How to deal with customer complaints: original successful experience
Fifty seven million three hundred fifty thousand six hundred ninety four
Someone will always be unhappy with something. We present the selection of the successful experience of the original solutions to the problem of complaints from customers.
Airport authority of Houston has received numerous complaints from passengers who waited too long in your Luggage. The airport had hired more porters, but no complaints were fewer. Then the path of the passengers from the gangway to the transporters with Luggage was increased to six times. The time that people spent waiting for the Luggage, they began to spend on the road. And the complaints stopped.
When the mass construction of skyscrapers, many residents began to complain that the Elevator have to wait too long. Then next to the elevators mounted mirror that allowed people to engage in their own appearance or sneak examine in the mirror the other tenants. And the complaints stopped.
When supermarkets appeared, many buyers began to complain that they have too truck to stand in long queues at the cashier. Then near the cash registers began to install the trays with all sorts of things – chewing gum, chocolates, condoms. This allowed the supermarkets to earn an additional $5 billion And the complaints stopped.
In the Disneyland, first visitors complained that they have too long to stand in line for various rides. Then Disney ordered to hang a special Board, which indicated the approximate wait time. The scoreboard always seemed a longer time than have to stand in line. And now visitors are happy that they went much faster. And the complaints stopped.
Source: /users/1077
Someone will always be unhappy with something. We present the selection of the successful experience of the original solutions to the problem of complaints from customers.
Airport authority of Houston has received numerous complaints from passengers who waited too long in your Luggage. The airport had hired more porters, but no complaints were fewer. Then the path of the passengers from the gangway to the transporters with Luggage was increased to six times. The time that people spent waiting for the Luggage, they began to spend on the road. And the complaints stopped.
When the mass construction of skyscrapers, many residents began to complain that the Elevator have to wait too long. Then next to the elevators mounted mirror that allowed people to engage in their own appearance or sneak examine in the mirror the other tenants. And the complaints stopped.
When supermarkets appeared, many buyers began to complain that they have too truck to stand in long queues at the cashier. Then near the cash registers began to install the trays with all sorts of things – chewing gum, chocolates, condoms. This allowed the supermarkets to earn an additional $5 billion And the complaints stopped.
In the Disneyland, first visitors complained that they have too long to stand in line for various rides. Then Disney ordered to hang a special Board, which indicated the approximate wait time. The scoreboard always seemed a longer time than have to stand in line. And now visitors are happy that they went much faster. And the complaints stopped.
Source: /users/1077