle of agricultural engineering - insulated box with film heating and thermostat.
By the way, I also heard that before laying potatoes can be soaked in permanganate for 1 hour. Then, of course, it is dried and put in bags or boxes. Have you ever used this method?
If you want to save potatoes with minimal losses, create suitable storage conditions. A lot depends on the cellar itself. It is best to disinfect it in advance with a 3% solution of copper sulfur. Then dry the room and check the ventilation.
So that during storage potatoes do not turn green, it is important to monitor the light and thermal regime. The ideal temperature is 2-3 degrees, and the humidity is 80%. At too low temperatures, the vegetable will simply freeze, and at too high - it will begin to germinate.
By the way, potatoes can protect a couple of apples lying with fruits in one box, as well as ordinary mint from germination. Starchy fruits get along well with beets. Often it is laid in a whole layer on top of tubers. It absorbs excess moisture and saves the potatoes from possible decay. In addition, sometimes the storage area is filled with onion husks.
Do you have any tips that help you keep your potatoes as good as possible? It would be great if you shared them in the comments. In the meantime, we suggest you learn how to process potatoes before planting. This information may be useful to you. A generous harvest!

As a rule, after harvest, the potatoes are dried, sorted, put in bags and sent to the cellar. There are also other vegetables, such as carrots and beets. However, as practice shows, throwing everything in bags and placing it in a cool place is not enough.
The fact is that due to the lack of normal air circulation, potatoes can spoil. This is easy to avoid if you put the starch in plastic-boxes. Thanks to the holes in the walls and bottom, vegetables are well ventilated. There's no reason to rot.

In addition, boxes can be placed one on the other. Vertical storage allows you to save space in the cellar, which can not be said about a bunch of stuffed bags.
To save the crop from fungus and mold, ash. Ideally, the cellar and the potatoes themselves need to be dried a little. Then at the bottom of the boxes (for example, wooden) you need to pour a layer of sand and ash. So potatoes will be stored even better and longer. Some gardeners sprinkle boxes with ordinary chalk.

Often potatoes are stored in nets.It is also well ventilated in them. And in order to protect the vegetable from rot, it is worth changing each row of nets with dry wormwood. They say that this is almost an ancient Slavic way of storing potatoes! My grandmother used it, and the potatoes did not spoil.
In addition to wormwood (given its specific smell), you can use dry melissa, fern and ash leaves, pine or spruce branches. By the way, the fern helps protect the cellar from mice.
If the cellar is large, and there are a lot of potatoes, you can use it for storage multilayer. Someone keeps the fruit in boxes, changing each layer with an ordinary newspaper.
And there are gardeners who store potatoes on a wooden deck, just a rampart. The main thing is to lay out the same fern or other suitable dry grass on the flooring. The thorns of the series will also do. They are said to help protect crops from mice and rats. It all depends on your preferences and the capabilities of your cellar.

Those who ate a dog on potatoes successfully store it on the balcony. However, it will be necessary to build a real miracle of agricultural engineering - insulated box with film heating and thermostat.
By the way, I also heard that before laying potatoes can be soaked in permanganate for 1 hour. Then, of course, it is dried and put in bags or boxes. Have you ever used this method?
If you want to save potatoes with minimal losses, create suitable storage conditions. A lot depends on the cellar itself. It is best to disinfect it in advance with a 3% solution of copper sulfur. Then dry the room and check the ventilation.

So that during storage potatoes do not turn green, it is important to monitor the light and thermal regime. The ideal temperature is 2-3 degrees, and the humidity is 80%. At too low temperatures, the vegetable will simply freeze, and at too high - it will begin to germinate.
By the way, potatoes can protect a couple of apples lying with fruits in one box, as well as ordinary mint from germination. Starchy fruits get along well with beets. Often it is laid in a whole layer on top of tubers. It absorbs excess moisture and saves the potatoes from possible decay. In addition, sometimes the storage area is filled with onion husks.

Do you have any tips that help you keep your potatoes as good as possible? It would be great if you shared them in the comments. In the meantime, we suggest you learn how to process potatoes before planting. This information may be useful to you. A generous harvest!
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